Judy Wertin on Wed, 2 Aug 2006 20:51:21 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime-ann> [job] UCSD Recruitment Ad


The Department of Communication at the University of California, San
Diego (www.communication.ucsd.edu) seeks to fill a position at either
the assistant, tenure-track or associate professor, with tenure to
begin July 1,A02007 in the area of Communication and the Person which

focuses on symbolic communication and mediated human activity.A0We
invite applications from scholars whose work concerns either of two
areas: 1) play and communication, broadly conceived to include
traditional forms of children92s play activity as well as emergent new

forms such as videogames, MMOGs and various forms of fantasy. 2) work
and communication in important social institutions involving
collaboration within teams and groups in one location or across
geographically and temporally disparate locations. Possible workplaces

may include but are not limited to: newsrooms, assembly lines,
hospitals, courthouses, museums and software design teams.  We are
particularly interested in scholars whose work is attentive the many
forms of difference97of ethnicity, gender, etc.97at work in these 
Review of applications will begin Oct. 1 and continue until position is

filled.  Send vita, statement of research and teaching interests, one
work sample (such as a recent publication), and contact information for

three references to
Prof. Michael Cole
Dept. of Communication (0503)
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA  92093-0503
Applicants are also invited to provide comments about his/her
leadership activities and/or contributions to diversity.
UCSD is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to
excellence through diversity.

The Department of Communication at
the University of California, San Diego (www.communication.ucsd.edu)
seeks to fill a position at either the assistant, tenure-track or
associate professor, with tenure to begin July 1,A02007 in the area of
Communication and the Person which focuses on symbolic communication
and mediated human activity.A0We invite applications from scholars
whose work concerns either of two areas: 1) play
and communication, broadly conceived to include
traditional forms of children92s play activity as well as emergent new
forms such as videogames, MMOGs and various forms of fantasy. 2)
work and communication in important social
institutions involving collaboration within teams and groups in one
location or across geographically and temporally disparate locations.
Possible workplaces may include but are not limited to: newsrooms,
assembly lines, hospitals, courthouses, museums and software design
teams.  <x-tad-bigger>We are particularly interested in scholars whose
work is attentive the many forms of difference97of ethnicity, gender,
etc.97at work in these areas. 

Review of applications will begin Oct. 1 and continue until position
is filled.  Send vita, statement of research and teaching interests,
one work sample (such as a recent publication), and contact
information for three references to

Prof. Michael Cole

Dept. of Communication (0503)

University of California, San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive

La Jolla, CA  92093-0503

Applicants are also invited to provide comments about his/her
leadership activities and/or contributions to diversity.

UCSD is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to
excellence through diversity. 
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