Wendy Van Wynsberghe on Sun, 15 Nov 2009 19:10:11 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime-ann> .--/-/ C O N S T A N T .--/-/ N E W S /V/J12-/ Festival Verbindingen/Jonctions /-



                                                  -. 1/

                                                 /- .1.

                                                 // /1

                         ./                     .-. 11

                         /11-/          /1-    ./- -1.

                 /.      .11---.        /1-.   /-/.11.

                 //.     /J1//1/        /11.   -1./J-

                  //    /1J/ /1/        .11-  .1/.1J1///.

                  /-. .-1J1/--/         .1J1. .1/.J1J1-1/.

Festival Verbindingen/Jonctions
Brussels, 21 --> 29 november 2009

	Verbindingen/Jonctions (V/J) is the bi-annual multi-disciplinary
organised by Constant. V/J combines high-, low-, and no-tech strategies
with utopian, contemporary, traditional and tribal cultures with open
standards, free licenses, feminism and queer theory.

	The 12th edition of the festival proposes three threads:

Shades of Grey Literature__ an invitation to discover, play and worry
about the numerous documents, commentaries and traces which organise
electronic communication in the background (licenses, specifications,
terms of use, guidelines, standards etc.). #
The life and nature of data__ an exploration of the question: What is
data? Every electronic transaction leaves a trace of rough data. But what
is rough for one person can be familiar for another. Depending on the
filtering mechanism, one sort of data can be used for different purposes.
V/J12 touches upon this theme through physical performances, statistical
manipulation and mental exercises. #
Performative Instructions__ looking at codes and norms that put
or others in motion. How do users and developers exchange information?
do they deal with subjects such as resposability, authority and hierarchy
in the midst of chains of instructions, being shaped by manuals, recipes,
forms and other methods. #

	  P R O G R A M M E

25-11 --> 29-11: REFERENCE ROOMS___________________

For the duration of V/J12 we transform the Zennestraat location into a
series of reference rooms. Books, videos, data, artworks, posters,
documents will be made available.

With contributions by:
Annie Abrahams, AmbientTV, Anne-James Chaton, Michel Cleempoel, Wayne
Clements, Ginger Coons, Constant feat. OSP, catalogtree, Alfredo Costa
Monteiro, Alexandre Delaunoy, Denis Devos, Annemieke van der Hoek, Pierre
Huyghebaert, The Isotype Archive, Pierre De Jaeger, jodi, Grietje Keller,
Leonard Kleinrock, Lina Kusaite, Ludivine Loiseau, Mark Longair, Nicolas
Malevé, Michael Moss, Michael Murtaugh, Michael Ogawa, OSP, Evan Roth,
Femke Snelting, Igor Stromajer, Jan van Toorn, UBERMORGEN.COM feat.
Alessandro Ludovico vs. Paolo Cirio, Jonathan Vingiano, Vlaams Theater

Where: Zennestraat 17 Rue de la Senne, 1000 Brussels
Vernissage + bookpresentation V/J10: 24/11 at 19:00h

21-11 --> 28-11: WORKSESSIONS_______________________

During the festival week, a series of workshops, a hackaton and other
interactive activities take place. If you would like to participate,
please e-mail clementine@constantvzw.org

__21& 22-11: Radio-workshop around Grey Litterature__
6 participants will create a radio fiction in two days, based on texts
data with unclear authorship. In French.

__25-11: Human Calculation Machine (rehearsal + documenting)__
An exercise in Human Computation with Michael Murtaugh. Participants will
perform parts in human-only powered computer, capable of addition and

__26-11: Dingbat Liberation Fest__
The fonts we started from and the dingbats that we sample come from a
something that could perhaps be called a Commons. Dingbats are as much a
part of the Unicode Standard as the Roman Alphabet.(Within the framework
of the festival Cimatics 2009)

__27-11: Visualising Data__
An exercise in datamining starting from the experience of building the
GenderArtNet project (http://www.genderartnet.eu ), with Anne Laure
Buisson, Ludivine Loiseau and Nicolas Malevé.

__27-11: E-traces__
Michel Cleempoel and Nicolas Malevé will launch Yoogle, a game in which
you can explore the Web 2.0 universe. You are hereby invited to create
scenario's and to suggest improvements.

__28-11: Goodiff Hackaton__
GooDiff is a service for automatic tracking of semantic changes in the
terms of use of web services. Come explore GooDiff and other versioning
systems during the ForkFest in the Brussels Hackerspace.


25-11 --> 28-11: PERFORMANCES & PRESENTATIONS____________________

__25/27/28-11: Kaleidoscope__

Kaleidoscope is a transdisciplinairy collaborative
installation-performance around the usage of surveillance camera’s and
software that documents and analyses our daily behaviour. The Performance
runs continuously from 18:00 till 22:00. Every hour you can enter or
Production: Mangrove-Tentactile. Coproduction: Constant, La Communauté
française/Arts Numériques. With the support of KWP De Pianofabriek,
Charleroi-Danses/La Raffinerie, Maison de la Bellone.

__26-11: Populated Fonts__
A presentation by Ludivine Loiseau and Ivan Monroy Lopez of the
typographic design process that connects the Cimatics platform identity
with V/J12 showing a development and extension of a pictures/glyph
translation process.

__26-11: Epicpedia__
A web application that presents itself as a theatre script to explain the
development of a Wikipedia article. Annemieke and Marloes Van der Hoek
will investigate if the scripts that EpicPedia generates have a
value. Presentation and discussion with director Virginie Jortay.


28-11 --> 29-11: CONFERENCE___________________________

During the weekend of the 28th and the 29th of November the presentations
and performances converge into a conference in which participants from
different disciplines and practices reflect on the question: By data we

With contributions from amongst others: Ivan Monroy Lopez [Manuals, man
pages], Christophe Lazaro [Anthropology of the Debian project], Dominique
Roodthooft [Smatch], Andrew Goffey & Matthew Fuller [Evil Media Studies],
Adam Hyde [A conversation about the culture of F/LOSS manuals], Michael
Moss [To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--Of
cabbages--and kings], Jürgen Pieters [Paratext, digital contexts], Anne
James Chaton [Ticket Poetry], Alexandre Dulaunoy [Goodiff], Seda Gürses
[Amidst the Golden Age of Privacy], Feldküche [Grey Literature Kitchen].

The lectures will be simultaneously translated into French, English or
Lunch and dinner are being served at a democratic price.
Free access



For more information about where, when, who and how:
To inscribe for a working session: e-mail to clementine@constantvzw.org
call +32 2 539 24 67


With the support of: Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse
Gemeenschaps Commissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, OXFAM,
Leger des Heils
In cooperation with: ACSR, Cimatics, Croxhapox, La Bellone, Radio Panik,

                C O N S T A N T

rue du Fortstraat 5
1060 St-Gilles, Brussels
T / F: +32 (0)2 5392467
Constant is supported by:
Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Vlaamse Gemeenschaps Commissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
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