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I hope this may be of interest to some folk here, fromhttp://bit.ly/datacurator:Data as CultureIn 2012 The Open Data Institute published a successful open call forartists to submit data-driven artworks for display in their new premises.The previous exhibition details can be found at theodi.org/culture.Today we are excited to announce this open call for curators to apply forfunds to conceive and produce the next exhibition in the Data as Cultureprogramme.The ODI is interested in creating a geographically dispersed exhibition.Applicants may have the opportunity to collaborate with Lighthouse andFutureEverything to create a multi-venue show. The curatorial frameworkshould be primarily designed to work within the ODIâs working environmentin central London, and potentially at Lighthouseâs space in Brighton, andas a key part of FutureEverything Festivalâs programme in Manchester.Some of the themes central to the work of the three venues includeglobally connected networks, tools for unknown futures, and physicalmanifestations of digital worlds, however, your proposal can extend beyondthese in any way that is data relevant.Proposals can include: site-specific works, residency proposals,exhibitions for single or multiple artists, new or existing works,multi-site installations, participatory works, events - it really is yourcall. Moving away from the more informative forms of data visualisation,we are looking work that explores data as an art material inextraordinary, seductive, inspiring, and/or critical ways.ProcessIn the first instance, please submit a 300 word description giving anoverview of your concept. We are interested in how the three venues willbe addressed, and which artists you are interested in working with. Wealso require a 300 summary of your relevant experience, and somesupporting materials (with up to 3 URLs). The closing date for proposalsis 13th October 2013 (midnight).Three proposals will be shortlisted and awarded Â500 to develop their ideainto a more detailed proposal, including a budget and production plan(please note the relatively tight turnaround for this development work).Further guidance will be provided.The curator will be responsible for the management and production of theexhibition, artist liaison, promotion, reporting, and documentation withassistance from the ODI, Lighthouse, and FutureEverything.Following interviews and a review by the selection committee, the selectedcurator or curatorial team will be announced on 11th November 2013.Please submit your proposal via the online application form:http://bit.ly/ODIcuratorsBudgetConcept Development 3 x Â500 (per shortlistedproposal)Curation, Artist & Production Fees  22,500 (fee allocation to beagreed with the ODI)Key Dates20 September 2013 - Open Call announced13 October 2013 - Call closes (midnight GMT)18 October 2013 - Shortlisted curators notified27 October 2013 - Proposal deadline (midnight GMT)11 November 2013 - Curator announced01 February 2014 - Installation at ODIOn-going MaintenanceDeinstallation (dates to be agreed)Additional Dates2014 - Installation at LighthouseMarch 2014 - FutureEverything FestivalPlease direct all questions or comments to: julie.freeman@theodi.orgSubmissions will only be accepted via the online application form:http://bit.ly/ODIcuratorsThe Open Data Institute is catalysing the evolution of open data cultureto create economic, environmental, and social value. It helps unlocksupply, generates demand, creates and disseminates knowledge to addresslocal and global issues. Founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor SirNigel Shadbolt, and opened in December 2012, the ODI is an independent,non-profit, non-partisan, limited by guarantee company. The ODI hassecured Â10 million over five years from the UK Government (via the UKinnovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board), and $750,000 [≈Flowers at Prince William's wedding] from Omidyar Network, and is workingtowards long-term sustainability through match funding and direct revenue.With a 5,000 sq ft convening space based in the heart of London's thrivingShoreditch area, and a global remit, we invite everyone interested indeveloping Open Data to get in touch.Lighthouse is a digital culture agency based in Brighton. They support,commission and exhibit work by artists and filmmakers. Lighthouse createsvibrant, inspirational programmes that show how important artists andfilmmakers are in a changing media landscape. They work with digital artand moving image, which they present in their own venue in Brighton andbeyond, nationally and internationally. By supporting artists andfilmmakers, through commissioning, exhibition and professionaldevelopment, they demonstrate that digital culture is about more thantechnology and tools; it is about ideas, emotion, learning, andaesthetics. In the past 18 months, they have presented or co-produced soloshows by David Blandy, The Otolith Group, Kutlug Ataman,Semiconductor,Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, Lynette Wallworth, and Trevor Paglen. Theyhave also shown work by Blast Theory, Invisible Flock, Rafael LozanoHemmer and over two dozen other artists.FutureEverything is an internationally recognised R&D hub for digitalculture; they present industry conferences, innovation projects, artworksand live experiences which showcase a digital future. For almost twentyyears FutureEverything has been at the heart of the digital debate,inspiring thinkers, city makers, developers, coders, artists and musiciansto experiment and collaborate. Their activity cross-pollinates the arts,innovation and future technology, and provides a framework for the digitalart sector both in the UK and abroad. The annual FutureEverything Festivalhas been hailed by The Guardian as one of the top ten ideas festivals inthe world. For a short highlight film of the 2013 festival.______________________________________________SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep EuropeInfo, archive and help:http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre