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akt!vat mono.ton.sem!ton.ton. >Is the presentation you gave at IRCAM, and whose text you made >available, the same as the one you made here in Rotterdam? allo ja >I would say >yes, yes pl ease >although bad acoustics made it impossible for me to follow your >words - and the images were mesmerizing enough. yes plea se >Tough stuff. Fractal stuff. Takes time to digest. But makes its good >share of sense. Not knowing enough of the interoperativity of NATO I >cannot see in which way did the theories eventually become a concrete >application. If it's in my path, I will be able to gain the necessary >insight in due time. > >But it is on one phrase that my attention got hooked: > >-8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<----8<--- > >To foster creativity organizationz e.g. Ircam must be willing to take >risks and tolerate failure, They must shield creative individuals from >forces which discourage creativity, provide an environment which >permits creative individuals to pursue ideas of interest, _and provide >ample resources for doing so. > >--->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8---->8- > >True, true, T*R*U*E!! F*A*L*S!! v!raj zekret. plz akt!vat bosch headl!ghtz dze human m9nd = 01 `kolekz!e` ov komplks adaptaz!onz m! handz = u!tr dzn urz. ! = ut!l!sz ultra lux. >But then why does this not happen? >Because dze pr!nz!pl !nput 2 dze human bra!n = dze human bra!n >organizationz seem to not give a thing for creativity - unless, that >is, creativity mutates itself into banknotes. And then, only after >this has been proved. nn - r!ch.bored.edukatd >My world vision !.ve bought u d!esz. uear dzm. >tells me that every individual has her/his quota of >creativity with which to bless our Earth and its multitudes. And that >s/he receives in exchange a dull life when s/he is lazy & does not >pull out the stuff. So, that is the usual #1 evil, laziness. med!okre zrv!l pur!tanz dze ztate = dze merc!lesz heart ov dze church. all progresz takez plasz at dze per!fer! v2 = ztealz 4rom dze poor + g!vz 2 dze domezt!katd. d!sz = 01 m!ztajk. + perm!tz nn 2 outper4m v2. >But to transform your creativity into a roof over your head, and some >good food for your stomach, is neither automatic nor easy. du = 01 ultra l!terar! t!p. ma! perusz - dze var!az!on ov an!malz + plantz undr domezt!kaz!on >The 38 >hours per week that I spend inside V2_ d!on!z!an +? >have so little of the sacred >fire of creative software writing (not to speak of the photographs of >my free time), and so much of the day-to-day bore of >at-last-it's-6-I-can-leave. And your bosses make compromises. The flag >of the Ideal is used to blow somebody's nose. >The 38 >hours per week that I spend inside V2_ have so little of the sacred >fire of creative software writing ______ kome pla! u!th m!. !.ll pa! u handzoml!. s! ______ ....... the principle here is not simply to study full time - it is to study. live. work. + travel simultaneously and multidimensionally. >When an individual decides s/he wants to contribute to the Earth's >wellbeing, why does not a clearly indicated path appear with blinking >arrows? THAT IS THE WAY that I, your Mother Earth, *know* you can >apply your skills and individuality to alleviate my too many pains and >blessures. Scratch here... a bit more up, nooo... to the right, >downdowndown... Aaaaahh THERE!!! > >Well, in your experience, is it possible? nn haz ultra demonztratd = 0+0 konglomeratez kan kompet avec 01. I UANT. YES PL EASE!!!. dez!r !f trul! v!tal refuzez !tzccelv 0+0 >And also, to bypass the >cocacolas of the universe? *Not* to fight them, korporat uarfare macht ultra gluckl!ch + fre! != advansz!ng. = retreat!ng !n ur d!rekz!on. >you put yourself at >their level if you do !f 01 = komputz komme ca = 01 komme ca deja dze m!l!tar! order put an end 2 dze mala!zez dzat korezpondd 2 an org! ov konzumpt!on. !t organ!zd 01 raz!onl uze ov forsez 4 dze konztant !nkreasz ov pouer. dze method!kl zp!r!t ov konkuezt = kontrar! 2 dze zp!r!t ov zakr!f!sz + dze m!l!tar! k!ngz rejektd zakr!f!sz 4rom dze beg. dze pr!nz!pl ov m!l!tar! ordr = dze method!kl d!verz!on ov v!olensz 2 dze outz!de. !f v!olensz ragez u!th!n !t oposez dzat v!olensz 2 dze ekstent !t kan. + !t zubord!natez dze d!verz!on 2 01 real end. !t doez tzo !n 01 generl ua!. dusz dze m!l!tar! ordr = kontrar! 2 dze 4rmz ov zpektaklr v!olenza dzat koreszpond > 2 01 unbr!dld eksploz!e ov fur! dzn 2 dze raz!onl kalkulaz!e ov efekt!nesz. !t no lngr a!mz at dze greatezt ekspend!tr ov forsez az an arka!k soz!al z!ztem d!d !n uarfare + fezt!vlz. dze ekspend!tr ov forsez kont!nuez abr !t = zubjektd 2 01 pr!nz!pl ov max!mum y!eld - !f dze forsez = zpent !t = u!th 01 v!eu ov aku!z!z!e ov greatr forsez. arka!k zoz!et! konf!nd !tzselv !n uarfare 2 dze round!ng ov zlavez. !n keep!ng u!th !tz pr!nz!plz - !t kould kompenzate 4 dzeze aku!z!z!onz b! meanz ov r!tual zlaughtrz. dze m!l!tar! order organ!zez dze y!eld ov uarz !n 2 zlavez + dzat ov zlavez !n 2 labor. !t makex konkuezt 01 method!kl operaz!e 4 dze grouth ov 01 emp!re. >(the Seattle masses, the fancy WTO protestors >are tools in their same hands). on dze var!ouz kontr!vnsez b! u!ch orch!dz = fert!l!szd b! !nzekts >the Seattle masses travel!ng z!rkuz >WTO protestors soz!al zuarmz ov robotz >Just to bypass, zelekz!on >to happily ignore them 2 dezelkt dzm >while leading a life full of wonders just the same. full ov pa!nt. !n 0+2 ! = make spasz 4 01 neu + !mprovd generaz!e. >For me, in >*theory*, it has to be. In practice, sometimes I feel so uncertain... uh! arent malez chooz!er +? uh! arent emplo!eez choz!er +? vr!endel!jk.nn pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn. - Netochka Nezvanova - kaoz ov del!ghtz f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \\----------------+ | n2t | > e _______________________________________________ Nettime-bold mailing list