Craig Brozefsky on Mon, 21 May 2001 18:50:43 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> no people.

"Mark Dery" <> writes:

> Pardon my cluelessness, but what, exactly, is this? Too much of Nettime is
> beginning to feel like an in joke for people who live their lives inside
> invisible quotation marks.

I don't know, but I took it as a contemplative peice about identity.
In this case it was reverse-anthropomorphism, but it made me think
about the other identities I assign to people when I read them online.
For instance, Alan is "the bizarre, sometimes unreadable, net-poet
with a kind heart".  You might be "the no-nonsense cyber-journalist,
his hard-nosed commentary cutting swaths thru hype".  

Or maybe I was wrong, Alan could be "the net-artist crawling up his
own ass, his irony-field collapsing like a gravity well", and you
could be "the crapulent hack, scouring the social field for an
article's worth of cynic-fodder".

I doubt any of those are right.  I guess that means it was art, maybe
net-art or something.  One man's Marty Stoufer is another man's
Madison Ave. copywriter.

Craig "the lowly theory-worker, cooking up some pie-filler content
while lamenting his near-anonymous stature" Brozefsky

Craig Brozefsky                             <>
"Revolution begins by giving things and social relationships
 their real names".                           --  L. Trotsky 

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