Alain Kessi on Mon, 28 May 2001 07:36:53 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Welcome to Communication Front 2001 - and Syndicate @ CFront

Welcome to CFront 2001!

Communication Front 2001 is coming closer (1-14 June). In this mail, you
will find the program of this year's CFront, the list of participants
and an updated description of the project. From 7-9 June, you are
welcome to attend the Syndicate @ CFront meeting, a guest event of
CFront 2001.

Hoping to see you there,

Dimitrina & Alain

Program of Communication Front 2001

Cyber and my sp@ce – Netizens and the new geography

Friday, 1 June, 10:00h beginning of theoretical meeting and working
seminar at the ArtToday Lab based in the Mexican House, in the Old City
of Plovdiv. The theoretical meeting and working seminar will continue
every day until 14 June, from 10:00h-15:00h.
 19:00h multimedia performance “Infonoise” by Gordana Novakovic,
Yugoslavia/UK, at the Center of Contemporary Art in the Old Turkish
Baths, Plovdiv.
Saturday, 2 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 17:30h Marilena Preda-Sanc, Romania – presentation of the “Remapping
the World” project
 19:00h Gordana Novakovic, Yugoslavia/UK – lecture and discussion
“Interactive Installation and its Representation”
Sunday, 3 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 17:30h BLUNT, Canada (Biliana Velkova, Barbara Prokop, Naomi Potter) –
presentation and discussion
 19:00h discussion with Diana McCarty, Germany
Monday, 4 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 17:30h Biljana Tanurovska, Macedonia – lecture and presentation about
Macedonian video art
 19:00h Kathy Rae Huffman, USA/UK – lecture and discussion
Tuesday, 5 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 17:30h Barbara Konopka, Poland – presentation
 19:00h Maria Vassileva, Bulgaria – lecture “Cyber and My Kitchen Space”
Wednesday, 6 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 19:00h opening of the CFront 2001 exhibition “Cyber and my sp@ce”
Thursday, 7 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 10:00h opening of Syndicate @ CFront meeting, discussions and working
seminar, which will last until 9 June
 18:00h Maria X, Greece – presentation about Fournos, Athens, and the
Mediaterra festival
Friday, 8 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 15:00h internal family meeting of the Syndicate
 19:00h Andreas Broeckmann, Germany – lecture and discussion “The
Syndicate – A History of Personal Contacts and Collaborations between
East and West”
Saturday, 9 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 17:30h Saso Vrabic, Slovenia – lecture and discussion “Slovene ‘micro
reality’ after Manifesta 2000 in Ljubljana or more personally I’m a
professional babysitter (Essay on ethics, arts, information and life in
 19:00h Bojana Kunst, Slovenia – lecture “Body and my sp@ce”
Sunday, 10 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 18:00h Igor Stepancic and Irena Paunovic, Yugoslavia – presentation of
the POW project and interactive presentation of the project 3Brain
Monday, 11 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 18:00h Pauline Boudry, Renate Lorenz and Brigitta Kuster,
Switzerland/Germany – lecture and discussion “Viruses, Green Card, Brain
Drain, Subjectivities”
Tuesday, 12 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 15:00h i-love-u (Eva Michalcak and Adnan Hadziselimovic), Switzerland –
lecture and discussion “Free License for Art - What could an Open Source
Art World look like?”
 16:30h Brigitta Kuster, Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz,
Switzerland/Germany – lecture and discussion “High Technology,
Heterosexuality, Work Place and Home”
 18:00h CFront and Pro Helvetia Sofia Drink Party at the ArtToday Media
Lab based in the Mexican House in the Old City of Plovdiv
Wednesday, 13 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting & working seminar
 17:30h presentation of CFront 2000 Book in front of a broader audience
 19:00h presentation of results of the theoretical meeting and working
seminar in front of a broader audience

Theoretical meeting and working seminar – each successive day the
participants in CFront 2001 will get together from 10:00h to 15:00h –
without being watched by an audience – to outline shared ideas and
strategies linked to “Cyber and my sp@ce – Netizens and the new
geography”, and to develop a common concept and produce articles and Web
works for a common Web-based project.

The lecture program is public and open to all interested visitors.
The exhibition is open to the public every day, from 7-21 June 2001,
from 11:30h-17:30h in the downstairs exhibition space of the Mexican
House in the Old City of Plovdiv.


List of participants:

Authors of concept and curators: <>
Dimitrina Sevova, Bulgaria <>
Alain Kessi, Switzerland/Bulgaria <>
Emil Miraztchiev, Bulgaria <>

Coordinator of theoretical meeting:
Dimos Dimitriou, Greece <>

Participants in CFront 2001 and in Syndicate @ CFront

Adele Myers, UK <>; Adnan Hadziselimovic,
Switzerland <>; Aleksander Gubas, Yugoslavia
<>; Ana Peraica, Croatia <>;
Andrea Sponring, Austria/Switzerland <>; Andreas
Broeckmann, Germany <>; Anja Kaufmann,
Switzerland <>; Athanasia Kyriakakos, Greece
<>; Barbara Konopka, Poland
<>; Barbara Prokop, Canada <>;
Biliana Velkova, Canada/Bulgaria <>; Biljana
Tanurovska, Macedonia <>; Bojana Kunst, Slovenia
<>; Boris Kostadinov, Bulgaria
<>; Brigitta Kuster, Switzerland/Germany
<>; Chris Byrne, UK <>; Diana
McCarty, USA/Germany <>;  Eleni Laperi, Albania
<>; Eva Michalcak, Switzerland
<>; Galina Dimitrova, Bulgaria <>;
Gordana Novakovic, Yugoslavia <>; Igor
Stepancic, Yugoslavia <>; Igor Djordjevic,
Yugoslavia <>; Irena Paunovic, Yugoslavia
<>; Irina Cios, Romania <>; Jane
Brake, UK <>; Jen Southern, UK
<>; Jenna Collins, UK
<>; Katarina Zivanovic, Yugoslavia
<>; Kathy Rae Huffman, USA <>; Kristel
Sibul, Estonia <>; Kristina Miljanovska, Macedonia
<>; Luka Princic, Slovenia <>;
Maria Natasha Stukoff, UK <>; Maria X, Greece
<>; Maria Vassileva, Bulgaria
<>; Marilena Prede Sanc, Romania
<>; Melentie Pandilovski, Macedonia
<>; Naomi Potter, Canada <>; Pauline
Boudry, Switzerland/Germany <>; Petros Diveris, UK
<>; Renate Lorenz, Germany <>;
Rupert Francis, UK <>; Ruth Bugmann, Switzerland
<>; Saso Vrabic, Slovenia <>;
Stefan Niederhauser, Switzerland <>; Steve Bradley,
USA <>; Tatiana Novikova, Belarus
<>; Zvonimir Bakotin, Croatia <>


For the third year, the curators Dimitrina Sevova, Alain Kessi and Emil
Miraztchiev together with the ArtToday Foundation, Plovdiv present

Communication Front 2001, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

/project of electronic and media art and theory/

At the Center for Contemporary Art in the Ancient Bath, Plovdiv and the
ArtToday Lab, Plovdiv

>From 1 to 14 June 2001

Under the title: Cyber and my sp@ce – Netizens and the new geography

General background on CFront

CFront 2001 <> is the third edition of the
curatorial project Communication Front and, like the two previous years,
is an international event oriented towards the production of works and
analyses on a concrete topic, chosen to be directly relevant to the
concrete situation of the Internet and media art and culture community,
raising critical questions of immediate concern to that community. This
year, we chose to focus on the relation between cyberspace and physical
space and the ways new communication technologies structure one and the
other, and specifically how they influence the art and culture

CFront is a platform consisting of three approaches, a Theoretical
Meeting for developing ideas relating to the development of new media
and cultural politics in the region, a Working Seminar for producing a
Web site presenting and developing further the results of the
discussions in the Theoretical Meeting in the form of texts and
art-works inspired by the discussions, and an exhibition closely linked
to the topic of the Theoretical Meeting.

CFront purposely avoids having festival or conference character, taking
a critical stance to what Tapio Makela, Susanna Paasonen (both Finland)
and Steve Bradley (USA) have called “media tourist”
(, namely
“experts” travelling from town to town, from country to country, to
present one and the same lecture to different audiences. As opposed to
this, CFront includes the participants in a work process, in which new
ideas and analyses, and Web-oriented works, are developed in
collaboration. The concrete contacts between the participants over the
period of two weeks allow us to build on the experience of each and on
the results of previous projects and networking efforts, and to prepare
the way for further networked activities and bring important discussions
a step forward.

The discourses and ideas developed in the context of CFront are closely
linked to a continuous international process. While being firmly
anchored in the reality of Bulgarian and South-East European electronic
and media art and theory, the project is tightly embedded in the
European and world-wide media culture environment. CFront stands in a
line of international projects with similar working and networking
character, like Geert Lovink’s in Helsinki, with the
working meeting “The Future State of Balkania” (October 1999,, or his Hybrid WorkSpace, which took
place during the Documenta X (1997) in Kassel, the MoneyNations project
that started in December 1998 at Shedhalle in Zurich
( and then developed into several working
meetings in different countries, the series of working seminars and
festivals OSTranenie at Bauhaus Dessau (1993-1997), Lina
Dzuverovic-Russell’s and Lisa Haskel’s tech-nicks project at The Lux
Gallery, London, that lasted for four weeks in summer 2000
(, and numerous others. A number of
such projects are presented in “The Hybrid Media Lounge”
( Descriptions and reports on projects
similar in structure to CFront can be found in the archive of the
Syndicate mailing list at <>.

The Regional Context

Although Western curators and critics, the Art World with a big A,
developed some interest in Eastern European artists in the 90ies, this
has remained rather limited, and does not easily give these artists
opportunities to realize themselves in this context. The and
media art community, on the other hand, has developed a broad network of
contacts also in Eastern Europe, which has given rise to opportunities
for collaborations on a variety of levels. The medium of the Internet
and the less institutionalized functioning of the media art community
provides opportunities for more even participation of artists, theorists
and writers regardless of their geographical location.

To this day, for a large part of the art and culture community in
Bulgaria and the region, the access to the international Internet and
media art and culture community has remained limited, due to problems of
access to technology, but also a lack of knowledge about possible uses
of these technologies, and a lack of local context in which to develop
ideas and work, and of international contacts to facilitate their
integration in ongoing projects.

To overcome these barriers, there is a need for international events
like Communication Front in which artists, curators and theorists from
Bulgaria, other Balkan countries and the world at large meet and develop
common perspectives in concrete collaborational work around current and
important problems and questions, with which discussions and ideas on
these questions are advanced in an international context of media art
and culture and of the information society.

“Cyber and my sp@ce – Netizens and the new geography”

The personal computers, e-mail, World Wide Web can be seen as tools with
which to achieve a given set of tasks. More important however for our
discussion is that in combination they give rise to what we can call a
digital revolution, and open up an entire new social (virtual or cyber)
space, with a whole variety of social groups with their respective codes
of behavior. The driving forces for the development and structuring of
this space are the rising power of technologies, the standardization of
communication protocols, including the worldwide spread of English and
the Latin alphabet, and the restructuring and decentralization of
production and marketing processes by large international companies.

The corporate cyberspace (company Intranets) exerts a powerful pressure
on the structuring of the public cyberspace. The rise of e-business,
e-advertising and e-services reconfigures fundamentally the virtual
geography. Search engines like Altavista have modified their way of
sorting search results to give preferential treatment to business
companies as compared to the average personal home page. You either pay,
or your page becomes less visible.

Can we find, in virtual geography, structures similar to cities, to
neighborhoods, or other structures known from physical space? To what
extent do the Web communities, consisting of users attracted by
commercial portal sites like Yahoo, GMX or MSN/Hotmail with free e-mail
and other services, show characteristics similar to those of a city or
neighborhood? It may be interesting to note that the digital ‘cities’
build up around market needs, much like the physical cities of the
middle ages.

The term Netizen (from Net & citizen) was introduced back in the
mid-70ies, at the time of the first Usenet fora and long before the
World Wide Web would give access to the Internet to a broad audience.
The Netizens of the time debated the freedom of speech, the development
of the Internet and perspectives for the future of communication. In
1980 the MacBride Commission to the UNESCO
<>, named after one of the
leaders of Netizens, prepared a special report on the future of
communication. In the report titled “Many Voices – One World”, the
commission criticized the unequal access to information, which in
practice leaves the countries of the Third World without a voice. The
commission demanded a free flow of information.

A large part of the world population (as well as of the Balkan
population) are ‘PONA’ – People of No Account. They have no access to
the Net, or if they do, they have insufficient knowledge about it to use
it. They form what Olu Oguibe has called the ‘digital third world’
<> (see also
<>). The Internet, in its
development, ignores local interrelations and jumps over borders. How
will the relations between Netizens and remaining ‘PONA’ pockets in
various locations develop?

If someone from the Balkans, or another ‘PONA’-dominated region, has a
personal access to the Net, does that automatically make her/him part of
the Internet community? How does the lack of a supporting (sub-cultural)
environment influence her/his possibilities for contributing to an
innovative development of the Internet community?

Robin Bloor extends the meaning of the concept ‘PONA’ to include people
who do have access to and knowledge about the Internet, but who access
it through Internet Cafes and other anonymous access providers. A
typical example of this case is hackers. How will people escaping
identification be considered by other Netizens? How might mechanisms
installed to prevent anonymity and activities considered as suspect turn
into instruments of censorship that could, among other things, place
restrictions on art projects? 

In the interactive ‘jungle’ of cyberspace, on mailing lists such as
Syndicate and nettime and a variety of smaller lists, that have formed
like global neighborhoods around people with a common interest in media
culture and Net practices, important questions about the development of
the cultural, artistic and social environment in cyberspace. Such fora
provide artists, theorists, writers and others from Eastern Europe with
a feeling of community, with a way to interact socially while escaping
the structures of the local art scene.

Is there a private space on the Internet? What could private space mean
on the Internet at all? Maybe closed chat rooms can be compared to hotel
rooms that provide the coziness of a temporary rented ‘private’ space?
How does the illusion of private space, through personalization of
public cyberspace pioneered by e-commerce giants like Amazon, affect the
relation of people/clients to cyberspace?

Given that the Internet never sleeps and has no opening hours, how does
this time regime affect Internet users and the Net community as a whole?

How do people use communication technologies (and thus fill them with
“sense” or “meaning”), and how do technologies influence and change

The focus of CF01 on space and its structuring allows references to
historical discussions of women's movements in the 70ies on relations
between the (private) personal and the (public) political spaces. How
have the radical changes in recent years, under the influence of new
technologies and means of communication, affected the relations between
urban space, cyberspace, working space, personal space, as well as, in
parallel, the relations between people among themselves and between
people and technologies. How do gender relations express themselves on
the Internet? What kind of professional and social hierarchies can be
found? What is the effect of voyeurist projects breaking the taboo of
the personal space? Does the gendered hierarchy between client and
service personnel get carried over from physical into cyberspace?

The different parts of CF01

The exhibition “Cyber and my sp@ce”

This year’s CFront exhibition presents multimedia installations by women
artists. The exhibition opens on 6 June in the downstairs exhibition
space of the Mexican House in the Old City of Plovdiv, where the
theoretical meeting and working seminar are taking place. It will remain
open until 21 June. We hope that by organizing an exhibition of women
artists’ works in the context of an international project like CFront we
can contribute to overcoming the isolation of Bulgarian and South-East
European women artists, to creating a context in which they can further
develop socially critical art practices, and to legitimizing feminist

The theoretical meeting

In daily round-table discussions and work in smaller groups (5 hours a
day), the participants will develop new ideas on relations between
people and technologies and social changes under the influence of new
technologies, and texts to be published online and in book form
bilingually in English and Bulgarian. The working language for the
seminar is English.

The working seminar

Taking up ideas from the round-table discussions, the participants will
develop web-based artistic projects (texts, sound, artworks, software)
in a common process, while developing at the same time an integrated
interface for the web site. The working language of the seminar is

The accompanying program of public lectures

In daily evening lectures, the participants will present to a local
audience their work and experience in the field of media culture. A
special emphasis will be put on discussions after the lecture. The
lectures will be in English, with consecutive translation to Bulgarian.

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