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[Nettime-bold] Film-Philosophy: Deleuze Special Issue


    F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y

    Journal | Salon | Portal
    PO Box 26161, London SW8 4WD

    D e l e u z e   S p e c i a l   I s s u e


    Announcing a forthcoming month of review-articles and replies:

    Film-Philosophy: Deleuze Special Issue
    vol. 5 nos 31-41, November 2001

Tom Conley, 'Film Theory After Deleuze'

Stephen Arnott, 'Deleuze's Idea of Cinema'

Eleanor Kaufman, 'Deleuze, Klossowski, Cinema, Immobility'

Richard Smith, 'The Philosopher with Two Brains'

Jinhee Choi, 'Bergson: Before the Deleuze'

Joseph Nechvatal, 'La Beaute tragique'

Dorothea Olkowski, 'La Longue duree'

Andrew Murphie, 'Is Philosophy Ever Enough?'

Gregory Flaxman, 'The Laws of Cinematic Hospitality'

Amy Herzog, 'Reassessing the Aesthetic'

Barbara M. Kennedy, 'Fugitive Spaces'


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