cezinfo on Fri, 7 Dec 2001 14:06:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] -PLAYERS- http://free.art.pl/czas/gra.htm

*PLAYERS* [GRACZE] exhibition. BWA Wroc³aw.  POLAND 14.12.2001 - 31.01.2002
Opening: 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. 14 Dec. 2001
The Gracze o Players project is of open character that makes it impossible
to enclose a show in an exact moment and site. Each time it rather annexes some area;
in this case, Awangarda and Piwnice: the galleries of Wroc³aw BWA:. Traces of players'
activities might be met in a closed-down Czech brewery, in streets of Oslo, Odessa,
Jelenia Góra, Prague or Lublin, on a radio station or the Internet. Without any univocal
rules or agreements; following various principles; and without a rigidly defined
field of play.
The band of three musicians gives a three-day concert closed during
the exhibition mounting. The exhibition opening will enable
an audience to become a part of the concert, though post factum.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JESPER ALVAER
He travels with a white carrier bag in which there is a small
digital camera. His films observe tiny life events, i.e. a girl spills
oranges on the steps, and we can watch passers-by's reaction to this misfortune.
Nowadays, important decisions and orders are made and given by data or signal
transmission through connections structure. Neurobot - an Internet magazine
active since 1996 - uses a telephone wire to perform
a sound transfer flux on the Warsaw-Wroc³aw line.
The BWA Gallery is part of the biggest gallery in the town of Wroc³aw.
Wroc³aw - a thousand-year old town lying on the River Odra in south-western
Poland, a country in Europe.