eyescratch on Sun, 17 Nov 2002 01:23:02 +0100 (CET)
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[Nettime-bold] a review of http://www.zombie-and-mummy.org/
Title: a review of
Slowly the letters fill in and glow with anticipation. It is
zombie-and-mummy.org that is filtering into existence. Pick a letter,
you may ask? No - pick a story. 8-bit strips enshrined in the highly
modern <iframe> tag - an acquiescence in the new navigator 7
from the explorer world.
Taking Trotsky at his digital best we may observe:
The fundamental feature of these approchements and
similitudes lies in their completely ignoring the material foundation
of the various currents, that is, their class nature and by that token
their objective historical role. Instead they evaluate and classify
different currents according to some external and secondary
manifestation, most often according to their relation to one or
another abstract principle which for the given classifier has a
special professional value. Thus to the Roman pope Freemasons and
Darwinists, Marxists and anarchists are twins because all of them
sacrilegiously deny the immaculate conception. To Hitler, liberalism
and Marxism are twins because they ignore 'blood and honor". To
a democrat, fascism and Bolshevism are twins because they do not bow
before universal suffrage. And so forth.
Of course this is not a game of zero and one, but of two zeros
guiding us with the digital relativism Trotsky warned us about. We
scroll left, the relativist side glance being upon us till the bitter
end. Most likely the punch-line is missing. Being separate these two
entities never get in each other's way, just their own. Then they
compute in combination, the lifeless quality of their distinction
remaining. With each passing week, the plot sickens to a new cutesy
analogy of errors.
Trotsky continues, uninterrupted:
Undoubtedly the currents grouped above have certain common
features. But the gist of the matter lies in the fact that the
evolution of mankind exhausts itself neither by universal suffrage,
not by 'blood and honor,' nor by the dogma of the immaculate
conception. The historical process signifies primarily the class
struggle; moreover, different classes in the name of different aims
may in certain instances utilize similar means. Essentially it cannot
be otherwise. Armies in combat are always more or less symmetrical;
were there nothing in common in their methods of struggle they could
not inflict blows upon each other.
For the creators it must be a weekly purging of interest that
guides this cross-section of their guise. Yes, the word comedy floats
off into the distance in this lingering bitterness of weekly
subroutine. When, o, when will the times get better? Well, what do
those palms say in this studious grip?
Trotsky, unabated:
If an ignorant peasant or shopkeeper, understanding
neither the origin nor the sense of the struggle between the
proletariat and the bourgeoisie, discovers himself between the two
fires, he will consider both belligerent camps with equal hatred. And
who are all these democratic moralists? Ideologists of intermediary
layers who have fallen, or are in fear of falling between the two
fires. The chief traits of the prophets of this type are alienism to
great historical movements, a hardened conservative mentality, smug
narrowness, and a most primitive political cowardice. More than
anything moralists wish that history should leave them in peace with
their petty books, little magazines, subscribers, common sense, and
moral copy books. But history does not leave them in peace. It cuffs
them now from the left, now from the right. Clearly - revolution and
reaction, Czarism and Bolshevism, communism and fascism, Stalinism and
Trotskyism - are all twins. Whoever doubts this may feel the
symmetrical skull bumps upon both the right and left sides of these
very moralists.
And moralists, they are, these two, risen from the deepest
recesses of everybody else. By their plaintiff action they cursor our
attention to the tides of self-delusion. Then the kitch starts
dropping in. Every Monday.
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