Announcer on 18 Mar 2001 13:12:27 -0000

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<nettime> Announcements [15]

Table of Contents:

   my website                                                                      
     Qingsong Wang <>                                         

   The Poverty of Primitivism                                                      
     "Bureau of Public Secrets" <>                                     

   NEW by WOLF KAHLEN                                               
     "Ruine der Kuenste Berlin" <>                      

   Protesta News 14-03-2001                                                                                                              

   "E-naissance: new configurations of mind, body and space"                       
     Elisa Giaccardi <>                               

   Continuous sound labordy swn continuous sound labordy swn cont..             (performance research)                                 

   Toronto talk Friday night                                                       
     Beatrice Beaubien <>                                               

   CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS:  Eccentric Billionaire                                    
     "EBTVAdmin" <>                                                    

   ZKM Newsletter 3/01                                                             
     ZKM Online-Redaktion <>                                         

   R E A L T O K Y O   vol.18                                                      
     Tetsuya OZAKI <>                                            

   "The Mouse is Mightier than the Baton":                                         
     "ricardo dominguez" <>                                            

     "krosrods interactive" <>                                   

   an office furniture hyper-vaudeville & information machinery  trans-extravaganza
     anna balint <>                                           

   AFFRONT RISK We don't invite!                                                   
     Matze Schmidt <>                                         

   Fw: NEW ISSUE: Cosmopolitanism                                                  
     "information overload" <>                                        


Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 05:25:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Qingsong Wang <>
Subject: my website

Dear Sirs and Madame


Please allow me to introduce myselof. I am Wang
Qingsong, a Chinese artist who has applied photography
as the medium to deliver my perception into Chinese
social and cultural realities. Now I have updated my
website with my latest photo works in 2001. If you are
interested in Chinese contemporary art and my works,
please log onto and see my
latest and earlier photo works and reviews on my

I~{!/~}d like to hear from you about your reactions
and suggestions for my works. Thanks a lot. Keep in

P.O. Box 518
Daxingzhuang, Songzhuang
Tongzhou District
Beijing, 101118
Tel: 86-10-69596780
Fax: 86-10-69594827
Mobile: 86-13601133831

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 11:50:13 -0800
From: "Bureau of Public Secrets" <>
Subject: The Poverty of Primitivism

Ken Knabb's new polemic THE POVERTY OF PRIMITIVISM is online at

* * *

Texts of related interest at the same website:

THE JOY OF REVOLUTION (chapter 4 examines technological and ecological
issues) --

John Zerzan and "Fifth Estate") --

the first chapter of which discusses communalism in primitive societies) --

* * *

The Bureau of Public Secrets website features writings by Ken Knabb
(recently collected in the book "Public Secrets"), Knabb's translations from
the Situationist International (the notorious avant-garde group that helped
trigger the May 1968 revolt in France), and the Rexroth Archive (texts by
and about the great writer and social critic Kenneth Rexroth).

PO Box 1044, Berkeley CA 94701, USA


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:37:46 +0100
From: "Ruine der Kuenste Berlin" <>

presents for your pleasure, use or link activities:
New Internet pieces by WOLF KAHLEN

Perdone, Cervantes
Sorry, Mister Joyce
Verzeihung, Herr von Goethe

In this sound triptych in Spanish, English or German language, classical
literatures,  which you know for sure, fall apart, like so many things
today, if you are not sensitive or patient enough to receive them rather
than act on them. But here you have the chance to re-de-compose them,
acoustically. Or make your own versions by use of the words of the poets. As
we anyhow may do in our mind, mindful or absent minded, when reading the
original texts in a book, the Gutenberg way.

Enlightenment 2

What is called enlightenment is an ephemerous phenomenum, everybody, who
knows it or of it, admits, it's like a blank, vast, open space in your mind,
giving room for anything and nothing at the same time, like these empty

Enlightenment 1

A virtual enlightenment flashes up, impossible to grasp or fix, in sensous

 Infinite piece, changing by every user, in the web since Jan 7th, 2000

Selbst-los /Self-less

Net artist WOLF KAHLEN is dissolving pixel by pixel, user by user in the
net. On a first page. On the second you see and hear your personal pixel,
the one, you activated to disappear, solely on the empty page. And on the
third page you see all the 'lost' pixels arriving back and shaping a new
WOLF KAHLEN. Look, hear and have the triptych printed out, signed and
numbered, the way you, only you see the process taking shape, nobody else
has seen this moment of the RITUAL DEATH.
An exiting piece and a very conceptual one, media concerned and at the same
time offering the sensuality the net is missing mostly..
The RUINE DER KUENSTE BERLIN presents it to collectors as a present, which
WOLF KAHLEN donated at his 60th birthday. The URL for the piece is
More about us:
More to come, stay tuned.


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 22:29:11 +0100
Subject: Protesta News 14-03-2001

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Eh oui, le retour... enfin jusqu'aux prochains problèmes...

Manifestation des fonctionnaires

Aujourd'hui, plus de 20.000 fonctionnaires belges, travaillant aussi bien dans les institutions fédérales, communauaires et communales que dans les entreprises publiques (pour combien de temps encore ?) ont défilé à Bruxelles. Les revendications étaient variées, mais elles refletaient bien deux inquietudes: à propos de leur statut, de leurs salaires et de leur condition de travail mais aussi à propos de leur rôle: celui de service au public. Un petit reportage audio de cinq minutes, réalisé principalement à partir d'interviews de manifestants, vous donnera une vision plus détaillée des enjeux. A écouter sur Indymedia:

Attac Vlaanderen interdit de réunion publique

Attac Vlaanderen avait planifié son troisième congrès pour la journée du 10 mars.  A cet effet la salle de l'OB (Onderling Beroepskrediet, un organisme financier de crédit professionnel) à Gand avait été louée, Attac est d'ailleurs client de cet organisme.  Deux congrès ont déjà été organisés auparavant dans cette salle.  Tout était réglé et 120 personnes s'étaient inscrites au congrès, lorsque le 7 mars, l'OB revenait sur sa décision et refusait de louer sa salle.  Il est bien sûr qu'avec un préavis aussi court, le Congrès d'Attac Vlaanderen n'a pas évidemment pu trouver d'autres locaux dans les délais très courts. C'est pourquoi le congrès a été reporté de deux semaines.

Il a été immédiatement envoyé un facsimilé au directeur de l'organisme financier pour demander des éclaircissements.  Le 8 mars la réponse est parvenue : les objectifs d'Attac sont en conflit avec ceux de l'organisme.  Il se fait que le 7 mars l'organisme avait reçu la visite de deux membres de la Sûreté d'Etat.  Il en est résulté que la salle n'était plus disponible.

Il en est aussi résulté qu'Attac a décidé d'entamer une action.  La presse a été avertie et les membres d'Attac ont été invités d'envoyer des courriels aux parlementaires pour leur demander d'intervenir. La députée verte Leen Laenens s'est immédiatement déclarée prête à interpeller le Ministre de la Justice.

Interrogé par le quotidien "De Morgen", la Sûreté d'Etat a reconnu qu'elle était intervenue : "Nous nous intéressons aux mouvements anti-globalisation dans la mesure où ils peuvent troubler l'ordre public.  Nous avions lu dans la publication Solidair que le Congrès Attac aurait lieu dans un organisme financier. La combinaison OB-Attac nous paraissait remarquable et nous avons demandé à la direction de l'organisme s'ils savaient qui est Attac et en particulier qu'ils sont contre la globalisation.  Ils ne le savaient pas.  L'autorisation d'utiliser la salle avait été décidée à un échelon inférieur.  Il est évident que les informations que nous avons transmises étaient suffisantes pour annuler la location.  Nous n'avons pas insisté."

Nous nous interrogeons pour savoir pourquoi la Sûreté d'Etat se préoccupe de "troubles à l'ordre public" lorsqu'il s'agit d'informer un propriétaire de salle à propos des objectifs d'une association qui tient congrès et qui veut lui louer une salle.  Attac est par ailleurs suffisamment connue, au travers de son site internet, qui peut être consulté par tous, y compris la Sûreté d'Etat, et chacun peut prendre connaissance de toutes ses activités.  Il n'y a donc aucune raison pour entraver les activités d'une association qui répondent aux exigences les plus élémentaires et les plus démocratiques, et qui rentrent intégralement dans le cadre des droits fondamentaux garantis par la Constitution.  C'est la raison pour laquelle nous invitons chacun à envoyer un courriel au Ministre de la Justice, Marc Verwilgen, qui est, selon ses prises de positions personnelles, un défenseur convaincu des Droits de l'Homme.

Attac Vlaanderen, Galgenberg, 29, 9000 Gand Tel/Fax 09/372.44.91

e-mail :

Pour votre facilité vous pouvez éventuellement utiliser le texte suivant. L'adresse électronique du ministre de la Justice :

A l'attention de Monsieur MARC VERWILGHEN Ministre de la Justice

Monsieur le Ministre,

 Le congrès d'ATTAC prévu pour le 10 mars n'a pas pu se tenir parce que la Sûreté de l'Etat a décidé d'informer le propriétaire de la salle des idées défendues par Attac. Ce fait n'a pas été infirmé. Lorsque le quotidien "De Morgen" a posé la question, la Sûreté a admis avoir agi dans ce sens. Elle justifiait son action en se référant au mouvement anti-mondialisation qui, pourrait, selon elle, perturber l'ordre public.

Que la Sûreté estime indispensable de donner des "informations" au propriétaire de la salle est plus qu'étonnant. Qu'elle pense agir par ce biais en faveur du maintien de l'ordre public est encore plus énigmatique. Soit ceci est l'expression de la plus grande bêtise, soit elle signifie qu'il y a eu une action envers le propriétaire de la salle. Or, tant une Sûreté de l'Etat imbécile que celle estimant avoir le devoir de saboter le droit à la liberté d'expression est dangereuse pour la démocratie.

Tout laisse à penser que la Sûreté de l'Etat confond les intérêts des défendeurs de l'ordre néolibéral mondial avec celui de l'intérêt public, un peu comme ce bourgmestre qui décida de faire intervenir la gendarmerie en 1989 contre une grève dans l'entreprise dont il était le patron. Louis Tobback, le Ministre de l'intérieur d'alors, l'avait alors immédiatement rappelé à l'ordre, disant que la gendarmerie n'est pas une milice patronale.

Nous espérons que vous ferez la même chose dans un esprit identique, sachant que la mission de la Sûreté de l'Etat n'est pas de défendre les intérêts des firmes multinationales en censurant la liberté d'expression des opposants à l'ordre économique.


Radio: Grosses Têtes homophobes. (France)

Pour son retour sur RTL, Philippe Bouvard ne fait pas dans la dentelle. Parmi les petits nouveaux des &#8220;Grosses Têtes&#8221;, «choisis en fonction, non de leur âge, mais de leur talent», Ariel Wizman, de Canal+, apparemment mal à l'aise. Interrogé en marge de l'émission où les blagues sur les homosexuels ont volé bas, il a reconnu: "Ce n'est pas la grande gloire, mais ce n'est pas si désagréable que ca (...) J'ai pour principe de toujours essayer. Je ne connaissais pas bien. Ça ne me plait pas que l'on débine les homosexuels, mais en même temps je ne vais pas faire le censeur intolérant". Parce que rire des pédés et des gouines, c'est tolérant?

Source: Tetu

A la semaine prochaine...


Pour vous désabonner, rendez-vous simplement sur cette page :
- ->  <>


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 23:04:27 +0100
From: Elisa Giaccardi <>
Subject: "E-naissance: new configurations of mind, body and space"


Italy, Modern and Contemporary Art City Gallery of Turin, 28th and 29th
March 2001:  Fondazione Fitzcarraldo and CAiiA-STAR, in collaboration with
Piedmont Regional Council and City of Turin, will co-host the international
symposium "E-naissance: new configurations of mind, body and space" 
"E-naissance" will involve leading figures in the international community of
artists and theorists whose research and practice are at the cutting edge of
the field that creatively makes art, science and technology converge.
Participants are: Roy Ascott (CAiiA-STAR director), Peter Anders, Lucas
Bambozzi, Donna Cox, Geoff Cox, Elisa Giaccardi, Diane Gromala, Pamela
Jennings, Eduardo Kac, Joasia Krysa, Jim Laukes, Dan Livingstone, Mike
Phillips , Michael Punt, Niranjan Rajah, Gretchen Schiller, Thecla
Schiphorst, Jill Scott, Chris Speed.
The conference is part of the CAiiA-STAR Composite Session in Italy that
will cover two weeks. The session will be articulated in internal seminars,
a meeting promoted by Arslab (, and a series of round tables
promoted by Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (
For further information, please visit our web site:

Best regards, Elisa Giaccardi


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:29:30 +0000
From: (performance research)
Subject: Continuous sound labordy swn continuous sound labordy swn cont..


Neud Nid Deud & Fitamin Un presents

"Continuous sound labordy swn continuous sound labordy swn cont..."

@ Chapter, Cardiff. March 17th 18.00 - 23.30  £4

Part gig, part bedroom, part record fair, six of Wales' leading exponents of
sonic experimentation return with an evening choc full of squeaks, beats,
wow, flutter, bread and butter. Bringing an eclectic mix of vinyl, wires,
plastics, electricity, vibrations, oxide and passion, the continuous sound
laboratory returns to Chapter in a long play format with performances from
Trawsfynydd Lo-Fi Liberation Front, Llwybr Llaethog, BomBoomBomB, Dave
Handford and SJ OHM.

Fitamin Un is also launching a 12 inch vinyl e.p. by the artists on the night:

Continuous Sound Labordy Swn Cont...

Release Date: 19/03/01
Catalogue No: Fitamin Un:Fit! 010
Format: 12 inch EP

This record is an introduction to the collective known as the "Labordy Swn
Cont..." - Wales' leading exponents of sound and noise. They are
BomBoomBomB, Trawsfynydd Lo-Fi Liberation Front, Llwybr Llaethog, Dave
Handford and SJ OHM, five cutting edge acts whose anarchic ethos towards
the creation and production of sound is experimental to say the least.
manifesto is to reinterpret the meaning of noise and sound, to blur the
boundaries of music and art, to push back sonic borders and challenge all
expectations.  Labordy Swn Cont sweep away any pre-conceptions about
music and what it 'should' or 'shouldn't' be !

Challenging Manifestos

BomBoomBomB - "We want to ignite passion. We want love or hate. No middle
ground. Turn the volume up to 10 or smash up your stereo."

Trawsfynydd Lo-Fi Liberation Front - "We refuse to play any instruments...
it's so fuckin' obvious an' archaic."

S.J. OHM - "Rocks to the beat of the flâneur and his tortoise meandering
through the arcades and barricades. Magpie and bricoleur, archeologist and
grave-robber, S.J. OHM appropriates both the protestant work beats of
'Rock'n'Roll' and its bastard offspring of commodified leisure tunes to
provide a 21st Century urban sound-track for those who prefer to travel
than to arrive"

Llwybr Llaethog Sound System -"We rock hard, party hard & between a rock &
a hard party it's pretty hard to party us down. Llwybr Llaethog is our
name, sonic expression is our game. We're nice boys & were brought up
proper but sometimes we're off our rockers"

Dave Handford - "Sound as Stone.Chipping away at the edges. Collecting and
Shattering the debris."

For more information, contact Steffan Cravos:  <>

Neud Nid Deud a Fitamin Un yn cyflwyno

"Continuous sound labordy swn continuous sond labordy swn cont..."

@ Chapter, Caerdydd. Mawrth 17ain 18.00 - 23.30  £4

Yn cymryd rhan yn yr ail arbrawf swn, fe fydd rai o weithwyr sain mwyaf
diddorol Cymru, yn cynnwys y Trawsfynydd Lo-Fi Liberation Front, Llwybr
Llaethog, Bomboombomb, Dave Handford a SJ OHM. Y tro hwn, bydd y criw yn
creu perfformiad byrfyfyr yn llawn o swn byddarol, arbrofol a swynol. Noson
o gerddoriaeth wal i wal, lle gall yr annisgwyl ddigwydd. Yn ogystal mae
Recordiau Fitamin Un yn lawnsio record 12"  gan yr artistiaid ar y noson

Dyddiad Rhyddhau: 19.03.01
Rhif Catalog: Fitamin Un: Fit! 010
Fformat: 12" EP

Dyma gyflwyniad i'r criw sy'n galw eu hynnan  "Labordy Swn Cont.." sef
gweithwyr sain a swn mwya blaenllaw Cymru. Nhw ydy BomBoomBomB, Trawsfynydd
Lo-Fi Liberation Front, Llwybr Llaethog, Dave Handford a SJ OHM, pump act
avant garde sy'n mynd ati i greu a chynhyrchu swn gyda ethos arbrofol. Eu
maniffesto ydy i ailddehongli ystyr sain a swn, i dorri lawr ffiniau rhwng
cerddoriaeth a chelf, i withio nol ffiniau sonic ac i herio pob
disgwyliadau.  Mae Labordy Swn am chwalu unrhyw rhagsyniadau am
gerddoriaeth a be' ddylse' a be' ddylse ddim' i fod.
Fe fydd pump technegydd swn yn ymuno a'r criw i greu  cerddoriaeth wal i
wal, lle gall yr annisgwyl ddigwydd.

Maniffesto's sy'n herio:

BomBoomBomB - "Da ni moen creu ymdeimlad angerddol. Ni moen cariad neu
gasineb. Dim byd rhwng y ddau. Trowch eich stereo lan i 10 neu dinistriwch"

Trawsfynydd Lo-Fi Liberation Front - "...Mae'r TLLF yn gwrthod chwarae
unrhyw offerynnau, ma fe mor ffycin amlwg ac archaic..."

S.J. OHM- "Yn rocio i guriad y flâneur gan droelli trwy'r arcades a'r
baricades. Pioden a bricoleur, archeolydd a lleidr beddu, mae S.J. OHM yn
neilltio curiadau ethig gwaith protestanaidd 'roc a rol'  ac ei  fastard o
ddisgynydd, cerddoriath 'hamdden'y disgotec, i ddarparu trac sain drefol ar
gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Cerddoriaeth i rhai sy'n dymuno i deithio
yn hytrach na chyrraedd."

Llwybr Llaethog Sound System -
"Da ni'n rocio ac yn dropio pethau weithia. Da ni ddim yn gwybod mwy na chi
efallai. Creu Swn Drwg? Ie ni'n yw y gwaethaf! Ond yn y bon da ni'n real

Dave Handford - "Yn gadarn fel carreg.Yn naddu'r ochrau yn ddyfal. Yn
casglu ac yn chwalu'r gweddillion."

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysyllter a Steffan Cravos: <>


Clancy Pegg (Editorial Administrator)
Performance Research
PO Box 84
Cardiff CF24 0UF
Wales (UK)

Telephone: + 44 (0) 29 20 210282


FAX:            + 44  (0) 870 055 7873
WEBSITES:  <> then search for 'Performance Research'


Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 13:00:06 -0500
From: Beatrice Beaubien <>
Subject: Toronto talk Friday night

Sorry for the short notice and the cross posting:

Steven Mann, Toronto
March 16th
"People find me peculiar. They think it's odd that I spend most of my waking hours wearing eight or nine Internet-connected computers sewn into my clothing and that I wear opaque wrap-around glasses day and night, inside and outdoors. They wonder why I sometimes seem detached and lost, but at other times I exhibit a vast knowledge of their specialty. A physicist once said that he felt that I had the intelligence of a dozen experts in his discipline: a few minutes later, someone else said they thought I was mentally handicapped." - Steven Mann

University of Toronto Professor Steven Mann received his doctorate at MIT's Media Lab and is described as the world's only full-time cyborg. He has produced numerous exhibitions that incorporate photographs and video work created using wearable imaging systems. Mann's work of the Dr. Harold Edgerton lab was recently featured at the Olga Korper Gallery in Toronto.

Lecture theatre L-72 7:30pm on Friday nights

Ryerson Polytechnic University
350 Victoria Street (at Gould)
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5B 2K3
(416) 979-5167

Admission is always free -
arrive early for guaranteed seating


Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 11:03:35 +1100
From: "EBTVAdmin" <>
Subject: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS:  Eccentric Billionaire


Dear Creative Type:  **ECCENTRIC BILLIONAIRE** is a cross-media event,
supported by the national Next Wave Festival and currently in development.

The FIRST STAGE is web-based: a mix of established and emerging DIY genres
and formats, all circling round the central premise of an Eccentric
Billionaire and his twisted love of funding bizarre social experiments in

Contributors can then incorporate their work into the SECOND STAGE: a live
show to be launched in 2002, a hybrid of traditional theatre and interactive
multimedia in synch with live feeds, real-time interactivity, installation
art, electronica soundscapes and god knows what else.

As well as a general call for submissions, there is also an open competition
for the best submitted pieces in any genre/format, with a first prize of

All further details and information can can also be accessed at our website
at  Otherwise all the relevant information is repeated below.

ECCENTRIC BILLIONAIRE:   Dirty Money, Clean Fun.

Martyn & Jessica

Mail to:
Or:  PO Box 14 North Carlton 3054

Eccentric Billionaire & EBTV are proudly supported by the KickstART program
of the Next Wave Festival


Fiction, essays, articles, rants, mockumentaries, interviews, reality-TV
stuff, exposés, straight text, jpegs, gifs, gif animations, Flash
animations, QuickTime movies, Director movies, normal video, photography,
scanned art, mpegs, mp3s, wavs, anything we've forgotten, and whatever new
ones they'll have invented by the time you're reading this. We want it all!
We want it now!

1st: $200 / 2nd: $125 / 3rd: $75.
If you want your submission considered in the competition, say so in your
covering letter. Entries close on 30st September 2001.  No filesize limit;
everything electronic on IBM-compatible floppy, zip disk or CD;  we can scan
original artwork but take all care with no responsibility; include
self-addressed stamped envelope if you want your work returned.

We're asking for first serial online publication permission as a condition
of submission of material; you retain full copyright.  So we get to put it
on the web and you get to use it anywhere else you like.  Any other use in
another format (e.g. in performance) will be negotiated separately.
Competition to be judged by the EB panel ? Martyn Pedler, Jessica Little &
Dean Kiley ? all decisions final, no correspondence, blah blah.

The elusively enigmatic Eccentric Billionaire (Part-Packer, part-Warhol),
wants his cash doing more than just making more.  He'd like to think he's
using his untold wealth to subvert the mainstream:  buying up airtime to run
his agit-pop ads; running his own network; cutting the social fabric against
the bias by clever use of game-shows; sending his people into the streets to
reinforce counter-cultural behaviour with cash rewards; patronizing guerilla
street theatre; hawking soft-serve ideologies; etc.


When it stops flogging goods & services, advertising can hard-sell ideology.
So do your own ad (print, TV, radio, web, whatever). Mix'n'match
sloganeering from brand-culture with the 'no-logo' public service
announcement, splice snide media parody with sincere political commentary.
Tell us what you wish your TV would tell you.

What'd you fix if you gave a damn and had a limitless budget? Hand over your
grand plans. Media pranks, social engineering, well-intentioned terrorism, a
new tax system, legal reform, class eugenics, or D) other. Stuff that'd
change the world if only it were broadcast, built, or bankrolled.

Some of Eccentric Billionaire's free money trickles into your life. Explore
the possibilities of a world in which any action can win cash prizes, any
hesitation can cost you big time, and the whims of the rich change lives in
an instant.  Hypothetical encounters in his cash flow, documented on his
top-rating reality-TV channel.

Eccentric Billionaire, acting as fickle patron, also sponsors Real Art that
concerns itself with:  money and power; propaganda and thought-control;
subversion and fascism; philanthropy and publicity; or anything else that
takes his fancy.

The one thing Eccentric Billionaire hates about money is it's too damn
quiet.  He announces where his every red cent is going and wants you to do
the same. Provide outraged editorials on real-life conflicts-of-interest and
media bias, a la Media Watch and Michael Moore.  Find out who's pulling the
strings... and start yanking their chains.

Remember: You may already be a winner!


Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 19:09:15 +0100
From: ZKM Online-Redaktion <>
Subject: ZKM Newsletter 3/01

Der ZKM_Newsletter erscheint 1 x monatlich mit Ausstellungsankündigungen,
Linktipps und Termin-Hinweisen vom und aus dem ZKM. Wenn Sie ihn künftig
nicht mehr bekommen möchten, antworten Sie einfach auf diese Mail
mit dem Wort "abbestellen" in der Betreffzeile.

•  Aktuelle Ausstellungen

- -> Seeing time
- -> Circles °4

• Ausstellungsvorschau


• Veranstaltungen

- -> Tehching Hsieh: Performing Life: Performances 1978 - 1999
- -> Das Problempotential der Nachkriegsavantgarden

• Magazin

- - > The City in the Post-industrial Information Society
+++ Peter Weibel
- - > Capitalism and the City
+++ Richard Sennett
- -> Border Crossings
+++ Ursula Frohne

• Feature

- ->

Aktuelle Ausstellungen
»seeing time«
Noch bis 22. April 2001
Ausgewählte Medienkunstwerke aus der privaten Sammlung von
Pamela und Richard Kramlich. Die Ausstellung, die zum ersten Mal
in Deutschland präsentiert wird, zeigt rund 30 Film- und Video-Installationen,
Videobänder und fotografische Arbeiten.
Künstler [Auswahl]: Künstler: Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Matthew Barney,
Dara Birnbaum, Marcel Broodthaers, Dan Graham, Mariko Mori,
Reinhard Mucha, Bruce Nauman.
- ->
Circles °4: Glasgow -> »One For One«
10. März - 22. April 2001
Im Rahmen der Reihe »Circles« untersucht die Ausstellung »One For One«
die Protagonisten der Glasgower Kunstszene von einst und heute.
- ->$1224
17. März - 29. April 2001
Minimal Art aus den privaten Sammlungen im Museum für Neue Kunst und
Neupräsentation der Sammlungsbestände mit Werken von Donald Judd,
Carl Andre, Dan Flavin und Sol LeWitt.
- ->
Tehching Hsieh
Performing Life: Performances 1978 - 1999
23. März 2001
Der in New York lebende Konzeptkünstler Tehching Hsieh erforschte in
fünf radikalen einjährigen Performances und einer 13jährigen Performance
das Verhältnis von Leben und Kunst, von Isolation und Kommunikation,
Anonymität und Identität. In einem Vortrag präsentiert Tehching Hsieh
nun Photos, Videos und Textdokumente seiner Aktionen der Jahre 1978 bis
1999. Ein Vortrag in englischer Sprache.
- ->$1720
Das Problempotential der Nachkriegsavantgarden
- -> Grenzgänge in Literatur, Kunst und Medien
29. März 2001
Die Autoren Michael Backes, Thomas Dreher und Oliver Jahraus stellen die
drei Bände "Das Problempotential der Nachkriegsavantgarden" vor, die im
Rahmen eines Projekts enstanden sind, in dessen Zentrum die Wiener
Nachkriegsavantgarde und ihre Einbettung in den künstlerischen und
literarischen Kontext ihrer Zeit steht.
- ->$1721
Die gesamte Veranstaltungsübersicht:
- ->
Border Crossings
+++ Ursula Frohne
Anmerkungen zu Machtstrukturen im Cyberspace - Ein kritischer Blick auf
das Internet als globales Medium.
- ->
The City in the Post-industrial Information Society
+++ Peter Weibel
Transforming from a place of production to a place of consumption
- ->
Capitalism and the City
+++ Richard Sennett
Zum Thema Urbanismus
- ->
Ein Kooperationsprojekt zum Thema Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in
Schule und Jugendarbeit.
- ->


 ///////  / |< ||| | Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie
 ///////  / |< ||| | Centre d'Art et de Technologie des Medias
 ///////  / |< ||| | Center for Art and Media
 K A R L S R U H E   (Germany)

 Lorenzstr. 19
 76135 Karlsruhe
 Tel.   +49 721 8100-1200
 FAX:   +49 721 8100-1139



Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 01:45:05 +0900
From: Tetsuya OZAKI <>
Subject: R E A L T O K Y O   vol.18

Dear friends

I have just updated the webzine REALTOKYO.

R    E    A    L    T    O    K    Y    O


REALTOKYO is Japan's first web magazine to present a variety of
cultural information about the Tokyo metropolitan area in both
Japanese and English. It is an urban cultural magazine offering
carefully selected quality content to Internet users wanting to
know what's on in this world city. The sophisticated design and
content will appeal to residents of the city and other parts of
Japan, as well as English-speaking people throughout the world.

Structure of the magazine:------------
1. Information about films, music events, exhibitions,
     the theatre and other events in Tokyo.
2. Cultural information dispatched from other world cities.
3. Articles related to cultural issues.
4. Several other sections describing what's currently on in Tokyo.
5. Users can search events by keyword, date, area and category.
6. A convenient tool for managing a schedule of events chosen
     by the user.
7. An email service to remind users of events that they have
     marked on their schedules.


[This Week's Index]

(1) Tokyo, 4 Weeks:
     Cut-ups in Any Context!?
     Recommended by Togashi Nobuya

(2) Real Cities from Kuala Lumpur
     Kuala Lumpur's Secret Cultural Salon
     text and photographs by Kasai Reiko

(3)Present of the Week:
     Invitation to the preview of 'Nang-Nak'

This week RT Recommends:
art+cinema+music+stage+design+others = 51 events
including 10 new ones!  Check them out!

(1) Tokyo, 4 Weeks
Cut-ups in Any Context!?
about DEMODE RECORDS presents Cut up

Recommended by Togashi Nobuya

'Take any noise, twist it, put it into a new context and suddenly
everything becomes music'. This quote by Matthew Herbert, the
enfant terrible of techno who appeared on the scene in the mid-90s,
has become a 'de facto standard' since it hits the nail on the head
nowadays better than ever....

(2) Real Cities from Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur's Secret Cultural Salon

text and photographs by Kasai Reiko

No Black Tie, a small bar in the back of busy commercial street
Bukit Bintang in Kuala Lumpur, will commemorate its third
anniversary with an all-night live jazz concert on March 23 and
24. Lewis Pragasam, a legendary Malaysian drummer; Greg Lyons, a
British saxophone player; along with Matsui Akihiko and Miyagawa
Yosuke, who will come from Japan for this session, will form a
quartet for the event....

(3) Present of the Week

We've prepared lots of presents!  Send in your name!
Be aware that each present has a different closing date.
Instead of announcing the winners we just send them their prize.

(* is new!)

*Invitation to the preview of 'Nang-Nak'
Invitation to the preview of
'Mighty children creates the new era 2001'
Invitation to the preview of 'LIES'
'LIES' press sheet
Invitation to the preview of 'American Psycho'
REALTOKYO stickers (ten per set)

To apply and for further information, please contact:

Please send your ideas and opinions to
Three users who send us mail will be chosen to receive a little gift

- -------------------------------------------------------------
Tetsuya OZAKI

Editor in Chief / REALTOKYO


Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 09:23:53 -0500
From: "ricardo dominguez" <>
Subject: "The Mouse is Mightier than the Baton":

A request for international partners to help develop....

"The Mouse is Mightier than the Baton":

A proposal for online protests
around the Free Trade Area of the
Americas Conference
Quebec, Canada, April 20th-22nd, 2001.

Produced by the electrohippies collective, March 2001.


On April 20 hundreds of delegates from 34 nations will meet
in Quebec, Canada to discuss creating the Fee Trade Area
of the Americas agreement. The purpose of this is to expand
NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement between
Canada, Mexico and the US) to include all of North, Central,
and South America. This agreement is being negotiated in
secret, without any input or debate from the public arena.

The goal of the FTAA is to impose the NAFTA model of
increased privatisation and deregulation hemisphere-wide.
FTAA would deepen the negative effects of NAFTA, such as
greater deregulation of business activities, and
environmental and economic exploitation of the poor, as
seen in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. over the past seven
years. But the FTAA will also expand the NAFTA-principle
into areas which are currently only being set up for
discussion at the WTO level - such as the trade in services
(the proposals for which are very like GATS), expanding
intellectual property rights, and 'harmonising' trade
standards (including environmental standards, but also
investment, akin to the aims of the Multilateral Agreement on

>From the European side of the Atlantic, this may seem an
abstract issue. But agreements that could be pushed
through the FTAA could form the basis of a 'negotiating
block' at future World Trade Organisation (WTO)
conferences. The recent issues of public concern in Europe,
such as intensive agriculture, hormone treated beef and
genetically engineered crops, could be made worse with the
pressure that an FTAA block could place on the EU.
Therefore, in terms of a practical expression of public
opinion, the FTAA conference presents two angles for

# For those within the Americas, it's a basic process on
democratic participation in decision-making processes
surrounding national and international issues that affect
everyday life;

# For those outside the Americas, it's all about the impacts
of free trade, and the use of economic pressure through
the WTO to change national policies on the standards
and safety of commodities, food, and environmental

We wish to ensure that the mouse is Mightier than the Baton
becomes a full globalised action (but our sort of globalisation
rather than theirs).

Why are the electrohippies involved

the electrohippie collective is basically a 'think tank' where
the issues of online protest and action are experimented
with. But our aim is to provide assistance to groups who
want to use the Internet to mount protests against issues
that offend democracy and human rights. Since at least the
Summer of 2000 we've had various requests from people
asking us to mount a similar online protest to the WTO event
in November 1999.

The right to participate in political processes is a human
right. And in the case of the FTAA, what really swung the
view of the electrohippies were the steps being taken to
ensure that the public could not effectively protest against
the conference. Not only will central Quebec be closed off
around the conference venue (as would be expected). But a
special security fence is being constructed to create a
'controlled zone' of 4 or 5 square kilometres in central
Quebec. At the same time, space is being cleared in local
'holding facilities' to immediately accommodate any
protesters who are arrested.

Therefore the electrohippie collective will be developing a
few online 'events' for the public to participate in to press the
case for the democratisation of trade negotiations such as
FTAA, and to protest the methods being used to prevent
public protest around the conference itself. This will mean
that those people unable to get to Quebec (from the
Americas or globally), and those in Quebec who can't
physically approach the conference, will be able to mark the
event expressively.

To complement the approach of the authorities in Quebec,
we've decided to call our action, The Mouse is Mightier
than the Baton.

What were planning

the electrohippies don't represent people. the electrohippies
don't lead people. All we do is provide the technical
infrastructure for people to do something, and it's then up to
the public whether or not they take part, and if so to what

For this action we were considering three media: web sites,
email and faxes. The email action will be directed at lobbying
national governments. The fax action likewise. As is our
usual policy we will be specifying the condition of 'one
person - one email'. The email and fax actions are not
intended to be 'blocking' actions. They are intended as a
legitimate attempt to put people in contact with those who
are making decisions about their lives.

The web-based action will however be a blocking action.
Where governments and authorities are actively restricting
protest and public expression, we regard it as valid to exert
some form of restriction back. For our last action, on the
issues of genetic engineering in April 2000, we held a poll on
whether it would be valid to restrict access to genetic
companies web site because it wasn't entirely clear that they
were effectively doing so. In the event the majority (the 'don't
know' and the 'no' votes) were in favour of not going ahead.
In this instance we will not be holding a poll since the case in
this instance is absolutely clear that there is a positive move
by various authorities to restrict protest around the
conference. Therefore, we'll be using the electrohippies
client-side sit in tool to mount a sit-in of the FTAA and other
associated web sites during around the time of the

What we need

We'd like to work with those groups organising events in
Quebec in order to ensure that the actual message we
supply using the electrohippies online action tools
complements the real world action. the electrohippies are
techies and campaigners. We can supply the means for
people to do something, but we need help to supply the
actual message conveyed because we prefer to let people
represent their own message using our tools as far as is
possible. So we're looking for partners to mount the actions.
We also need help to translate the tools we develop into
Spanish and Portuguese.

The other thing we'd like to agree with groups organising
protests in Quebec and the Americas are who the targets of
the email and fax actions should be. In particular, we'd like to
ensure that we target those government officials and political
representatives who are most fervently pro-FTAA.

If you'd like to discuss our proposals further, and if you'd like
to work to develop them, please get in touch -

Links to FTAA related sites

For those of you receiving this who are not fully conversant
about FTAA and Quebec, here are a few links for you to
follow up:

Stop the FTAA website -

Opération Québec Printemps 2001 -

The Quebec Anti-Capitalist Convergence -

The 'Resist the FTAA' site -

Infoshop's anti-FTAA pages -

WTO Action's FTAA page -

The FTAA's official website -

The Organisation of American States -

The TradeWatch Website -

The Direct Action Network -

The Independent Media Center -



Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 04:41:37 -0000
From: "krosrods interactive" <>
Subject: InteractivA'01-Exhibit

Press Release/Coimunicado de Prensa

The Museum of Contemporary Art Ateneo of Yucatan ( and present  InteractivA ’01, 
( The exhibit has been curated by 
interdisciplinary artist and scholar Raul Ferrera-Balanquet and includes New 
Media, CD-Rooms, Conceptual Arts, Net Art, Video, Installation and 

InteractivA ’01 will take place from March 23th to April 20th  at the Museum 
MACAY in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico and at 

El Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Ateneo de Yucatán y 
presentan InteractivA ’01 ( La exposición, 
que incluye CD-Rooms, Net Art, Arte  Conceptual, Video, Installación y 
Performance ha sido organizada por el artista interdisciplinario Raúl 

InteractivA’01 se llevará a cabo del 23 de Marzo al 20 de Abril en el Museo 
MACAY, Mérida, Yucatán, México y en el Portal de 


Dalida Maria Befield(Latina/USA) /Maris Bustamante(Mexico) /Francisco 
Cordoba (Italia/Costa Rica)/Redmond Bridgeman (Australia) /Agustin Chong 
Amaya (Mexico)/Colectivo Presente Continuo (Mexico)/Juan José Diaz Infante 
(Mexico)/Raúl Ferrera-Balanquet,(Cuba/USA/Mexico) /Jenny Fraser (Australia) 
/Ali Graham (Australia)/Shilpa Gupta (India) /Hartanto (Indonesia)/Pablo 
Helguera (Mexico/USA) /fran ilich (Mexico)/ Fernando Llanos (Mexico) 
/Ricardo Loría (Mexico) /Jo Low (Australia/Hong Kong)/Rafel Lozano-Hemmer 
(Mexico/Canada, lives in Spain) /Brian Mackern (Uruguay) Art Miller (USA) 
/Lindsay Miller (USA) /Guto Nóbrega -Gun (Brazil) /Tim Plaisted (Australia) 
/Megan Rainey (Australia) /Adolfo SchneideWind/ Rosario  Digital (Argentina) 
/Erika Torres (Mexico) /Frank Trujillo-Ferrera (Cuba) /Moriah Uliska 
(Asian/USA-Philipines) /Virgil Vong(Asian/USA)

construye tu cartografía/construc your own cartography

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 11:51:40 +0100
From: anna balint <>
Subject: an office furniture hyper-vaudeville & information machinery  trans-extravaganza


ISTVAN KANTOR -- "The Addmore Session"
March 24, 2001, 10 am - 5 pm
Addmore Office Furniture, 82 Spadina Ave.

"an office furniture hyper-vaudeville
&  information machinery trans-extravaganza"

TORONTO, Canada ... On March 24, FADO will present "The Addmore
Session", a
new work by internationally acclaimed Toronto artist Istvan Kantor.
Presented as part of FADO's PUBLIC SPACES/PRIVATE PLACES series, "The
Addmore Session" is the latest installment in The File Cabinet Project,
body of work that Kantor has been developing since 1993.

Audience members are invited to meet Kantor in his favorite environment,

surrounded by file cabinets in one of Toronto's largest office furniture

stores. Kantor and a number of guest performers will demonstrate the
between the office and the concert hall, information technology and
symbolism, communication and insanity. The all day program will include
furniture-opera, desktop-dancing, cabinet-catwalking, office-crucifixion

and more.

Kantor explores the file cabinet as a sculptural element in machinery
installations, performances and video productions. His interest is more
than a physical fascination or aesthetic obsession with monolithic
furniture. In Kantor's hyper-theoretical interpretation, the world wide
is a machinery-monument of information storage furniture interconnected
through computers. The gesture of moving cabinet drawers in and out,
sliding them back and forth, becomes the engine of information exchange.

Istvan Kantor (a.k.a. Monty Cantsin) is active in the fields of
sound, video, performance and new media. His work has been shown at many

prestigious international art events, including Documenta '87 and Ars
Electronica 2000. He has received the Telefilm Canada Award for Best
Canadian Video (1998 Images festival, Toronto), as well as the
01 award in Berlin, Germany for his new video Broadcast. Infamous for
"blood-x donations" to the collections of the Museum of Modern Art (New
York), the National Gallery (Ottawa), AGO (Toronto), and the Ludwig
(Koln), just to mention a few, Kantor/Cantsin's criminal records are
longer than his list of awards.. The media and critics have described
work as rebellious, anti-authoritarian, and intellectually assaulting,
well as technically innovative and highly experimental. Internationally
known as the founder of Neoism, Kantor has lived in Budapest, Paris,
Montreal, Portland and New York. He has lived in Toronto since 1991.

PUBLIC SPACES/PRIVATE PLACES is a three-year long international
art series featuring over 25 artists from Canada, the US, Europe and
The series explores the elements that turn neutral 'space' into
'place' through performances that examine the degrees of intimacy,
connection and interaction that mark the dividing line between public
private. The series is particularly focused on performances created for
intimate audiences. Some projects feature site-specific or
environments that invite participants into a sensory or experiential
journey. Others are process-oriented, involving public intervention,
intimate gestures, or actions that may, by their nature, be nearly
invisible. Above all, the series explores the points where identity and
geography intersect to generate meaning.

Special thanks to Addmore Office Furniture.


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:55:12 +0100
From: Matze Schmidt <>
Subject: AFFRONT RISK We don't invite!


We don't invite!

And strengthen our position

In a culture, which produces B2B, Peer2Peer and 
Win-Win-Business it is important to create precise 
system boundaries. Since hybrid Crossover- and 
Fusion-Strategies are meanwhile re-imported by the 
prepared High Culture into the Underground, 
the Midground decides to increase its measure of 
Credibility! In the context of the Offline Days in the 
Room Boxhagener Str. 86, East-Berlin-Friedrichshain 
we don't invite - quite in the sense of a paradox 
"... count me in/out" - the following guests to the 
meetings (evil black list*), to repair the disagreement/
consent about "Who has Access?". _Because who is 
not in, is offline!_ We mean it man!:

Dr. Grether

Peter Weibel

anonymous net.artist

Station Rose

Friedrich Kittler

Wolfgang Staehle

Bill Gates

Dr. Ron Sommer

Jeremy Rifkin

Ars Electronica

Avantgardist X

Andreas Broeckmann

Stephen King


Norbert Bolz

Enno E. Peter

Bruce Sterling

a, b and eGroups

Geert Lovink

Heiko Idensen

Olia Lialina

Hans Dieter Huber

Arthur and Marilouise Kroker

Boris Groys

documenta 11

Tilman Baumgaertel

Marc Wohlrabe

Nick Name

Andy Mueller-Maguhn

Norman Ohler

David Bowie

Verena Kuni

......... ......... <- Please Insert Your Favourite Here!

*This is not a VIPNameNetwork!


Wir laden aus!

Und staerken unsere Position

In einer Kultur, die B2B, Peer2Peer und Win-Win-Geschaefte
produziert kommt es darauf an, praezise Systemgrenzen 
aufzubauen. Da hybride Crossover- und Fusion-Strategien
mittlerweile von der hochgeruesteten Hochkultur in den
Underground reimportiert werden, entschlieszt sich der
Midground zu einer Credibilitysteigernden Masznahme!
Im Rahmen der Offline Tage im Raum Boxhagener Str. 68,
Ost-Berlin-Friedrichshain laden wir - ganz im Sinn
eines paradoxen "... count me in/out" - folgende Gaeste 
zu den Veranstaltungen aus (boese Schwarze Liste*), um 
den Dissens/Konsens zum Thema "Wer hat Anschlusz?" wieder 
herzustellen. _Weil wer nicht drin ist, ist offline!_
We mean it man!:

Dr. Grether

Peter Weibel

anonymer net.artist

Station Rose

Friedrich Kittler

Wolfgang Staehle

Bill Gates

Dr. Ron Sommer

Jeremy Rifkin

Ars Electronica

Avantgardist X

Andreas Broeckmann

Stephen King


Norbert Bolz

Enno E. Peter

Bruce Sterling

a, b and eGroups

Geert Lovink

Heiko Idensen

Olia Lialina

Hans Dieter Huber

Arthur and Marilouise Kroker

Boris Groys

documenta 11

Tilman Baumgaertel

Marc Wohlrabe

Nick Name

Andy Mueller-Maguhn

Norman Ohler

David Bowie

Verena Kuni

......... ......... <- Please Insert Your Favourite Here!

*Dies ist kein VIPNamenNetzwerk!

Offline Days
- ---[:---
at Room Boxhagener Str. 86



Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 22:29:00 +0800
From: "information overload" <>
Subject: Fw: NEW ISSUE: Cosmopolitanism

- ----=_tE5CiQm55vRMI7Meow2H
Content-Type: text/plain

- --------Original message--------
Return-Path: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 22:13:28 +0800
From: "Public Culture" <>
Subject: NEW ISSUE: Cosmopolitanism
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

P U B L I C   C U L T U R E

Society for Transnational Cultural Studies
"Moving beyond comparison to think circulation"

EDITOR: Elizabeth A. Povinelli *  EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Dilip Parameshwar 
Gaonkar * EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Dipesh Chakrabarty, Robert 
Gooding-Williams, Tom Gunning, Claudio Lomnitz, Xiaobing Tang, 
Michel-Rolph Trouillot,  Katie Trumpener, Candace Vogler *  ASSOCIATE 
EDITORS: Ackbar Abbas, Lauren Berlant, Michael M. J. Fischer, Marilyn 
Ivy, Achille Mbembe, Lisa Rofel *  MANAGING EDITOR: Kaylin Goldstein

FOUNDING EDITORS: Carol A. Breckenridge and Arjun Appadurai

March 13, 2001

Dear Public Culture friends,

It's here: COSMOPOLITANISM -- the final installment in the Millennial 
Quartet. Guest edited by Carol A. Breckenridge, Sheldon Pollock, Homi 
K. Bhabha, and Dipesh Chakrabarty, this special issue on 
cosmopolitanism explores the historical development and contemporary 
manifestations of this key category.

Contributors include: Sheldon Pollock, Homi K. Bhabha, Carol A. 
Breckenridge, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Arjun Appadurai, Mamadou Diouf, 
Philippe Rekacewicz, T. K. Biaya, Walter D. Mignolo, Wu Hung, and 
Ackbar Abbas.

For excerpts from the essays in this issue, go to

With the completion of the Millennial Quartet, Public Culture begins 
a new and engaging volume.  Here is a preview of what's ahead in 
volume 13. The volume begins with "Translation in a Global Market" 
(vol. 13, no. 1), guest edited by Emily Apter, which includes essays 
and photoessays by Timothy Brennan, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Renée 
Green, and Dina Al-Kassim, among others. This issue will be followed 
by vol. 13, no. 2, which includes essays and photoessays by Marita 
Sturken, Eric Fassin, Danilyn Rutherford, and Adeline Masquelier, 
among others. Wrapping up the year will be the long-anticipated 
collection "The Critical Limits of Embodiment: Reflections on 
Disability Criticism" guest edited by Carol A. Breckenridge and 
Candace Vogler, which includes essays by Celeste Langan, Faye 
Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp, Veena Das and Renu Addlakha, David Mitchell 
and Sharon Snyder, among others.

Subscribe today: call Duke University Press toll-free, (888) DUP-JRNL 
(888-387-5765), or go to

And thank you for your continued support of the journal.


Elizabeth A. Povinelli

- ------------------------------------------------
Public Culture
1010 E. 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
tel: (773) 702-0814
fax: (773) 702-9861

a field-defining journal of the global modern
- ------------------------------------------------

- ----=_tE5CiQm55vRMI7Meow2H
Content-Type: text/enriched;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


P U B L I C   C U L T U R E 


Society for Transnational Cultural Studies   

"Moving beyond comparison to think circulation"

EDITOR: Elizabeth A. Povinelli *  EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Dilip Parameshwar
Gaonkar * EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Dipesh Chakrabarty, Robert
Gooding-Williams, Tom Gunning, Claudio Lomnitz, Xiaobing Tang,
Michel-Rolph Trouillot,  Katie Trumpener, Candace Vogler *  ASSOCIATE
EDITORS: Ackbar Abbas, Lauren Berlant, Michael M. J. Fischer, Marilyn
Ivy, Achille Mbembe, Lisa Rofel *  MANAGING EDITOR: Kaylin Goldstein

FOUNDING EDITORS: Carol A. Breckenridge and Arjun Appadurai 


March 13, 2001

Dear Public Culture friends,

It's here: COSMOPOLITANISM -- the final installment in the Millennial
Quartet. Guest edited by Carol A. Breckenridge, Sheldon Pollock, Homi
K. Bhabha, and Dipesh Chakrabarty, this special issue on
cosmopolitanism explores the historical development and contemporary
manifestations of this key category.

Contributors include: Sheldon Pollock, Homi K. Bhabha, Carol A.
Breckenridge, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Arjun Appadurai, Mamadou Diouf,
Philippe Rekacewicz, T. K. Biaya, Walter D. Mignolo, Wu Hung, and
Ackbar Abbas. 

For excerpts from the essays in this issue, go to

With the completion of the Millennial Quartet, <italic>Public
Culture</italic> begins a new and engaging volume.  Here is a preview
of what's ahead in volume 13. The volume begins with "Translation in a
Global Market" (vol. 13, no. 1), guest edited by Emily Apter, which
includes essays and photoessays by Timothy Brennan, Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak, Renée Green, and Dina Al-Kassim, among others. This issue will
be followed by vol. 13, no. 2, which includes essays and photoessays by
Marita Sturken, Eric Fassin, Danilyn Rutherford, and Adeline
Masquelier, among others. Wrapping up the year will be the
long-anticipated collection "The Critical Limits of Embodiment:
Reflections on Disability Criticism" guest edited by Carol A.
Breckenridge and Candace Vogler, which includes essays by Celeste
Langan, Faye Ginsburg and Rayna Rapp, Veena Das and Renu Addlakha,
David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder, among others.

Subscribe today: call Duke University Press toll-free, (888) DUP-JRNL
(888-387-5765), or go to

And thank you for your continued support of the journal. 


Elizabeth A. Povinelli



- ------------------------------------------------

Public Culture

1010 E. 59th Street

Chicago, IL 60637


tel: (773) 702-0814

fax: (773) 702-9861

a field-defining journal of the global modern

- ------------------------------------------------
- ----=_tE5CiQm55vRMI7Meow2H--


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