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<nettime> Publications [11x]

Table of Contents:

   Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference, Tampere (Finland), June 6-8, 200
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   signwave auto-illustrator b0.5-r20                                                                                              

   Spiked: New interview with Slavoj Zizek                                         
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   SOMMAIRE DU =?iso-8859-1?Q?N=B07?= DE MULTITUDES                                
     "emmanuel.videcoq" <>                                

   vrije keyser Statements on war on theinternet                                                                                            

   Sommaire du N=?ISO-8859-1?B?sA==?= 7 de la revue Multitudes                     
     "emmanuel.videcoq" <>                                

   TV NOVA                                                                         
     "Floor van Spaendonck" <>                                         

   [i love u] future november 2001                                                 
     Redaktion <>                                                

   Richard Lowenberg: "The Nature of Tele-Community Development"                   
     "geert lovink" <>                                                

   CFS: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness (PEHW) (FWD) (fwd)               
     Alan Sondheim <>                                              

   vrije keyser statements on war on the internet                                                                                                                                              
     domiziana <>                                                  


Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 13:58:56 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference, Tampere (Finland), June 6-8, 2002

 Subject: CFP: Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference

Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference
Call for Papers

June 6-8, 2002
Tampere, Finland

- --- :: ---

Computer Games and Digital Cultures (CGDC) conference is organised by the
Hypermedia Laboratory, University of Tampere. It is arranged in co-operation
with the University of Turku and the IT University of Copenhagen, the UIAH
Medialab, Helsinki, and partners in the digital content industry. The
conference continues the series of international game studies conferences
opened by Computer Games and Digital Textualities (Copenhagen, March 1-2,

Deadline for proposals
January 30, 2002

- --- :: ---


Computer games have rapidly become a significant and expanding field of
entertainment industry and modern culture. The research and development of
games has reached an important phase. Various conceptual and theoretical
models to understand games and their working are being created, while the
games themselves are growing into new dimensions with their online and
multiplayer capabilities. The transition into the world of mobile gaming is
creating even more challenges and further possibilities.

The Computer Games and Digital Cultures conference offers a comprehensive
view into the current state of digital games, and their research, as well as
forums for interdisciplinary discussion. Conference includes presentations
from leading experts, both from the academic research institutions and game
industry, including the opening words by Espen Aarseth (University of
Bergen), keynote presentations by Greg Costikyan (Unplugged Games, USA),
Steven Poole (author of the "Trigger Happy", UK) and designer of games like
Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Thief and Deus Ex, Warren Spector
(Ionstorm, USA).


Computer games have grown into an increasingly important cultural form, that
has a profound impact on the way interactivity, digital aesthetics and
online environments are currently understood. The conference will explore
the aesthetic as well as narrative and structural issues of computer games,
while also functioning as a bridge and intermediary between the academic
research and professional gaming community. The approach of conference is
interdisciplinary and comprehensive; the analysis of games and the gaming
communities will advance the study of interactive media, create fruitful
exchange of perspectives with the professional game developers, and further
the development of digital culture.


The CGDC has two parts, the first day consisting of workshops that explore
the pragmatic and creative issues of games as a form of culture and
industry. The participants can register for this day separately, or for the
whole three-day conference. The participants may submit proposals for
workshops, focusing on creative design processes, dynamics of gameplay in
particular game types, or, e.g., issues related to technical implementation
or economics of contemporary game projects. Workshops with an academic focus
are also invited. The first day will also include keynote workshops, to be
announced later. In addition, participants are encouraged to offer
suggestions for topics for the panel discussions.

Research Papers

The second and third days are dedicated to the research papers dealing with
games. Both specific analyses of games as a form of art and entertainment
are welcome, as well as more general approaches dealing with the cultural
practices related with games and social activities in online environments.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
  - design and analysis of games,
  - communication and community in relation to games,
  - online and mobile gaming.

Since the aim of the CGDC is to foster dialogue between the game developer
and researcher communities, organisers wish that even the more theoretical
papers would include concrete examples or references to games or
game-related practices.

The paper and workshop proposals should be submitted in the form of
abstracts by the end of January 2002. The deadline for full papers is April
8, 2002, and papers will be included in the printed conference publication.
There is a half an hour time reserved for presenting each paper in the

The Conference Publication

The publication including the conference proceedings will be delivered to
the participants at the conference.

Submission Format

The proposal for a research paper should consist of an abstract of at least
1000 words. A short biography of the author should be included.

The proposal for a workshop has no fixed format. Rather, innovative topics
and creative working practices are encouraged. The workshop proposals should
include a description of the topic, goals and methods applied in the
workshop. The time available for a workshop process is either three hours (a
half-day workshop), or seven hours (a full day workshop). A proposal should
state which alternative it is describing.

All proposals should be submitted through the online form at the CGDC web

Further Inquiries:

For further information and updates on the conference programme, please
consult the conference website: (the official website
opens in December 2001).

The organising committee can be reached through professor Frans Mäyrä
(; the conference programme) or conference producer
Carolina Pajula (; the conference arrangements).


Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 11:13 +0000
Subject: signwave auto-illustrator b0.5-r20

      auto-illustrator b0.5-r20
       the last ever beta
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Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 09:47:07 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: Spiked: New interview with Slavoj Zizek

From: "Sandy Starr" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 12:30 AM
Subject: FYI: New interview with Slavoj Zizek

I thought that you might be interested in this extensive new interview with
Slavoj Zizek, available on the online publication spiked.
- - 'The one measure of true love is: you can insult the other'
The Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek talks about subjectivity, 
multiculturalism, sex and terrorism.
Sandy Starr

Tel: +44 (0)20 7269 9234
Fax: +44 (0)20 7269 9235


Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:10:14 +0200
From: "emmanuel.videcoq" <>
Subject: SOMMAIRE DU =?iso-8859-1?Q?N=B07?= DE MULTITUDES


Multitudes N°7 . Décembre 2001 . 260 pages

Aprés Gênes , aprés New-York / Des nations meurtrières/  Tarde intempestif .

La multitude comme forme ouverte et en devenir, ce sont ces groupes
multiples qui développent coordinations, luttes et actions, écrits en
cherchant à inventer de nouvelles possibilités de vie, de nouvelles
Face à une police brutale jusqu'au meurtre (Gênes), il faut savoir choisir
son camp. Face au délire meurtrier (New York, Washington), il faut choisir
davantage encore. Défendre la société, défendre la démocratie, toujours et
partout, à l'intérieur du mouvement comme au-dehors.
 Sur cette défense, les avis diffèrent, les pratiques divergent, l'écoute
est attentive, Multitudes l'esquisse.
Le dernier crime de masse en date fait-il écho à ceux qui l'ont précédé ?
Peut-on, doit-on comparer l'incomparable  ?
 Tarde se serait sans aucun doute intéressé aux conduites marginales qui
fuient l'extermination et lui résistent. Les préfaciers de la réédition de
ses Oeuvres proposent ici d'utiles développements de sa pensée entre
biophilosophie et biopolitique.

 En tête

- -YMB : Ce qui dépend de nousŠ

- -Déclaration  de Volksbad ; " Faire le monde, pas la guerre ! "

Majeure : Aprés Gênes, aprés New-York

- - François Matheron :  Aprés Gênes, aprés New-York,  les multitudes

- -Toni Negri  Ainsi commenca la chute de l'Empire

 -Starhawk : Fascisme à Gênes

- - Roberto Bui (Wu Ming)  Lettre sur les " Tute Bianche "

- -Christian Marazzi  : A l'ère de la sécurité sociale  mondiale.

- -Yann Moulier-Boutang : Apocalypse New-York  La gouvernementalité de la

- -Entretien avec  Michael Hardt  : Nouvelles d'Amérique

- -Yoshihiko Ichida   La théologie politique japonaise

- -Entretien  avec      Luca Casarini, et  Giuseppe Caccia  : " Nous sommes
allés à Gênes , nous désertons leur guerre. "

- - Entretien   avec Toni  Negri   : Ruptures dans l'Empire, puissance de

- -Yoshihiko Ichida : Questions d'Empire

- - Entretien avec Alain Joxe ;Des guerres asymétriques ?

- - Anne Querrien  Multitudes en fugues

- - Paolo Virno : Multitudes et principe d'individuation

Icones :  Allan Sekula "Waiting for tear gas "

Hors Champs

- -Bertrand Ogilvie : Comparer l'incomparable

- -Anne Querrien : Questions à Bertrand Ogilvie

Mineure  Gabriel Tarde

 -Eric Alliez Différence et répétition de Gabriel Tarde

- -René Schérer : Tarde ; puissances de l'invention

- -Jean-Clet Martin Tarde : une nouvelle monadologie

- -Maurizio Lazzarato La Psychologie économique  contre l'Économie politique.1

 -Jean Phlippe Antoine  Tarde, commun sensationnel

- -Isaac Joseph .Tarde avec Park : A quoi servent les foules


- -Giselle Donnard :  Pour les  femmes en noir de Jérusalem ..

- -Ghassan Katib: Le problème palestinien non résolu

 - Laurent Guilloteau  Jeunesse du précariat, Un salariat en mode mineur.

 - Charles Wolfe compte rendu de "The Deleuze connections "de John Rajchman

- - Pascal Jollivet  Politiques de la cryptographie

Commander aux Éditions ÉXILS : 115Frs franco de port
2 rue du Regard 75005 Paris

Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 05:19:27 +0100
From: "emmanuel.videcoq" <>
Subject: Sommaire du N=?ISO-8859-1?B?sA==?= 7 de la revue Multitudes 


Multitudes N°7 . Décembre 2001 . 260 pages

Aprés Gênes , aprés New-York / Des nations meurtrières/  Tarde intempestif .

La multitude comme forme ouverte et en devenir, ce sont ces groupes
multiples qui développent coordinations, luttes et actions, écrits en
cherchant à inventer de nouvelles possibilités de vie, de nouvelles
Face à une police brutale jusqu'au meurtre (Gênes), il faut savoir choisir
son camp. Face au délire meurtrier (New York, Washington), il faut choisir
davantage encore. Défendre la société, défendre la démocratie, toujours et
partout, à l'intérieur du mouvement comme au-dehors.
 Sur cette défense, les avis diffèrent, les pratiques divergent, l'écoute
est attentive, Multitudes l'esquisse.
Le dernier crime de masse en date fait-il écho à ceux qui l'ont précédé ?
Peut-on, doit-on comparer l'incomparable  ?
 Tarde se serait sans aucun doute intéressé aux conduites marginales qui
fuient l'extermination et lui résistent. Les préfaciers de la réédition de
ses Oeuvres proposent ici d'utiles développements de sa pensée entre
biophilosophie et biopolitique.

 En tête

- -YMB : Ce qui dépend de nousŠ

- -Déclaration  de Volksbad ; " Faire le monde, pas la guerre ! "

Majeure : Aprés Gênes, aprés New-York

- - François Matheron :  Aprés Gênes, aprés New-York,  les multitudes

- -Toni Negri  Ainsi commenca la chute de l'Empire

 -Starhawk : Fascisme à Gênes

- - Roberto Bui (Wu Ming)  Lettre sur les " Tute Bianche "

- -Christian Marazzi  : A l'ère de la sécurité sociale  mondiale.

- -Yann Moulier­Boutang : Apocalypse New-York  La gouvernementalité de la

- -Entretien avec  Michael Hardt  : Nouvelles d'Amérique

- -Yoshihiko Ichida   La théologie politique japonaise

- -Entretien  avec      Luca Casarini, et  Giuseppe Caccia  : " Nous sommes
allés à Gênes , nous désertons leur guerre. "

- - Entretien   avec Toni  Negri   : Ruptures dans l¹Empire, puissance de

- -Yoshihiko Ichida : Questions d'Empire

- - Entretien avec Alain Joxe ;Des guerres asymétriques ?

- - Anne Querrien  Multitudes en fugues

- - Paolo Virno : Multitudes et principe d'individuation

Icones :  Allan Sekula "Waiting for tear gas "

Hors Champs

- -Bertrand Ogilvie : Comparer l'incomparable

- -Anne Querrien : Questions à Bertrand Ogilvie

Mineure  Gabriel Tarde

 -Eric Alliez Différence et répétition de Gabriel Tarde

- -René Schérer : Tarde ; puissances de l¹invention

- -Jean-Clet Martin Tarde : une nouvelle monadologie

- -Maurizio Lazzarato La Psychologie économique  contre l'Économie politique.1

 -Jean Phlippe Antoine  Tarde, commun sensationnel

- -Isaac Joseph .Tarde avec Park : A quoi servent les foules


- -Giselle Donnard :  Pour les  femmes en noir de Jérusalem ..

- -Ghassan Katib: Le problème palestinien non résolu

 - Laurent Guilloteau  Jeunesse du précariat, Un salariat en mode mineur.

 - Charles Wolfe compte rendu de "The Deleuze connections "de John Rajchman

- - Pascal Jollivet  Politiques de la cryptographie

Commander aux Éditions ÉXILS : 115Frs franco de port
2 rue du Regard 75005 Paris


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 18:10:05 +0100
Subject: vrije keyser statements on war on the internet

<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param><FontFamily><param>Courier New</param>November 18, 2001

Vrije Keyser Television

Message - Statements on war can be viewed on the 

The following two paragraphs we wrote in our 
press release to announce 

our program on Saturday 29 september 2001:

<italic>On Saturday 29th September 2001 Vrije Keyser 
broadcasted "Statements on war" on the Amsterdam 
Open Channel A1. "Statements on war" is a 
response to the war propaganda currently oozing 
out of every channel of the mainstream media. 
Within hours, any attempt of "objective" 
reporting had been smothered and was morally 
condemned as cold-hearted, or even pro-Osama. 

Yes. America is at war. The US has been at war 
for two centuries. America's wars, after the 
colonisation of the continent, have not taken 
place on its own territory, but on foreign land. 
>From Grenada to East Timor, over to Panama and 
Vietnam; from the Congo to Somalia, over Iraq to 
Colombia. You name it; they have been there, 
invading, in the words of George W. Bush "openly 
or covertly". A careful examination of US 
foreign policy history reveals over 234 self-
declared overt military interventions and over 
6000 covert interventions into at least one 
hundred countries, killing millions of innocent 

</italic>In the meanwhile the videotape "Statements on 
war" (33 minutes) has been shown in different 
places. We want to produce a second edition of 
Statements on war and want to invite everyone to 
make a film or video in the line of our 
viewpoint (see therefor the press release on as a 
contribution to the second edition of Statements 
on war. 

To inspire vereyone the first Statements on war 
can be viewed on the internet. Take a look on, the page with the videos is It is necessary 
to install Real Player on your computer for 
viewing the films.

Vrije Keyser



Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 09:48:50 +0100
From: "Floor van Spaendonck" <>
Subject: TV NOVA


Invitation to contribute and to participate

>From 5 till 9 December 2001 in Brussels

Cinema Nova started in 1997 and is an autonomous non-profit cinema in
the city centre of Brussels that screens mainly undistributed films.
Cinema Nova has organised under the name « TV NOVA » regular public
meetings with individuals and organisations active in the domain of
independent television making. During the evening, the guests will
present fragments of their work, their specific way of working and the
constraints they are confronted with, followed by a debate with the

Cinema Nova proposes now to contribute to and participate in a meeting
that involves independent televisions from Europe and outside. We target
audio-visual media made by citizens, grass roots initiatives,
independent local televisions, community based televisions, broadcast by
cable, web, hertz or satellite.

It seems important to us that these experiences from all over the world
have a place and a space to meet. Very often, they might have heard of
one another, but there's no structural communication amongst them,
although they all share the same kind of experiences and problems.

The idea is to create the necessary instruments for permanent exchange
of information, films and/or images, and to create the necessary
conditions to distribute on an international level.


Thematic workshops

Animated by participants whose projects or experiences are significant
and remarkable… These workshops are moments of exchange and discussion
around a specific theme, and can be followed by a more specific and
practical workshop, depending on the participants’ propositions.

(Starting at 2 p.m. – some of the contributors are to be confirmed)

Wednesday 5/12: first meeting point

Welcome and presentation of TV Nova and projects of all participants;
this is the first collective contact. This afternoon permits to the
participants to prepare the workshop.

Thursday 6/12: "Other forms of media-activism"

How to use video as a source of counter-information, as a mean of
analysis and investigation in processes of participation and political
decisions (civil empowerment)

Axel Claes (PTTL / Brussels) and Mark Saunders (Spectacle / London)
organise video workshops in a working class area in Brussels. They use
video as mean of communication and as audio-visual base in local
political decision-making, e.g. in urbanism development. Their work is a
good example of audio-visual civil empowerment.

Migra Media is a collective of immigrated women who use video to
construct the image of migrants by deconstructing the image built up by
mass media. They are connected with a local television station in
Barcelona (Spain).

Mark Saunders (Spectacle/Despite TV) gives a practical workshop about
analysis of images of manifestations and other political actions. How to
use these images (own images and/or media images) to give your own
version of the facts? How to discover media manipulation?

Friday 7/12: "Different ways of distribution of independent media"

Distribution by VHS, Web TV, pirate television, distribution by hertz,
new experiences by cable… Why this particular choice, what are the
(practical) advantages and what are the consequences?

Undercurrents (UK) are one of the first networks of video-activism who
distributes their production world-wide on compilation tapes.

Pirata (France) is a group of Marseille who literally pirate local
television chains to distribute their own programs.

Zalea TV (France) is an autonomous television that came out of
experiences like Onde Sans Frontière and TV Bocal. They negotiated some
months ago a temporarly licence for distributing on the cable.

Saturday 8/12: "www: Web TV, free access, free software"

What are the possibilities for independent media to construct a real web
based work? Can web television be a new experience between local
initiatives ?

IndyMedia is an international network of media-activists who work
locally on web. This experience started with the anti-globalisation
movement in Seattle.

The Journal Télévisé International des Quartiers presents its project
that will use the web as a mean of putting together local experiences
all over the world. Teletambores (Venezuela), Clot RTV (Barcelona),
Maxambomba (Brazil) – local area television that shows their productions
literally in the streets- and Catia TV.

Sunday 9/12: conclusion and common projects

Possibility to think about networking (How? What do we expect from it?
How to finance…)

video library and exchange of tapes

There will be a space for viewing and exchanging participants' tapes.
This will be permanent during the days of the TV Nova meeting. There
will be possibility to exchange, to copy and to view the tapes….

Screenings, presentations and debates

Every participant will have some time (and the cinema screen) during
public moments in the evening. The different presentations will be
followed by a discussion with the audience. The program is open and will
be constructed following the propositions of the participants…

Animations, concerts…

Time to relax and to enjoy your stay in Brussels!


Inform us about what you do, what your domain of interest is, so we can
include this into the meeting and the evening program… any suggestion is
welcome! As you see, the program is still open to presentations and
workshops. TV Nova provides space, time and possibility to meet, think,
talk and work… but the meeting will be what participants propose and
make of it!

TN Nova meeting

date: from 5 till 9 December 2001

place: Cinema Nova, 3 rue Arenberg, 1000 Brussels


Cinema Nova: 00 32 2 511 24 77

Contact TV Nova:

… and why wouldn’t you stay till 16 December ? !

>From 13 till 16 December : Summit of Leaken / radio project / street
party and so much more !

The summit of Laeken marks the end of the Belgian presidency of the
European Union. Important subjects will be discussed: definition of a
fundamental European Rights, new members of the EU, public services and
privatisation, asylum rights, co-operation and immigration,
unemployment, education, police, justice….

To put it short and simple: these subjects are important for Europe’s
future. But do we have anything to say in the decisions? Is the European
Union an ivory tower that takes its decisions far away from democratic
peoples movements and opinions? Are we aware of the consequences of
European Unions policy?

For all these reasons, the official summit will be preceded by a
counter-summit by NGO’s on 7 and 8 December . There are also some
manifestations on 13, 14 and 15 December by several organisations and
collectives. To participate in these events means re-appropriation of
word and public space… Extra ordinary security measures are announced
for the Summit of Laeken. These measures mean a dangerous precedent that
will create Brussels into a fort where people can't find their way

One of the initiatives that will happen during the Summit is an "interim
radio": « Radio BruXXel ». The idea is not to be an anti-European voice.
It will give voice to initiatives and opinions that construct another
Europe : open, without frontiers, based on equality and solidarity.

Radio BruXXel will be in the air during 4 days (from 13 till 16
December) operating from Cinema Nova . Thanks to the frequencies of
local radio stations (Panik, Campus, Air Libre and FM Bssl) and
webstreaming, Radio BruXXel will be an open space with direct
transmission where everybody can contribute.

- --


Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 23:32:05 +0100
From: Redaktion <>
Subject: [i love u] future november 2001

To future-cat

Night by night you mingle with my thoughts. Again and again it draws me to
the window to look out for you and I do. Listening for your steps outside
makes me feel you're close. Somewhere in the dark headlights draw near. I
keep the door wide open and bright my room. What if you came along and
didn't find me here? It is as if I've always known you, but nothing I ever
thought you were. You're past recognition and my memory always fails. so I
draw a picture on the wall of you, to force you here. And I spin around
- - a
vodoo dance might do, your music in my ear, feel a little fear - hear. Your
rhythm - my longing grows and my mind goes still - you are here and gone
real fast, in speed you disappear. No trace, nothing I ever thought you
were, I will never know. But my door remains open and my arms the same,
you'll sure come again. And while I wait, hemp helps through, it gives us
some more time to spend - in honour of you.

In patience 
by past-dog

november issue 2001: "future"

monthly appearing e-zine for multimedia art,
monthly changing subject, no-commerce platform for cyber-artists,
photographers, screen-designer, e-musicians, movie-makers, comic-developers...


our snailmail: 
i love u ezine
kellergaesslein 7
CH-4051 Basel
Switzerland / Europe

die redaktion see editorial at

To unsubscribe, write (subject: unsubscribe)

Next month's theme:

feel free to join us and to send contributions to


Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 09:45:13 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <>
Subject: Richard Lowenberg: "The Nature of Tele-Community Development"

From: "Richard Lowenberg" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 5:51 AM
Subject: "The Nature of Tele-Community Development"

 I've just posted a generic version of the keynote presentation I'm
giving next week at the International Forum on Townscape Design, in
Fukuoka, Japan, on my web site.  It has expanded upon some of my previous
writings, and is the basis for a larger written work I am hoping to

"Tele-Community Development: The Nature of Global Villages, Universe Cities
and Communities of Learning in the Information Society"


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -
Richard Lowenberg, Executive Director
Davis Community Network (DCN), 1623 5th St., Davis, CA 95616

Ph. 530-750-1170  or  530-668-1100 (H)      Fax 530-757-2938                    

Yolo Area Regional Network (YARN)


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -
"The body of knowledge speaks with rhythmic grace when moved by

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -


Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 02:28:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: CFS: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness (PEHW) (FWD) (fwd)

Apologies for cross-posting

- ----------------------------


Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness  (PEHW)
ISSN: 1471-5597
Volume 2. : June 2002  (themed issue:  Terrorism)
Submissions (along with a biographical blurb) are due on April 1, 2002

Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness publishes scholarly and
creative work, personal reflections, and practitioners' accounts
relating to classifying, defining, and probing different aspects of
evil. It aims to shed light on the genesis and manifestations of evil as
well as on the diverse angles from which humans can understand, tackle,
surmount, or come to terms with it. Perspectives on Evil and Human
Wickedness does not espouse any ideological viewpoint or favor any
specific theoretical framework, but interrogates a plurality of
perspectives aimed at advancing research on this topic.

Submissions are sought for the June 2002 volume to be devoted entirely
to the theme of terrorism. The volume hopes to present a panoply of
possible angles from which to engage this timely topic.  A wide array of
relevant theoretical, critical and professional perspectives is,
therefore, encouraged.  Of most interest will be contributions that add
to, alter and/or deepen, our current understanding of the phenomenon of

Topics may include:

Labels and Definition(s)
Binary thinking and cultural stereotypes in the discourse on terrorism
Manichean visions of good and evil
Clash of civilizations scenarios
Leitmotifs, imagery and rhetoric in the political discourse on terrorism
Globalized terror
Jihad, Islamic fundamentalism and culture of shame
Terrorism and Late Capitalism
Gendering terrorism
Cyber terrorism
Virtual terrorism in film
Terrorism in the media
Religious/philosophical/historical/legal perspectives on terrorism
Socio-political analysis of root causes

For further details and information regarding this issue, please
visit the journal website at:
or contact Dr. Rob Fisher at
or Dr. Salwa Ghaly at



Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 10:21:28 +0100
Subject: vrije keyser statements on war on the internet

November 19, 2001

Vrije Keyser Television

Message - Statements on war can be viewed on the internet

The following two paragraphs we wrote in our press release to 
our program on Saturday 29 september 2001:

 and was morally condemned as cold-hearted, or even pro-Osama. 

cent civilians.

ntsonwar.html) as a contribution to the second edition of 
Statements on war. 

To inspire vereyone the first Statements on war can be viewed on 
the internet. Take a look on, the page with the 
videos is It is necessary to install 
Real Player on your computer for viewing the films.

Vrije Keyser


Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 17:04:05 +0100
From: domiziana <>

- -- 

Digital Sisters


Considering language as revolution, DSI finds new resources for 
dealing with a different kind of war hidden as a shade in the outer 
side of the Self, that belongs to life as much as other and more 
evident wars.

A new work by DSI is on line now.


It was pure bliss
               when I finally achieved silence.



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