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<nettime> code of silence for the media

21 May 2002 11:39 GMT 


Anyone controlling the global media? Are global leaders due for

Last spring in Naples, Italy, representatives of anti-globalisation
movements were badly beaten while demonstrating against the international
superpowers that team up to protect the interests of the few, at the
expenses of the rest of the world population.

A few may have been violent rioters or infiltrated provokers.

Others were peaceful demonstrators and some even unaware passers-by who
were caught in the crowd by accident.

Scores were injured in the riots, and dozens were deported from the E&R of
the central hospital to the police barracks where many were tortured and

Their accounts are Documented.

Towards the end of April, dozens of officials were issued warrants and
eight senior ‘trusted’ cops were given house arrests, but later

Some witnesses' accounts

Now Procuratore Agostino Cordova, in charge of justice for Naples, is in
some trouble for allegedly mishandling the proceedings against the police
– the arrests warrants against the eight cops were seemingly stalled and
sent back and forth before they were carried out.

He may be due in for a resignation but his faith is hanging and the whole
issue is fogged by clouds of silence, writes La Repubblica.

Today, 48 cops were issued warrants (avvisi di garanzia) for misconduct in
a school in Genoa where horrific accounts of bloody beatings shocked the
international community reports the online daily.

The news of judicial proceedings against members of the police has not
been reported by international media, despite the obvious international
dimension of the incidents, where several foreign citizens were also
injured and subject to abuses.

It is feared that there are ‘strains’ of extreme right-wingers within the
public forces who routinely adopt torture during enquiries, and are
particularly aggressive towards free casual types.

There are also fears that right wing extremism has a prominent place in
Italian government and may be at the heart of the rise of right wing
extremism throughout Europe.

It is worth remembering that Italy, like other European countries, is also
manifesting increasing racial tensions in particular against semitic
communities, both Jewish and Moslem.

Sharon seems unaware of the hidden racial threats fostered by pockets of
extremism brewing up within EU institutions, and rather seems to be
rubbing shoulders with them.

Now President G.W. Bush is seeking Europe's Support, says Forbes, and
started touring Europe where he is causing quite a stir reports The

He is scheduled to meet the Italian premier Berlusconi next week, and he
is also due to pay a visit to the Pope.

Maybe the President, being the powerful man that he is, has heard of a
‘network of networks’ that powers politicians and keeps them in their jobs
and, incidentally, has control over global media.

I also wonder if he has anything that he would like to confess.

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