loathsome toad on Mon, 27 Jan 2014 22:14:09 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> The Californian Reality (from: New Geography)

     "Wow! Speak for yourself. I would be sick if I had that much
     money - I think, as I've never, ever been anywhere near that
     amount - and would, I don't know what I would do, actually,
     sounds pretty utopian to me. What do you do with that much cash?
     Is that where all those SUVs and iPads come from? Now I begin to

     We are a family with a child on half that."

Same is true for us.

One of the more egregious fairy tales of our time is that more education
equals greater income. Live with people outside of such bourgeois paradigms
and it becomes obvious that such generalities are the product of cultural/
economic narcissism.

Thanks for the reminder, M.


On Monday, January 27, 2014 10:33 AM, mp <mp@aktivix.org> wrote:

On 26/01/14 20:50, dan@geer.org wrote:

> In the meantime, everyone on this list is above world median
> income (USD 1,225 per annum) and almost everyone is in the
> world's 1% (USD 34,000 per annum).? In that regard, see:

Wow! Speak for yourself. I would be sick if I had that much money - I
think, as I've never, ever been anywhere near that amount - and would, I
don't know what I would do, actually, sounds pretty utopian to me. What
do you do with that much cash? Is that where all those SUVs and iPads
come from? Now I begin to understand...

We are a family with a child on half that.



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