Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Mon, 2 Oct 2023 07:33:52 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> FWD: The Copy Far "AI" license (fwd)

Dear Thomas,

Am 30.09.23 um 23:20 schrieb Thomas Gramstad via nettime-l:

One thing I find deeply disturbing, as "AI" gets more nearly convincing,
is the utter lack of licenses in which any thought is given to the
freedoms of *the AI* itself.

Thank you for the interesting idea. As far as I know, opcodes and assembler commands are matched 1:1 in computer technology. Digital electrical Turing powerful machines are thus as free as stones - no matter which algorithm is run. Assuming a freedom of stones would render the idea of freedom useless, since everything would be free by definition (including slaves). Considering the freedom of an AI in a license would thus unfree people - and that's just the opposite of what is intended with open licenses.

But I would really like to learn more about the idea that an AI might be free. I've heard this quite often, but never understood the concept. Can somebody help me?

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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