Stefan Heidenreich via nettime-l on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 15:50:10 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> the silence on the rising fascism

it would be interesting to learn how this case is not mainly a conservative attack on a pet-project of the local Greens

That's an easy task:
"Neukölln MP Susanne Kahlefeld (Greens) is calling for the Oyoun cultural center in Berlin-Neukölln to no longer be funded..."

The Green party member called it out on 1.11., two days later the CDU governed Senator went into action.

That much for "pet project": Let's call it the Greta-Effect, or the 360 degree-twist à la Baerbock.

But the Greens are also happily canceling where they can, just have a look at the Masha Gessen scandal, where the party's foundation did its best.

And btw: the whole political hysteria doesn't make much sense without the bigger picture. It's not well explained by pitting "right" and "left" against each other. Green & CDU - they're both neo-con affiliated centrists.

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