Andre Rebentisch via nettime-l on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 21:40:36 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Ocular fictions

From a European perspective the surge in private AR-15 style firearm possession in the US is part of the larger picture.
Quite telling: No one expects US gun control discussions.

- A

Am 14.07.24 um 09:46 schrieb Dan S Wang via nettime-l:

The shots were fired from the roof of a large shed-like out building, the weapon used, apparently, was an AR-15. The distance was 125yrds/115m away. These basic details eliminate probably 99% of the country's Trump haters as realistic suspects, though Trump and Co will try to blame precisely that 99%. The typical individual identified with the grassroots American left couldn't for the life them pull off such a stunt even when dearly wanting to.

Further, how did a guy get himself up there toting a long gun, with tons of people around and presumably through standard Secret Service perimeter sweeps,
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