announcer on Fri, 21 Aug 1998 20:51:47 +0200 (MET DST)

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<nettime> announcer 048

NETTIME'S WEEKLY ANNOUNCER - every friday into your inbox
send your PR to in time!

1...Jaka Zeleznikar.......Interaktivalija/Interactivalia: update
2...Peter Spillman........k-Bulletin Edition fall 1998
3...brad brace............Creating virtual piazzas for the 50+ crowd
4...Frederic Madre........pleine peau, eat me
5...Toni Atalato..........Play global Air Guitar!
6...Marion von Osten......MoneyNations Kongress/german
7...Armin Medosch.........Telepolis New Issue and Free Subscription Service
8...Wayne Ashley..........Sex and Murder: Ways of the Web
9...isea..................ISEA WEBCAST LAUNCH
10..Cell..................CELL initieert TunnelVision


Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 11:26:35 +0100
From: Jaka Zeleznikar <>
Subject: Interaktivalija/Interactivalia: update

I N T E R A K T I V A L I J A / I N T E R A C T I V A L I A

interactive poetry
by Jaka Zeleznikar

* interactive remade ready-made poem (remix)

  based on anagram

* predelana ze narejena pesem

  temelji na anagramu

Coments are very wellcome. Please mail them on

Jaka Zeleznikar



k-Bulletin Edition fall 1998
workingtitle the artist (as) subject"

Join us!
.The k-bulletin is a publication issued on an irregular basis by k3000, a
.group of artists, musicians, theorists and media professionals, each issue
.being devoted to one particular topic. This fanzine, published by changing
.editorial teams, can be obtained by those co-operating in the framework of
.k3000 or its projects. The issue covering "the artist as subject" will be
.published at the end of October. Relevant contributions should be sent to
.us by the end of September.
.The topic: We assume that "the artist as subject " appears where boundaries
.of current conventions must be crossed in order to find out more about new
.territory, its preparation, and its forthcoming "cultivation", as well as
.the immediate initiation of the latter. According to Western cultural
.understanding and its inherent logic of continuity and expansion, it will
.always be the venture into "unknown areas" which will be given credit;
.those artists who act most like conquerors and innovators will be noticed.
.It doesn't matter in which direction these boundaries are moved: whether
.they are expanded "outwards" in the pursuit of the redefinition of the
.current order of distinction or the introduction of new standards of
.aestheticism; or "inwards", in an attempt to uncover innermost feelings.
.New aspects of a social (and personal) reality, with a pronounced urge for
.discovery, also become thinkable and real for rational exploitation by
.science, technology and/or the market. In this way the oeuvre, which is
.identified by the individual artist subjects, offers the ideal excuse to
.prove again and again the unbroken continuity of the Western culture (or
.cultural history).
.Therefore, artists have survived until this day bearing their functions as
.the specific subjects and role models of the culture industry and beyond.
.Along with them there is a whole series of social attributions, functions
.and projections, which have continued to be developed and modified ever
.since they were invented in the framework of the Enlightenment and the
.establishment of a culture patronised by the bourgeoisie. Certain
.properties cultivated in the artists' role, such as the determination to be
.always one step ahead, or the ability to create distinctive identities for
.themselves, have lead to great successes in cultural fields as much as in
.others, such as business for instance. In the post-capitalist version of
.society, which is increasingly defined by the individual, it even seems
.that the actual boom of the young, autonomous, innovative (male) subjects,
.who are determined to succeed, is only now beginning - a role that has
.always been held by artists.
.The technical aspect: The form of the bulletin will be A4 (double page
.being A3). It will be produced by photocopying in black and white, and the
.cover will be in colour. Layouts should be kept within A4 parameters
.suitable for photocopying. The texts will be easiest to process if you send
.them by email, on disc (1.44MB) or zip-drive (100MB) as "text only " or as
."word.rtf" files, and pictures as tiff, correctly resolved. Entire lay-outs
.will best be transmitted as quark-x-press files. In this case, please
.enclose hard copies of texts and pictures.
.Rules of the game: Those who contribute texts, pictures, etc. to k-bulletin
."the artist as subject" will be given 20 copies to hand out or sell. In
.this case the recommended price is 4 CHF or 5 DM. Further copies can be
.ordered at a price of 2 CHF while stocks last. The editor responsible for
.this edition will be Peter Spillmann.
.In order to create a stimulus, and to provocatively define a stance, we
.would like to suggest a few keywords in relation to the topic "the artist
.as subject" in the k-bulletin, which can be complemented and/or made more
.precise, whatever is thought best. In any case we'll anticipate with
.excitement a variety of contributions in the form of texts, advertisements,
.pictures, etc. in German or English.
.[artists' legends, mystification and speculation; images of artists and the
.social projections on them; historic roots; invention of the artist]
.[natural born artist; genius; authenticity; original and originality;
.[identity traps; autonomous subject; finding one's self and self-portrayal
.at any cost; liberty and independence]
.[fencing off; discrimination; to be different; dissidence; who is where and
.when, and who isn't, and why?]
.[for ever young; youth culture; scenes; lifestyles; trends and hypes: in,
.out, up and down, mainstream or minority]
.[pressure for innovation; mania for renewal; avant garde; creativity and
.belief in progress and anything that goes with this]
.[imperative of success; personal success; ability to assert oneself;
.competition; career]
.[Legitimisation and professionalism; expert's discourses; professional
.images; training concepts; career models]
.[the superior artist as subject; curators; mediators; critics]
.[the oeuvre; products; producers and markets; the smallest common
.denominator is called art]
.[contacts; relations; intrigues; power games; field of work and spheres of
.Address: k3000, Post Box 824 ,CH-8025 Zurich, phone and fax 0041 1 272 48
.62, mail
.Peter Spillmann
.Postfach 824
.CH 8025 Zurich
.Tel./Fax 0041 1 272 48 62


Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 09:55:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: { brad brace } <>
Subject: Creating virtual piazzas for the 50+ crowd (fwd)

Creating virtual piazzas for the 50+ crowd.


"Every seven seconds, someone in America turns 50. And every
four seconds, someone posts a new Web site. If we can connect
those trends, then Third Agers will have the same kind of
community that my grandmother had in Virginia."
- --
Frank Wales []

The_12hr-ISBN-JPEG_Project                     since 1994 <<<

> episodic     <
> eccentric    <
> continuous  <
> hypermodern <
> imagery online <

Usenet-news: a.b.p.fine-art.misc
Mailing-list: / subscribe 12hr-isbn-jpeg
Reverse Solidus:

{ brad brace }  <<<< >>>>  ~finger for pgp


Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 15:06:16 +0200
From: Frederic Madre <>
Subject: pleine peau, eat me

pleine peau is celebrating a birthday

bring your latest cutlery to the party

it's on me


after us

les editeurs de Pleine Peau ~


Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 19:18:12 +0300 (EEST)
From: Toni Alatalo <>
Subject: Play global Air Guitar! - an organ for the glorious Inet'98 Youth Session <>
is now busy with organising global AV-connectivity for the Air Guitar
World Championships and hereby invites all you to participate in the
global play! The aim is nothing less than world peace.

The event takes place next week, on Friday the 28th of August 1998, at the
marketplace by the sea in Oulu, Finland. The beloved hometown of us Net
People is known, for example, as the birthplace of IRC (Internet Relay
Chat) and an important base for Nokia (a major rubber boot factory).

People outside of Oulu can follow the show on the Internet *and*, most
importantly, play they part live on the screen for the crowd! We try to
support all popular interactive video techniques like CuSeeMe, Netmeeting
and MBONE-tools.

Please spread the word and join the session on Friday 28th 22.00 (EET),
8pm. GMT that is, at

Below is the original information from the Music Video Festival people who
are behind the event - we just try to lay the net on top of it. Their URL
is in the end, ours above.

Yours, as

+ an +                          ~ Toni ~                : (t    .       !

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 17:15:54 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Tapani Launonen <>

Hello! This is NOT a chain letter but an invitation to save the world.
Send this message to your friends around the world and play the
air guitar yourself! Please, see below!


Air guitarists save the world!
The most important thing isn't to compete, but to save the world!

The worldwide and simultaneous air guitar playing shall cease all war,
prevent the spreading of epidemics and join all nations right after the
Air Guitar World Championships in Finland,  28th of August 10 pm Finnish
time (8 pm GMT).

At that exact hour people all over the world will take their invisible
instruments and play it with their own unique style, alone and together.
Soldiers will lay down their weapons, crime ceases to exist, whirling
currents of air paralyze all bacteria and viruses. Who can be mean to
anyone, when everyone is playing air guitar? We hereby summon all people
on streets, market squares, homes and everywhere to play their breezy
chords in order to save the world. All you need is love.

For more information please go to

Jukka Takalo


    Von: (Marion von Osten)
  Datum: 20.08.98, 10:21:46
Betreff: MoneyNations Kongress/german

Feat: WebZine, The Correspondent Magazine, MoneyNationsTV,
Ausstellung und Kongress

!!!vorlaeugiger Plan zum Kongress:

"Oekonomie der Grenze"
vom 23.10.98 - 25.10.98
Shedhalle Zuerich, Rote Fabrik, Postbox, Seestr. 395, 8038 Zuerich
Tel.: 0041 1 481 5950, FAX: 0041 1 481 5951,

Der Kongress findet im Rahmen des Projektes 'MoneyNations@access' statt. Er
kreist grob gesagt, um die oekonomischen Hintergruende des Geschwisterpaares
Rassismus/Sexismus. Diese Macht- und Ungleichheitsverhaeltnisse werden in
Beziehung zum massiven Ausbau der EUgrenzen und deren Bedeutung fuer neuere
Ausbeutungsformen in Osteuropa gestellt.
Der Kongress mit dem Titel "Oekonomie der Grenze" und ist in drei Tage
unterteilt. Er beginnt am Freitag den 23.10.98 und endet am Sonntag den

Freitag 23.10.98,

17.00 Eroeffnung des Projektes MoneyNations
18.00 Einfuehrung in das Projekt und den Kongress

18.30 -19.30 h wird Beat Leuthard (Autor Festung Europa) zur Verwicklung
der Privatwirtschaft (Siemens) in den Ausbau der Grenzschutzanlagen in den
sog. Transitlaendern (Lettland/Ukraine/Polen) berichten.

um 19.30 h
stellt sich die Kampagne "Kein Mensch ist illegal" vor, die auf der
Dokumenta X begonnen hat und von anti-rassistischen Gruppen und
KulturprouzentInnne getragen wird und in diesem Jahr in Goerlitz an der
polnischen Grenze ein Grenzcamp, Aktionen und Demonstrationen organisiert

um 20.00 h
>haelt die amerikanisch/mexikanische Kuenstlerin Berta Jottar einen Vortrag
>ueber die "Borderworkshops", eine aktivistische kuenstlerische Praxis, die
>auf die rassistisch/sexistischen Uebergriffe des U.S.amerikanischen Staates
>aufmerksam machte.

abschliessende Diskussion zu Grenzproduktion und Widerstand

Der Samstag der 24.10.1998
wird ganz unter feministischer Perspektive stehen. "Grenzoekonomien" werden
dabei anhand der Situation von MigrantInnen aus Osteuropa in der Schweiz,
deren Abeit als SexarbeiterInnen, Putz- und Dienstmaedchen betrachtet, sowie
unter dem Aspekt des Ausbaus der Osteuropaeischen Laender als
Billiglohnlaender, in deren Fabriken mittlerweile vor allem junge Frauen als
NaeherInnen fuer die Fashionindustrie arbeiten. Dagegen werden informelle
Oekonomien wie die "Suitcase economy" nicht nur auf ihre patriachale
Strukturen hin befragt, sondern auch auf ihre "grenzueberschreitende", die
westliche Staats- und Oekonomievorstellungen zersetzende Wirkung.

Dr.Anna Wessely aus Budapest stellt das Forschungsprojekt "Shopping
Tourism" vor, das von verschiedenen WissenschaftlerInnen aus Zentraleuropa
begonnen wurde, um eine Neubewertung des Grenztauschhandels vorzunehmen.

>Um 15.00
wird das FrauenInformationszentrum Zuerich ueber die Situation von
MigrantInnen aus Suedost-Europa in der Schweiz sprechen, und das auch unter
dem Gesichtspunkt inwieweit die Schweiz an diesen informellen Sektoren

Soll es einen Vortrag zu Sweatshops/Textilindustrie in Suedosteuropa
(Albanien/Bulgarien/Rumaenien) geben.
(Wir suchen noch eine Referentin aus Suedosteuropa!)

anschliessend Diskussion

zeigen wir den Kurzfilm einer ungarischen Filmemacherin ueber junge
ungarische Maedchen, die als Dienstmaedchen in franzoesischen Haushalten

und vielleicht anschliessend noch einen Dokfilm ueber die polnischen
Bauarbeiter in Berlin (Potsdamer Platz)

Sonntag 25.10.98
"Globailsierung von unten?"
Dieser Tag steht unter der Fragestellung inwieweit sich die Vorstellungen
von der Expansion des Kapitals (eines sog.freien Marktes) mit den
Demokratieversprechen der Zivilgesellschaft treffen und wie diese u.a.
unhinterfragt von den sozialen Bewegungen uebernommen werden in Ost und

Daher wollen wir zwei Gruppen vorstellen die im Spannungsverhaeltnis von
Widerstand, NGOs und Theorieproduktion arbeiten. Zum einen wollen wir
ASPEKTE vorstellen, ein feministisches Zeitschriftenprojekt aus Bratislava
und ihre theoretischen und politischen Ansaetze und Erfahrungen. Dabei soll
auch beleuchtet werden was es in Osteuropa heisst ein "selbstorganisierter"
Betrieb in der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen/sozialen Situation zu sein.
Wessen Arbeit wird uebernommen. Welche Funktionen im Arbeitsprozess
(Lektoriat,Redaktion, Autorin, Grafikerin...). Wird Aspekte hauptberuflich
produziert, oder handelt es sich um ehernamtliche Arbeit? Wer finanziert,
wer schoepft ab-

Zum anderen werden wir RADEK ein russisches (Kunst)Zeitschriftenprojekt,
das sich auch als aktivistische Gruppe versteht und Kritik am
Neoloberalismus formuliert und in Moskau praktiziert. Wo setzt ihre Kritik
an, welche Praxis, welcher Politikbegriff steht hinter diesem
selbstorganisierten Projekt.Wohin zielt die Zeitung?

wird eine ExpertIn zum Finanzplatz Schweiz in den Auswirkungen
transnationalen Akkumulation einfuehren.

um 15.30
wird Geert Lovink, Medienaktivist und Politologe aus Amsterdam ueber
NGOs/Zivilgesellschaft und der Funktion von George Sorros in Central- und
Suedosteuropa sprechen.

Um 17.00
Soll es eine abschliessende Diskussion geben zur Funktion von Kunst im
globalen Markt/als Imageproduzent/als Garant fuer Mobilitaet/ als
Normalisierungsfalle im speziellen Fall fuer die Osteuropaeische Kunst. Diese
Diskussionsrunde wird mit
Luchezar Boyardiev (Sofia), Iara Bubnova (Sofia/Moskau), Oleg Kireev
(Moskau), K3000/Peter Spillmann, Tibor Varnagy (Budapest), und der
Shedhalle/Marion von Osten (Moderation)....geplant.

Kongresssprache ist Englisch.
Deutsche Beitraege werden ins Englische uebersetzt.

Nach dem Kongress ist ein einwoechiger Radio-, Video- und Internetworkshop
mit MedienaktivistInnen aus Ex-Yugoslavien geplant gemeinsam mit Radio
LoRa, Klipp+Klang und den Leuten vom Kulturserver K3000. Da die
Finanzierung noch immer nicht geklaert ist, koennen wir leider nur auf unsere
Intention aufmerksam machen.


    Von: (Armin Medosch)
  Datum: 20.08.98, 17:19:00
Betreff: Telepolis New Issue and Free Subscription Service

Telepolis New Issue and Free Subscription Service

The mailing list 'tp-news' informs you every month about
English articles and topics in the current issue of the on-line magazine
Telepolis. As a registered member of the Telepolis mailing list you will be
the first one to be informed about the content of new issues.

In the German section you can subscribe to the mailing list
'tp-aktuell' which informs you about new texts in German
language too.

You can register at 'tp-news' via e-mail  by sending an e-mail to:
with the text  »subscribe« in the body of the message.

You can also go to the main menue of the English pages

click on the "subscribe" button and use the form for subscriptions.

Here you find a sample of this months new articles:


We Represent the Best Interest of the Internet
An Interview with Don Heath, President and CEO of the Internet Society
Stefan Krempl

Wassenaar on the Danube
A Small Office in Vienna Oversees the Export of Cryptography Software
Erich Moechel

John Horvath
Public Procurement, Private Profit

John Horvath
The Forgotten Country

Online Publishing

Referees for the Browser Wars
Top Web designers call for Netscape and Microsoft to fight fair.
David Hudson


Amerika On-Line #9
Prophesizing Infowar: Creating Expectations in the New Media Economy
Mark Amerika

Howard Bloom
Greece, Miletus and Thales - The Birth of the Boundary Breakers
History of the Global Brain XIII


Shifting the Borders of the Other
An Interview With Trinh T. Minh-ha
Marina Grzinic


To Serve Your Culture
Art Servers Unlimited Conference at the ICA
David Whittaker

Between Windows & Frames
A Review of Jacks in Slow Motion
Giselle Beiguelman

Short Story

Last Words
Hari Kunzru

Telepolis - Magazine of NetCulture
Office London: 52B Andrews RD, London E8 4RL
Phone: +44 171 923 88 30 Fax: +44 171 923 88 31


Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 14:02:06 -0800
To: Nettime <>
From: Wayne Ashley <>
Subject: Sex and Murder: Ways of the Web

I am teaching a workshop entitled Sex and Murder: Ways of the Web.  This is
one of many workshops I have been developing for Open Studio, the National
Endowment of the Arts/Benton Foundation arts on-line project.   I am the
consultant and lead trainer for the Seattle based version of this national
project.  Below is a short description of the workshop:

Sex and Murder: Ways of the Web

A critical understanding of how the Internet works requires not only
technical competence but an awareness of the contradictory discourses
through which we come to value its importance, or look down upon it as
trivial, dangerous, revolutionary, addictive, democratic, immoral,
efficient, commercial, or anti-art.   These circulating ideas about the
Internet are not mere stories. They have actual impact on whether or not
government should intervene and control its use, for example; the extent to
which cultural institutions and businesses allocate funding and human
resources toward its development and implementation; the kinds of content
we create; and even our approaches toward design.  After viewing five very
short videos depicting disparate visions of the Internet, we will briefly
discuss how the Internet works.  Topics include: decentralized computer
networks, the relationship between servers and browses, Hypertext Transfer
Protocol, Uniform Resource Locator, hypertext, HTML, mime types, TCP/IP,
and DNS.

I am trying to locate useful audio/video/text materials to illustrate the
various issues in this workshop.  Can anyone suggest material I might look
into (advertising campaigns, short videos, corporate training materials,
full length videos, news casts, etc.)?  Previously I have used a 20/20
television program about a boy who murdered another boy after a year long
sexual relationship with someone he met on the Internet; a Microsoft parody
of Internet history; a video produced by Sun Systems about the "office of
the future;" Bell Atlantic campaign for how the Internet and on-line video
conferencing will bring families (of all generations and races) together in
the 21st century.

Thanking you in advance.

Wayne Ashley

Wayne Ashley, Digital Media Consultant
Web Development
Computer Training
Digital Imaging



Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 19:26:21 -0400
To: List.Webcast:;
From: isea <>

>>>>>  ISEA  WEBCAST  LAUNCH  <<<<<
la version fran=E7aise suit....

Welcome to

=46or the second consecutive year the ISEA HQ will provide a full multimedia
coverage of the isea98 Symposium held in Liverpool and Manchester (UK)
September 2-7. Working in collaboration with the isea98 organization,
various international networks such as Rhizome and Telepolis as well as
several Montreal media art centers, the webcast will cover the highlights
of ISEA98 through the production of a daily electronic magazine to be
transmitted on the ISEA web site.

The daily electronic magazines will feature three thematic e-zines:

* Hearing the Noise: Revolution and Terror, isea98
* Extended Bodies: Collaborative efforts in Cyberspace
* Network-Framework: Going for sensory overload

On-liners can also intervene and comment on the three webcast thematics in
the webcast discussion forum. Each forum will have an eyewitness and active
chair to shape the discussion although themes are destined to break out
into many smaller cells and new directions.


The pre-magazine features RealAudio interviews by well known Montreal artist=

* Bill Vorn and Louis-Philippe Demers
* Le Corps Indice (Isabelle Choiniere, Jimmy Lakatos, Alexandre Burton)

>>>>>  OPEN GALLERY <<<<<

The Open Gallery has been set up for you to actively participate in isea98
and the themes of revolution and terror. If you have an URL, images and
projects that relate to these themes you can submit your work to the ISEA
webcast98. Please email:


=46urthermore, in Montreal, on September 3-4, a special public webcast event
takes place. At the Cinematheque quebecoise (335 boul. de Maisonneuve east
) with the participation of various artists and media art centers. This
event is organized by ISEA HQ, in collaboration with Champ Libre,
Independent Film & Video Alliance, StudioXX, SugarRush, Technoboro and

The ISEA webcast98 has been made possible through the assistance of the
Ministere de la Culture et des Communications and the Ministere des
Relations internationales du Quebec

version francaise
Bienvenue au

Pour la deuxieme annee consecutive, ISEA-Montreal prepare une couverture
multimedia en-ligne du Symposium ISEA98 qui se tiendra du 2 au 7 septembre
a Liverpool et Manchester (Royaume-Uni). Realise en partenariat avec les
organisateurs d'ISEA98, un reseau international de collaborateurs et de
centres d'art mediatique de Montreal, ce =ABwebcast=BB couvrira de fa=E7on
dynamique les hauts faits d'ISEA98 a travers la production quotidienne d'un
magazine electronique retransmis sur le site d'ISEA.

Compose de diverses sections, le magazine electronique s'articulera autour
de trois thematiques privilegiees :

* Revolution et Terreur
* Le corps deplace: travaux collaboratifs dans le cyberespace
* Vers une surcharge sensorielle : les reseaux post-mediatiques


Le pre-magazine est maintenant en ligne.
Ecoutez en RealAudio les entrevues des artistes montrealais:

* Louis-Philippe Demers et Bill Vorn
* Le Corps Indice : Isabelle Choiniere, Jimmy Lakatos et Alexandre Burton

>>>>>  ZONE LIBRE  <<<<<

Participez a la ZONE LIBRE d'ISEA98 - Revolution et Terreur
Si vous avez des images, projets ou liens URL relatifs a ISEA 98 et a ses
thematiques ....
veuillez nous les envoyer:


A Montreal, les 3 et 4 septembre, un evenement de diffusion publique aura
lieu avec la participation de divers artistes et centres d'art mediatique.
A la Cinematheque quebecoise, (335 boul. De Maisonneuve est). Un evenement
realise par ISEA Montreal en collaboration avec l'Alliance pour la video et
le cinema independant, Champ Libre, Studio XX, SugarRush, Technoboro et

Le Webcast ISEA98 recoit l'appui du Ministere de la Culture et des
Communications et du Ministere des Relations internationales du Quebec.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ISEA

*******We have new electronic addresses, please update your address book ! /   *******************

- ISEA- 307, Ste-Catherine O # 760.- C.P.508, Succ. Desjardins
- Montreal Quebec H5B 1B6 Canada - Tel:1-(514) 281-6543 - Fax:1-(514) 281-67=
           - email: -


Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 17:57:43 +0200
From: "Cell, Initiators of Incidents" <>
Subject: CELL initieert TunnelVision


CELL - Initiators of Incidents nodigt u uit voor de opening van
TunnelVision op 5 september 1998 om 20.00 uur bij cafe Maxim aan de Maas
"op zuid", bij de ingang van het voetgangers- en fietsersgedeelte van de
Maastunnel. Aansluitend (21.30 uur) zal er een spectaculair vuurwerk te
zien zijn in het kader van het Wereldhavenfestival.


ontwikkelen hun werken speciaal voor het fietsers- en voetgangersgedeelte
van de Maastunnel. Deze werken zullen vari=EBren van geluidsinstallaties tot
fotografische en video-installaties en performances. Daarnaast worden in
het kader van TunnelVision een Cd-rom (door Coenen & Bosma, Tamara
Ackermans, Ellen Lepoutre en Yura van Winden), een website (door D:U:M:B)

en een vormgevingsproject (door 75B) gepresenteerd. Deze maken naast hun
functie als informatiedrager, vooral als zelfstandige werken deel uit van
het project.

De Maastunnel is ondanks dat zij deel uitmaakt van de stedelijke publieke
ruimte in haar geslotenheid tevens een besloten, bijna "intieme" ruimte.
Deze gespannen verhouding tussen publiek en prive plaatst passanten in een
situatie van alertheid. De werken die in het kader van TunnelVision worden
gepresenteerd refereren aan deze spanning tussen publiek en prive, veelal
verwijzend naar imaginaire ruimtes, gegenereerd door het "onbewuste", maar
zij laten tevens het leven buiten de tunnel "doorsijpelen". Hierdoor
oscilleert de ervaring van de werken voortdurend van concreet, tastbaar,
naar imaginair en virtueel.

Wij hopen u te mogen verwelkomen op onze opening,

Nathalie Houtermans & Antoinette te Paske, Initiators.

live-presentatie van "Sound Characters"(roltrappen en voetgangersgedeelte,
zuidzijde)  ZONDAG 13 SEPTEMBER 18.00 UUR - 20.00 UUR: Uitzending van
IMOGEN STIDWORTHY's werk "PAUSE=85." Bij het programma Radio Rijnmond
Cultuur (presentatie Frank van Dijl) op Radio Rijnmond( 93.4 FM en 96.1 op
de kabel). In de Maastunnel (voetgangersgedeelte, noordzijde) en thuis
live te beluisteren.  ZONDAG 13 SEPTEMBER 20.00 UUR: MARYANNE AMACHER:
live-presentatie van "Sound Characters"  !!!OP ZATERDAG 19 SEPTEMBER 20.00

De Cd-rom is te koop tijdens de opening en bij Donner: Lijnbaan Rotterdam,
afdeling Nieuwe media/New Media department, Lijnbaan Rotterdam;
V2_Archief, V2_Organisatie, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam; Montevideo,
Keizersgracht 264, Amsterdam; Art Book, van Baerlestraat 126, Amsterdam.
Tevens te bestellen via mail & email (CELL Postbus 2042, 3000 CA Rotterdam

Let op! In verband met de drukte en afgesloten gebieden i.h.k.v. het
Wereldhavenfestival adviseren wij u, als u van buiten Rotterdam komt, om
=F3f met openbaar vervoer te komen =F3f uw auto aan de zuidzijde te parkeren.
Maastunnel (voetgangers-en fietsersgedeelte noordzijde) a/d Parkkade
Rotterdam. Vanaf Rotterdam Centraal Station, tramlijn 9 richting
Pelgrimstraat, halte Puntegaalstraat. Laatste tram terug naar C.S.: 0.11
uur. Cafe Maxim aan de Maas (voetgangers- en fietsersgedeelte zuidzijde)

Charloissehoofd 21. Per auto: vanaf autotunnel van noord naar zuid,
linkerbaan volgen, linksom mee omhoog, stoplicht rechtdoor, langs
geluidswal met rozen, bij knipperlicht rechts en deze weg volgen.

CELL-Initiators of Incidents Postbus 2042 3000 CA Rotterdam email: URL: Tel: 010.414 6730 Fax: 010.413 2733

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