[a@]@c on Thu, 29 Nov 2001 16:26:19 +0100 (CET)

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[nettime-lat] @c [in festival NÚMERO]

concert + video: @c + Lia

quinta-feira | thursday
29 nov 2001
Lisboa, Portugal
Parque Eduardo VII, Pavilhão Carlos Lopes
NÚMEROlounge, 23h

+VARIZ Showcase 24h / dj set: THE PRODUCERS (F.Fadigaz + M.Sá)



@c . united powerbooks 4 experimental new sounds . http://www.at-c.org

mr.a    [almeida, pedro]
mr.t    [tudela, pedro]
mr.c    [carvalhais, miguel]
@c [united powerbooks 4 experimental new sounds project]

+ Lia

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