Christine van den Horn on Tue, 30 Nov 2010 13:48:26 +0100 (CET)

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Waag open is het publieksprogramma van waag society waarin we kijken naar de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van creativiteit, kunst en samenleving. De bijeenkomsten vinden plaats in de waag op de Nieuwmarkt. In deze oude stadspoort en het gildegebouw zijn het Fablab en Dialoque Cafe gevestigd. 
Zie voor meer programma informatie. Mail wanneer je vragen hebt.

November 30, 4 till 6 PM in Dialogue CafÃ: The impact of digitization on the creative industry I 
Focus on art and design practitioners in Brazil and the Netherlands.
We will explore the professional field of art and design in Brazil and the Netherlands and their mutual interest and look for possibilities to tighten the relations between the 2 countries.
(English spoken)

âSica (Ellen Sluis), Dutch Centre for International Cultural Activities, about the project Cultural Mapping Brazil
âWaag Society (Ivonne Dings) about Down-loadable design. a project in collaboration with Droog Design, with focus on new ways of collaboration, production, and distribution and a new perspective on ownership.
âRogerio Lira, graphic designer
âPaul Comenencia â Consul-General of the Kingdom of the Netherland
âWashington Fajardo â Subsecretary  of Cultural Heritage, Urban Intervention, Architecture and Design of Rio de Janeiro.
âMaristela Rangel â FUNARTE (FundaÃÃo Nacional de Artes)

December 2, 4 till 6 PM in Dialogue CafÃ: The impact of digitization on the creative industry II 
Focus on academies for art, design and media technology in Brazil and the Netherlands. What are their ideas about the impact of digitalization on the creative industry? How do they prepare their students for the constantly changing professional field? What is happening in Brazil? What is happening in the Netherlands? Is there interest in experiments with new digital and online possibilities like the facilities of Dialogue Cafe, which enables us to start an intercultural/ international collaboration?
(English spoken)

âCarla Hoekendijk, founder Game Design Department HvA, school for higher education in Amsterdam
âGabrielle Marks, graphic designer and teacher at the Art Academy in The Hague
âDeanne Herst, professor at the Art Academy in Rotterdam
âRobbert Nelk, student Communication and Multimedia Design
âCarla Cipolla, doctorate in Design at the Politecnico di Milano and is a teacher at UFRJ / COPPE, Production Engineering Program where develops a line of research, teaching and extension on Service Design, developing as one of its main topics the new service models that
emerge from the analysis of social innovation cases.

Meer over Dialoque Cafà 
Het Dialoque Cafà Amsterdam maakt onderdeel uit van een internationaal netwerk en is uitgerust met een geavanceerd teleconferencing systeem, waarmee face-to-face een Internationale dialoog gevoerd kan worden over actuele culturele en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen. Het leren van elkaars ervaringen, visie en perspectief en het versterken van samenwerkingsverbanden staat hierin centraal. 

Dialogue cafÃs zijn gevestigd in Amsterdam, Rio en Lissabon. Binnen enkele weken  sluiten Londen en San Paolo zich daarbij aan. In de eerste drie kwartalen van 2011 breidt het netwerk zich uit met New York, Ramallah, Florence, Oslo, Wroclaw, gevolgd door vele andere steden.
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