Evelyn Austin on Mon, 12 Mar 2012 23:03:50 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-nl] Artists and Writers: Interdisciplinary Exchanges



Artists and Writers: Interdisciplinary Exchanges

 the past, developments in the visual arts and literature frequently ran
 parallel to each other. Although painters and poets have always worked 
together (in the Renaissance, for instance, the painter Dosso Dossi and 
the poet Ludovico Ariosto produced collaborative plays), the exchange 
between visual artists and writers reached unequalled heights in the 
20th century avant-gardes. The exchanges between Pablo Picasso and 
Guillaume Apollinaire hastened the development of Modernism, and even 
after his death the poet remained a great influence on Picasso (P. Read 
2010). While in the 1950s Clement Greenberg called for the elimination 
of literary elements in the visual arts, American painters and poets 
worked frequently and closely together, the results of their exchanges 
leading to important shifts in the nature of postwar American literature
 and visual art (H. Smith 2000). However, it is precisely the works and 
practices that resulted from these encounters that have remained 
marginalized in the study of art and literature. What would happen if we
 were to centralize them? What discoveries would we make about the 
artists, their networks, and their heritage?

One explanation for 
the results of these exchanges remaining in the periphery of scholars’ 
fields of vision, is the fact that they fall neither completely within 
the study of art, nor within the study of literature. However, the 
increasing presence of multimedia expressions in society calls for the 
opening up and questioning of existing disciplinary boundaries, and for 
the forming of new alliances. Which new or developing theories can help 
us better understand interdisciplinary projects from the past, the 
present, and the future (W.J.T. Mitchell 1994; J. Heffernan 2006; G.R. 
Kress and T. van Leeuwen 2006; B. Reed 2010)?

Kunstlicht invites 
academic reflections on works and practices that resulted from 
encounters between visual artists and writers, and academic reflections 
that lay bare artists’ and institutions’ networks of exchange. We also 
look forward to essays that focus on theoretical examinations and 
examinations of theory. Both analyses of historical cases as well as 
reflections on the present will be considered. Furthermore, we encourage
 authors to propose research beyond these guidelines.


 (200 – 300 words) and a short bio outlining relevant work can be sent to redactie@tijdschriftkunstlicht.nl 
before 23 March 2012. Selected authors will be asked to write a 2,000 – 
3,000-word paper (excluding notes). Papers may be written in either 
English or Dutch.

Authors who are published in Kunstlicht receive
 three complimentary copies. Kunstlicht does not provide an author’s 
honorarium. Two years following publication, papers will be submitted to
 the freely accessible online archive at 
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