Matei Bejenaru on Thu, 20 May 2004 06:11:25 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] Prezentarea fanzinelor CHIMIE si IEFTIN la Galeria Vector din Iasi |
Galeria Vector Iasi va invita joi, 20 mai 2004, ora 20, la prezentare fanzinelor CHIMIE si INCEPEM. Prezentarea va fi facuta de artistii bucuresteni Vlad Nanca si Stefan Tiron Fanzinele au fost facute din dorintta de a avea o revista care sa puna in valoare creativitatea si dorinta de lucru in comun a unei noi generatii de artisti, graphic designeri, si nu numai. Dificultatile financiare au oprit pana acum energia creativa a unor tineri artisti care doreau sa faca o revista. Varianta in care fiecare artist isi face partea lui din revista in 10 exemplare a devenit cea mai potrivita si, cu toate ca in final s-au facut numai 10 bucati, cred ca primul numar a fost vazut de cel putin 500 de persoane. Dupa prezentarea celor doua fanzine va avea o discutie libera despre cercurile creative artistice din Romania, precum si despre posibilitatile no budget si low-budget de productie. Vlad Nanca (artist, Bucuresti) Īncepem looks like a style magazine. It reads like a style magazine. Its contributors include some of the country's most talented artists, graphic designers, writers, photographers and all-round creative-types. It has a suitably hefty price-tag. And, for additional excitement in an era when consumers have a healthy disregard for all things mass-produced, it's ultra-limited edition. One copy will set you back a sweet 100 Euros. And only ten copies of each issue are ever produced. However, unlike the limited-edition high-fashion mags that can be found changing hands for large sums of money in New York and London, Īncepem is a fanzine. Though fanzines previously enjoyed a sporadic and underground existence, it was the punk movement of the late 1970's that became irreversibly associated with the art-form. At a time when the mainstream press had yet to wake up to the commercial opportunities that punk-rock presented, fanzines plugged the gap. Indeed, the low-budget, roughly photocopied scribbles of now-legendary fanzines such as Mark Perry's 'Sniffin' Glue' were the transferral of the punk ethic into print. Talent or professionalism weren't required. What counted was the democratising effect that the medium had. In a similar manner, anyone who wants to can contribute to Īncepem. Any kind of editorial role is reduced to ensuring that each contribution roughly fits the theme of the issue, that the offering is A4 in size and reproduced in ten copies. Contributions have come from as far afield as Holland, Spain, Austria and Serbia, ranging from professionally glossy photographs and pull-out sheets of stickers, to Xeroxed drawings and pages of painstakingly reproduced typewriter texts. The results are then bound to make ten fanzines. Tom Wilson (freelance writer, lives and works in Bucharest) _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: