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Re: [Nettime-ro] no comment |
in light of recent developments ... nadia R. a scris: > Grupurile de discutii pe net (v-o spun in calitate de reprezentant a mai multor ONGuri dintre care unele europene si cu experienta a mai multor forumuri si grupuri de discutii foarte active,fara pretentia de a va da sfaturi,doar va prezint o realitate) au toate la inceput o descriere, o definitie a scopului si un manunchi de reguli de comunicare la care toti cei care subscriu (de bunavoie) trebuie sa adere,altfel nu sunt > inscrisi.Punct. > Trebuie sa intelegem cu totii ca un astflel de grup este unul PRIVAT si NU > PUBLIC Incorect. >si deci administratorul are dreptul sa aprobe inscrierea >cui doreste Incorect. Administrators and moderators are obligated to not abuse their authority for personal ends. >si, la fel ,sa dea afara pe cine incalca regulile la care >a subscris Depinde de reguli - unele reguli sint ilegale. >,fara niciun preaviz.Cum ar zice unii :"cenzura >ceausista", dar nimeni nu-i obliga sa se inscrie daca nu le place si >oricand pot solicita > dezabonarea de pe grup ,deci au totala libertate de alegere. Whether you mean it or not Enforced Conformity or Exile are not sustainable solutions. I know that in Romania this may seem like a trivial matter and corruption is the norm, because the communist illusion that suppression produces results persists, but history teaches otherwise - just ask the v.surprised ceausescu The only thing that suppression, particularly clandestine suppression as practiced on Nettime-ro for over 1 year accomplishes is increased opposition and revolt. It seems you aren't aware of what has been taking place on nettime-ro and what the issues are. Nettime-ro has been fully censored (not moderated) for over 1 year, censorship which Perjovschi recommended, and Catona implemented. The current situation, the fact that it is no longer censored, is, in my opinion a technical glitch. It seems improbable that Dana Catona changed her mind regarding the benefits of cladestine censorship, and clearly Perjovschi hasn't. So ... Daca reprezinti Ong-uri - you may want to do some research into disenfranchising, persecution, and abuse of authority, particularly as applicable to the non profit field. Rules, mutually accepted modes of communication are not the issue here. If Catona hadn't practiced censorship with perjovschi's encouragement and recommendation, for over a year, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Period. The issue is abuse of authority - ie. employing one's position of authority to push through a personal agenda, by engaging in persistent and systemic censorship and repression of the opposition. This is corruption 1.0.1 I repeat: if Catona hadn't practiced censorship for over a year, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Further, if Nettime-ro returns to full scale clandestine censorship we will file formal complaints with all Art and Non-profit funding and regulatory bodies of .ro and .eu. We have successfully removed other corrupt moderators and will not hesitate doing it again, irrespective whether perjovschi's carioci will be affected. Disenfranchising others is not a playing matter, I don't care if one is an artist and/or de la usa cortului. We hope this is unnecessary, and I have outlined my recommendations, namely that Catona be replaced with a multiplural volunteer group of 3-4 men and women, and Perjovschi clarify his position on cenzura clandestina, because a democratic state should not unknowingly fund those advocating censorship. 1. I agree that mutually accepted rules are desirable, must be formulated and must be observed. I disagree, however that they can be enforced in an ad hoc fashion, inconsistently, and used for personal ends, for example suppressing the opposition, groups of persons that those in power disagree with, which is what has been taking place on nettime-ro. The principle attribute of a moderator, administrator and leader must be objectivity. Both Catona and perjovschi, through their statements and actions have demonstrated utter and complete contempt and disregard for this requirement, and have made it perfectly clear that they are not prepared to extend equal priviledges to the opposition -- i.e., cronyism and corruption 101. 2. It is ironic that you find it surprising that many people are apathetic to this discussion. Please recall that Nettime-ro has been placed under complete clandestine censorship for over 1 year, which on a micro-scale mimics ceausescu's regime. When people are conditioned through a non participatory program of non-stop reclame, it is absolutely normal to lose interest, and adopt a non- participatory, laisser fairer attitude. In fact what you will find, as on Nettime-ro, is that initially people are more likely to complain about the disturbance caused by any objection or protest to the status quo. Imminent Change is more frightening than repression. The masses will shift their allegiance, but only after their laisser fairer attitude has been truly shaken. The natural condition of the masses is not awareness, but sleep and trivial self interest. This is precisely what makes the capitalist corruption possible - people are largely concerned cu linistea lor, obtaining good deals when shopping, viewing their fav. tv program, dreaming about winning the lottery. While one cannot really fault people for this, they should not be surprised by the corruption flourishing around them. One cannot exist without the other. So while I agree with you that the apathy demonstrated by the list as a whole is deplorable, Catona's insidious program of non-Stop Reklame has been instrumental in creating and maintaining this condition. >"sat fara caini" Mie mi se pare ca o satra de ciini, corupta, fara stapini. See Animal Farm by Orwell or Underground by Kusturica You are underestimating what has been taking place on Nettime-ro and how symptomatic it is of the wider corruption in Romania. > Nu stim sa ascultam si sa folosim experienta celor care s-au" lovit deja cu capul de pragul de sus", >ori de cate ori cineva emite o parere (buna -rea,macar e din capul propriu) trebuie redus la tacere,desfiintat ca persoana. Ai protestat cind Catona practica cenzura timp de peste un an +? Nu. Ai fost perfectly silent. Atit timp cit nu o simtim nu este o problema. But that is precisely how censorship works. Crezi ca cenzura ascunsa sub pragul democratic si civilizat este mai putin violenta decit sub pragul comunist+? Crezi ca daca n-o vezi este mai putin violenta +? Dimpotriva. Este mai violenta. Crezi ca un pui la punga, impachetat frumos si sanitar este mai civilizat decit celui care is s-a taiat gitul intr-o curte si se zbate peste tot, in fata ochilor tai, patind tot in cale +? Crezi ca in comunism nu au existat oameni cenzurati, disparuti, si altii au aplaudat ca niste lasi civilizati, sau au facut tot felul de scuze, ca acest compromis este necesar pt. progres, pt. civilizatie, pt. liniste, pt. pace, pt. el si pt. ea, pt. mine si pt. tine, in _numele_ nostru +? Think again. Eu o fac deschis. O vezi. Poti sa raspunzi. Perjovschi si Catona pot sa raspunda. Daca ti se pare cam violenta - asta se intimpla cind coruptia este ascunsa sub prag ani intregi. Dar aceasta violenta nu este nimic comparativ cu cea ascunsa, sanitara, a cenzurii. To the 'civilized and superior artists' whose dear silence I have shattered -- don't be so overly concerned. It is improbable that Catona would suddenly see un adevar luminos and change her mind regarding the wonderful 'benefits of censorship'. It most likely is just a temporary error in the list maintenance settings, something purely technological, and things will return to the status quo shortly, so that you may once again enjoy the high discourse, in profound and civilized silence, and not be bothered by things you cannot see nor feel. > am pretentii). You're certainly one of the few around here with good intentions, who is listening, and who is not only preocupied with EUEUEUEUEUE but that also seems to predispose you to think everyone's intentions are good and sincere. You'll be surprized to find that some aren't. - Krvava Gruda Plodna Zemlja 0f0003.MASCHIN3NKUNST @www.0f0003.com 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \\----------------+ | n2t | > e _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list Nettime-ro@nettime.org http://www.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-ro --> arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/