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[Nettime-ro] mnac: Tabatabai / Afrassiabi / joi |
Nasrin Tabatabai si Babak Afrassiabi Satellite: as long as it is aiming at the sky, â28min, 2009 Screening & talk Joi/ Thursday, 20.05.2010, 18h00, MNAC Auditorium Satellite: as long as it is aiming at the sky este un film cu tema sociala, raportandu-se la diferentele culturale si politice dintre cele doua continente (Asia si America de Nord). Filmul se concentreaza asupra emisiunilor TV din timpul campaniei electorale din Iran, in 2009. Acest micro-univers televizual compenseaza lipsa unei legaturi imediate, a unei urgente de tip vizual participativ a celor din afara Iranului, captand imagini ale crizei politice si, nu in ultimul rand, ale crizei mediatice. filmul prezinta practic televiziunea dezvaluita in aspectul sau frust, televiziunea in criza. In prezent exista mai mult de treizeci de statii TV satelit in Los Angeles (California), statii ce functioneaza pe baza unui buget minimal si care emit pe plan international in limba farsi, in timp ce majoritatea publicului audient se afla in Iran. In aceasta situatie filmul analizeaza dubla identitate, atat geografica cat si politico-culturala: o ambivalenta acolo/aici, acum/atunci, un lucru ce poate fi identificat atat de audienta din Iran cat si de cea din afara Iranului. Indiferent de programele transmise (fie politice, fie pur si simplu de entertainment) toate au acelasi lucru in comun: legatura directa, live cu publicul iranian prin intermediul telefoniei, o caracteristica definitorie pentru continutul si formatul acestor transmisii. Nasrin Tabatabai si Babak Afrassiabi traiesc si lucreaza in Rotterdam si Iran. Au inceput in 2004 un proiect comun, revista Pages, ce aduna proiecte artistice prezentate bilingv in farsi si engleza. ......................................... Satellite, as long as it is aiming at the sky, the recent video by Tabatabai and Afrassiabi, zaps across the Los Angeles-based Iranian satellite television stations. What is revealed through this video is a tele-visual mediation of geography, community and politics in a critical state. Initially being exile televisions, these TVs generate a tele-visual micro universe that compensates for its (cultural, geographical, political and social) lacks by constantly referring to and commenting on its own production and reception structures. This is identified and elaborated through endless live telephone calls by audiences living both in and outside of Iran. This "self-mediation" engenders a sense of immediacy and urgency across the TVs, which increases enormously at times of political and economical stakes. The video captures these TV stations during the time of the 2009 elections in Iran. The political crisis at home inevitably enters into the TVs, and thereby in some odd way discloses the TVs true nature. The video depicts television in its bare form, television in crisis. Today, there are more than 30 satellite TV stations broadcasting internationally in the Farsi language from Los Angeles (California), with the majority of their audience living inside Iran. These are low-budget stations, reduced to the basics of broadcasting. What is retained through these TV programs is their twofold geographical, political and cultural identity: an ambivalence of here/there, now/then, and now and the eventual future, identified and elaborated by both the audiences living in and outside of Iran. Some have clear political agendas; others simply proffer entertainment. But all have one thing in common: their direct, live communication with their Iranian audience via telephone, a feature that is in fact defining the content and form of their programs. These satellite televisions have come to produce a surplus geography with a political and cultural identity that is indecisive and liminal in nature, while fostering a community of hosts and audiences. Nasrin Tabatabai and Babak Afrassiabi live in Rotterdam and pursue an art practice both in Iran and the Netherlands. They began Pages in 2004, which consists of art projects, and a bilingual Farsi/English magazine. ................................................................ Partener principal: BRD Groupe Societe Generale Sponsori: Hotel Novotel, Murfatlar Parteneri media: Igloo, Arhitectura, 24 Fun, rfi,, Cocor Media Channel âââ. Palatul Parlamentului/ Str. Izvor 2-4, aripa E4, Bucharest (RO), 050563 intrarea prin / entrance from Calea 13 Septembrie tel: +40 21 318 91 37 / fax: +40 21 318 91 38, Miercuri / Wednesday - duminica / Sunday 10h-18h   To Unsubscribe, please click here. _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list --> arhiva: