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[Nettime-ro] Reminder: Marti 8 iunie ora 18.00 grupul focAR prezinta MOnuMENTS la UNA galeria |
for English version please scroll down Universitatea Nationala de Arte - UNAgaleria va invita sa vizitati expozitia MOnuMENTS- un proiect al grupuluifocAR (Alina Tudor &Razvan Neagoe) Curator Cristiana Radu Vernisaj 8 iunie 2010, ora 18.00 UNA galeria,Str. G-ral Budisteanu nr. 10 Expozitia poate fi vizitata in perioada 8-18 iunie 2010 si in cadrul NAG ( intre orele 20:00 â 04:00 Proiectul MOnuMENTS porneste de la necesitatea unei reflectii asupra relatiei deficitare pe care o avem cu istoria si memoria recenta, urmarind o piesa reprezentativa pentru relatia dintre discursul politic si tesutul urban. Aflat in desfasurare, ca un proiect de termen lung, MOnuMENTS urmareste cartografierea tarii pe zone - Dobrogea, Banat, Muntenia, Oltenia, Moldova, Ardeal, Maramures - documentand si arhivand monumentele de toate tipurile de pe intreg teritoriul tarii. Rezultatul va fi o âhartaâ identitara a tarii prin prisma monumentelor sale. Monumentele constituie un indiciu asupra felului in care ne privim istoria proprie si pe noi insine, ca popor. Asupra valorilor ideologice ale unei perioade istorice si asupra felului in care ne-am raportat/ne raportam la ele. Asupra raportului dintre arta si politica. Avatarurile suferite de ele in timp sunt un barometru bun al schimbarilor politice si sociale petrecute in spatiul pe care il populeaza. Documentarea a inceput in 2007, iar prima actiune a avut loc in 2009, pe traseul Constanta-Bucuresti si a constat in depunerea unui buchet de flori la fiecare monument si respectarea unui moment de reculegere in memoria eroilor. Scopul imediat a fost acela de a atrage atentia asupra unor monumente uitate sau aflate intr-o stare de degradare vizibila. Tipul de cercetare artistica propus nu isi aroga exhaustivitatea si nici obiectivitatea sau tipul de analiza al cercetarii stiintifice, ci propune o meditatie asupra relatiei dintre individ, comunitate si istorie, o intalnire vie intre âieriâ si âaziâ, intre mentalitati si valori diferite, intre noi cei de azi si martorii tacuti ai vremurilor trecute. Noteaza diferente intre dezvoltarea urbana si cea rurala, intre gesturi politice/culturale, gesturi individuale sau colective. Tangential, atinge teme precum arta in spatiu public, urbanism, moduri de comunicare, tipuri de comunitati, totalitarism, manipulare, violenta. Dorim sa opunem stergerii memoriei colective o memorie âvieâ, urmarind in timp avatarurile â dislocari fizice sau dislocari de sens, reconstructii etc - suferite de aceste simboluri nationale. Raportul MOnuMENT â MOMENT este definit de cel putin trei momente semnificative pe care vrem sa le aducem in atentie: Momentul constructiei si inaugurarii monumentului (data, locatie, autor, tehnica, comanditar etc) Momentul evocat (tema, reprezentarea, titlu, istoric etc) Momentul fotografierii (starea lui actuala, eventuale modificari, restaurari, reconditionari, semnificatia lui acum etc). Selectia de imagini prezentata in expozitie se concentreaza asupra figurilor eroilor din diverse perioade istorice. Majoritatea evoca primul sau al doilea razboi mondial. Cele mai vechi, de pe vremea Regelui Ferdinand sau a Regelui Carol, au suferit diverse recosmetizari â regimul comunist nu a demolat toate monumentele anterioare, insa a operat modificari â s-au mai adaugat nume, au fost scoase placute comemorative, unele monumente au fost reamplasate, altele vandalizate. Proiectul de documentare si cercetare MOnuMENTS a continuat si in Londra, avand curatori pe Lars Vilhelmsen si Karen Ay. In perioada martie - aprilie 2010 am pornit la drum impreuna cu âThe Travellers Box Projectâ, o serie de trei performance-uri adaugand o noua dimensiune proiectului. Observarea prin comparatie a monumentelor din cele doua capitale, Bucuresti si Londra, a permis tragerea unor concluzii interesante privind modurile diferite de raportare la istoria proprie praticate in cele doua spatii, respectul/lipsa de interes fata de insemnele nationale ale trecutului oferind un indiciu asupra relatiei de apreciere/comercializare/conflictuala/indiferenta fata de propriul trecut. The Travellers Box functioneaza ca discurs artistic, purtat intre artisti, in cadrul caruia atat analiza cat si productia propriu-zisa joaca un rol important. La baza proiectului se afla notiunea de colaborare intre diferitele puncte de vedere ale artistilor, pornind de la interactiunile acestora cu âCutiaâ, ca si relatiile care se dezvolta din aceste interactiuni si se manifesta in diferite forme. Mai multe detalii: focAR group (Alina Tudor and Razvan Neagoe) National University of Arts - UNAgaleria have the honour to invite you to visit the present exhibition MOnuMENTS - a focAR group project (Alina Tudor & Razvan Neagoe) Curator Cristian Radu Opening on the 8th of June 2010, 6:00 pm UNA gallery, 10 G-ral Budisteanu Street the exhibition is open in between 8 - 18 June 2010 the exhibition makes part of âThe White Night of Galleriesâ event in between 8:00 pm - 4:00 am MOnuMENTS project starts from the necessity of a reflexion on the deficitary relationship we have with history and recent memory, following a representative piece for the relationship between the political discourse and urban weaving. Developing like a long-term project, MOnuMENTS maps the country following zones: Dobrudja, Banat, Wallachia, Oltenia, Moldavia, Transylvania, Maramures â gathering documentary evidence and archiving monuments of all types on all country territory. MOnuMENTS represents an indication of the way in which we see our own history and ourselves as people. An indication of ideological values belonging to a certain historic period to which we have referred. An indication of art and politics. Avatars they have undergone throughout the time are a good barometer of political and social changes that have occurred in the space they populate. Documentation started in 2007, the first event occurred in 2009 on Constantza â Bucharest route and consisted in flowers laid in each monument and marking their regret by standing silently for a minute. The immediate purpose was to draw attention to those monuments forgotten or being in visible degradation. The type of the artistic research proposed neither arrogate to itself exhaustition nor objectivity nor the type of scientific analysis but proposes a meditation on relationship among the individual, community and history, a live encounter between âyesterdayâ and âtodayâ, between mentalities and different values, between us of today and taciturn witnesses of the past. It remarks the differences between the urban development and the rural one, between political/cultural gestures. Tangentially it touches as well themes like art in public space, urbanism, ways of communication, types of communication, totalitarianism, manipulation violence. In the relation MONUMENT â MOMENT the time factor is also important: for every monument there are at least three significant moments, which we want to bring them into attention: - the moment of construction and the monument inauguration (date, location, author, technique, ordering authority, etc) - the moment of evocation (theme, representation, title, history, etc) - The moment taking the photograph (actual state, eventual changes, restoration, reconditioning, its actual significance). We want to oppose objective memory wiping to live memory, following in time the avatars â physical dislocations or sense dislocations, reconstructions etc â undergone by these national symbols. The selection of images presented in this exhibition is focused on heroesâ figures from different historical periods. Most of them evoke the first or Second World War The oldest ones from King Ferdinand time or King Carol time have underwent different remarking-up-communism system did not demolish all the previous monuments, but it made changes-adding names taking out plagues, replacing some or vandalizing other. The project of gathering evidence and researching MOnuMENTS it also continued in London having the curators Lars Vilhelmsen and Karen Ay. During the period March-April 2010 they started up along with The Travellers Box project a series of three performances adding a new dimension to the project. Noticing comparatively the monuments of the two capitals London and Bucharest allowed reaching some interesting conclusions concerning different ways of reporting to own history practised in the two spaces/respect / lack of concern towards the national insignia of the past showing a sign of the relation appreciation commercialization â conflictual/indifference towards the past the differences are found not in the part of the representation but in the one of presentation the London ones similar in subject and creation being comparatively perfectly turned to good account. The Travellers Box works like artistic discourse engaged by artists in which both the analyses and the proper production play an important part. Lying at the basis of the project the motion of collaboration among artists different points of view starts from their interactions with the Box as well as relationships which are developed from these interactions and manifests in different forms. For more details please visit: focAR group (Alina Tudor and Razvan Neagoe)
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