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[Nettime-ro] Deschiderea Galeriei Nicodim Bucuresti - UNU SI CU UNU FAC UNU


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Cand formula va deveni ceea ce facem, ne vom lepada si de noi
Nu uitati:
CITRONADE: nobile si pudrate marchize
VITRINILE: sunt coapsele noilor produse
FEMEILE + imprejurari, nu sunt tunse
Puneti palarii de pai semnelor de intrebare!
LUNA e scuipatul cimitirului de tuberculosi in batista cerului
EPILOG: Pentru visurile noastre
Este ucigatoare ca o ciuperca otravita
A trebuit sa vina o generatie greu incercata ca a noastra, care nu a avut
nimic de pierdut si totul de castigat, ca sa se poata prescrie cu atata
abnegatie, unei arte atat de pure, atat de inaltatoare.
Arta e un castravete toti artistii castrati
Tacere oameni buni!
azi noapte este noaptea noptilor,
hotii si vagabonzii sunt atarnati de grinda caselor
si sinucigasii din mine sunt sus pe stalpi, sus."


"UNU si cu UNU fac UNU" este un proiect ce pune impreuna artisti din
generatia avangardei romanesti caracterizata de impulsul ei extrem spre
transformarea totala a adevarului aparent intr-unul artistic. Victor
Brauner, Marcel Iancu, Isidore Isou, Gherasim Luca, Max Herman Maxy, Sasa
Alaturi de acestia sunt invitati doi artisti din generatia anilor '60 - Ana
Lupas si a anilor '90 -Teodor Graur.
Expozitia documenteaza generatii de artisti diferite prin context. Prima,
care propune o cale radical revolutionara ce a impins dincolo de limita
schimbarile de atitudine estetica introduse de modernism, si a doua,
atitudini mai recente care propun o prespectiva conceptuala a producerii
artei ce combina deopotriva critica institutionala si politica.
Expozitia contine o serie de lucrari documentare, unele dintre ele expuse
in premiera in Romania, reviste de avangarda, manuscrise, machete,
mobilier, obiecte, gravuri experimentale si pictura.
Lucrarile provin din colectii particulare si din colectia Muzeului de Arta

Vernisajul va avea loc vineri, 05 octombrie, orele 19.00

Artisti: Victor Brauner, Teodor Graur, Marcel Iancu, Isidore Isou, Gherasim
Luca, Ana Lupas, Max Herman Maxy, Sasa Pana

Curator Suzana Vasilescu

05.10 - 05.12 2012

Vernisaj vineri, 05 octombrie, orele 19.00

Str. Academiei Nr. 15, Et. 2, Sector 1, Bucuresti

People, they are...
But we, what are we?
When the formula will come to mean what we normally do, we will deny
ourselves, too.
Don't forget:
LEMONADES: noble, powdered-wiged marquises
SHOP WINDOWS: the thighs of the new products
WOMEN + circumstances, do not sport new haircuts
Put straw hats on question marks!
The MOON is the spit of the cemetery, where the consumptive patients rest
in peace, in the handkerchief of the sky.
EPILOGUE: For our dreams
Reality is lethal as a poisonous mushroom
A sorely tried generation, like ours, had to come up, with nothing to lose
and everything to gain, and so enthusiastically dedicate itself to an art
so pure and so noble.
Art is a cucumber all artists are castrated
Silence, my good fellows!
Tonight is the night of all nights,
Thieves and trumps are dangling, suspended from the beams of the house
And the suicides inside myself are high up on the poles, high up!


"One plus one makes one" is a project that gathers artists belonging to the
Romanian avant-garde characterized by an extreme urge to provoke the
complete transformation of an apparent truth into the artistic truth.
Victor Brauner, Marcel Iancu, Isidore Isou, Gherasim Luca, Max Herman Maxy,
SaÅa PanÄ.

Two other artists, one belonging to the generation of the 60s - Ana LupaÅ
and the other to the generation of the 90s - Teodor Graur, have also been
invited. The exhibition documents two contextually different generations of

The former proposes a radically revolutionary method that pushed beyond the
limit the changes engendered by the aesthetic attitude introduced by
modernism, and the latter suggests more recent approaches which offer a
conceptual perspective on the production of art, which combine
institutional criticism and politics.

The exhibition contains a series of documentary works, some of them
exhibited for the first time in Romania, avant-garde journals, manuscripts,
scale models, pieces of furniture, objects, experimental etchings and
paintings. The exhibits come from private collections and from the
collection of Constanta Art Museum.

The opening will take place on Friday, October 05, at 7 p.m,

Artists: Victor Brauner, Teodor Graur, Marcel Iancu, Isidore Isou, Gherasim
Luca, Ana LupaÅ, Max Herman Maxy, SaÅa PanÄ

Curator: Suzana Vasilescu

 Open: 05.10 - 05.12.2012

Opening: Friday, October 05, 19:00

Str. Academiei 15, Et 2, Sect.1

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