Ágnes Evelin Kispál on Sat, 16 Sep 2017 08:13:46 +0200 (CEST) |
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---------------------english text below----------------------- ...................................................................... Spațiul Expozițional de Artă Contemporană MAGMA vă invită la vernisajul expoziţiei de grup, intitulată MAYBE4 Redefinire care va avea loc vineri, 15 septembrie a.c. la ora 19:00, după care urmează lansarea revistei sci-fi de benzi desenate FANTOMATIKA în prezența artiștilor Kriszta SZABÓ și Mátyás SÁROSI cu participarea lui Erika FÁM și András Áron IVÁCSON. ARTIȘTI:CSIKI Csaba | DACZÓ Enikő | ÉLTES Barna | FERENCZ S. Apor | IVÁCSON András Áron | IZSÁK Előd | KOZMA Levente | KUSZTOS Attila | LÁSZLÓ István | MARTINI Yvette | ÖRDÖG-GYÁRFÁS Ágota | PÉTER Alpár | SÁROSI Mátyás | SZABÓ Kriszta | SZABÓ Péter | TORÓ Attila | VÁNCSA Domokos | VETRÓ BODONI Barnabás Expoziția va fi deschisă până în 12 noiembrie 2017 în fiecare zi cu excepția zilei de luni, între orele 11:00-19:00. www.magmacm.ro www.fantomatika.com ...................................................................... MAGMA Contemporary Art Space is pleased to invite you to the following events: MAYBE4 Revision / group exhibition's opening and release of FANTOMATIKA, the first sci-fi comic strip periodical from Transilvania with the presence of the artists Kriszta SZABÓ & Mátyás SÁROSI and with the participation of Erika FÁM and András Áron IVÁCSON Friday, 15 September 2017, 19:00 hour ARTISTS: CSIKI Csaba | DACZÓ Enikő | ÉLTES Barna | FERENCZ S. Apor | IVÁCSON András Áron | IZSÁK Előd | KOZMA Levente | KUSZTOS Attila | LÁSZLÓ István | MARTINI Yvette | ÖRDÖG-GYÁRFÁS Ágota | PÉTER Alpár | SÁROSI Mátyás | SZABÓ Kriszta | SZABÓ Péter | TORÓ Attila | VÁNCSA Domokos | VETRÓ BODONI ON VIEW: 16.09 – 12.11.2017, every day, except for Mondays and holidays, between 11:00-19:00 www.magmacm.ro www.fantomatika.com ...................................................................... -- Kispál Ágnes-Evelin +40 721 649 156 *//*------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGMA Contemporary Art Space OPEN 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. all day except Mondays and holidays NYITVA hétfő és ünnepnapok kivételével naponta 11:00 - 19:00 óráig *DESCHIS in fiecare zi cu exceptia * *zilei de luni si in zilele de sarbatoare* *intre orele **11:00 - 19:00* --------------------------------------------------------------------- 520003 - Sepsiszentgyörgy / Sf. Gheorghe, Szabadság tér / Piata Libertatii nr. 2. sz. Kovászna megye / jud. Covasna - RO Tel: +40 729 007 424 <magma@maybe.ro> www.magmacm.ro <http://www.magma.maybe.ro/> magma@maybe.ro Skype ID: magmacm <magma@maybe.ro> -------------------------------------------------------------------*//* _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list Nettime-ro@nettime.org http://www.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-ro --> arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/