dunja kukovec on Fri, 3 Dec 2004 14:14:44 +0100 (CET)

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[nettime-see] Pixxelpoint, Nova Gorica, SIovenia

////sorry for crossposting////

You are kindly invited to the opening of the Pixxelpoint festival
On Friday, December 3rd 2004 at 8 pm, at the City Gallery Nova Gorica.
The festival will run from 3rd to 13th December.

One of the consequences of the contracted space and time, where a 
certain segment of the world population within the high-tech 
infrastructure defines information as goods and new technologies as mere 
tools, is the physical, psychological and social shifting of boundaries 
as well as creating temporary topologies. The new cartographic, symbolic 
or emotional mapping of the world carves out space, time and identity to 
the representative techniques of the temporary selfproviding communities.
Within the virtual or geopolitical zones the latter stand for the stream
of resistance. By means of wireless technology the locative and mobile
tactical media provide a new record of the subjective itineraries and
personal space-time zones within the given geographical situations.
Today’s economic map of capital flow into the junctions of world
communication networks by no means matches the image of the contemporary
world shaped through history. Does the transgression of such boundaries
actually take place in this moment or is it a mere fantasy of utopians 
and activists? How to conquer a space emotionally? Can we give up 
confines like centre, integrated periphery, attached periphery, forsaken 
periphery, dead corner or half isolated zones not only on the level of 
the imaginary, but also on that of the real?

cybergeography, psychogeography, data visualisations, tracing routes,
community, political and subjective mapping, locative and mobile media,
statistics, emotional space, situations, space-time relations,
transgression, political revelations, diagnosis, localization of power,
centres of resistance.

Ursula Biemann (Switzerland), Bureau d'etudes (France), Eastwood (Serbia
and Montenegro), Ewen Chardronnet (France), Miha Ciglar (Slovenia), 
Jaanis Garancs (Latvia), Lina Kovacevic (Croatia), Son:da (Slovenia), 
Tuomo Tammenpää (Finland) + Tamas Szakal (Hungary), Pall Thayer 
(Iceland), Version magazine

Abe Yoshiyuki, Terry Calen, Stefan Popa Catalin, Sergio Curtacci, 
Vessela Mihaylova, Riccardo Rizzo, Bogdan Soban, Welch Lee, Narvika 
Bovcon + Ales Vaupotic, Daniel C. Howe, Malte Steiner, Kiran Subbaiah, 
Urban Velkavrh,William Duke, Espen Tversland, Marc Behrens, Paul Devens, 
James Wyness, Balasz Kovacz

Friday, December 3rd 2004
8 p.m.: Opening of the festival in the City Gallery Nova Gorica
11 p.m.: NEVEN KORDA: Letters from the Present; Mostovna Centre
               AUDIOWORX / Tomo Bozic

Saturday, December 4th 2004, City Gallery Nova Gorica
4 p.m: JUUHA HUUSKONEN / Finland: Not So Lonely Planet - lecture
5 p.m.: TUOMO TAMMENPÄÄ / Finland & TAMAS SZAKAL / Hungary: Float, a
locative sound installation for a ship - presentation
6 p.m.: BUREAU D'ETUDES / France - presentation
10 p.m.: CodeEP / Slovenia: Play VJ, Cyberia-KGS, Nova Gorica

Sunday, December 5th 2004, City Gallery Nova Gorica
4 p.m.: EWEN CHADRONNET / France: Semaphore - Euro-Nav : Civil Marine
Radar - lecture
5 p.m: JAANIS GARANCS / Latvia: To browse or be "browsed"? - lecture
6 p.m: PALL THAYER / Iceland: Embracing the abstract in locative data -

Wednesday, December 8th 2004, City Gallery Nova Gorica
6 p.m.: CRISTIANO POIAN: DAMS new.media.lab - presentation

Thursday, December 9th 2004, Mostovna, Nova Gorica
2 p.m.: Opening of the Multimedia Centre Mostovna.

Saturday, December 11th at 10 p.m, Mostovna Centre

Dunja Kukovec, Natasa Petresin

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