claudia reiche on Thu, 25 Sep 2003 14:52:19 +0200 (CEST)

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[oldboys] MARS PATENT - 5 new Transmissions!

Title: MARS PATENT - 5 new  Transmissions!
Attention, it's raining on Mars!
Don't miss it and go:
click the 'new' button...

it never happened before: High capacity, high resolution teleportation!
Within 5 minutes - 5 new projects teleported to the Mars Exhibition Site...

The first interplanetarian exhibition site on Mars

founded by Helene von Oldenburg and Claudia Reiche

announces the latest 5 teleportations to the Mars Exhibition Site (MES) for

Thursday, September 25, 2003  since 9:01 a.m. (german time)

Minority Policy by Pio Diaz
09:05 a.m.

Bulgarian Art by Iana Krachounova
09:04 a.m.

fantacy by Stephanie Dean
09:03 a.m.

Mars the warrior! by Claudia Raddatz
09:02 a.m.

Dead Sea with yellow duck by the First Phosphoria
09:01 a.m.

You are invited: send your things to the Mars Patent -

Attention, female names only!

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