Ivan Zassoursky on Wed, 21 Jun 2000 01:30:19 +0400

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Re: Syndicate: Smash the Surface / Break Open the Box / Disrupt the Cod

>Smash the Surface / Break Open the Box / Disrupt the Code
>by Eric Kluitenberg

thank you, Eric, it is a very nice piece

>Obviously the massive influx of newly connected will
>change, once again, the nature of the digital matrix. In many ways we can
>safely predict that the net of the future will be much like the television
>of yesterday, but the development is more multifaceted than simply that

no, i would not quite agree with that. imho you are overgeneralizing a bit.
my vision of the net would still be a patchwork of communities coexisting
with a centralized industry of entainment. people's hobbies and interest are
so scattered that they seem irrelevant or queer. but the difference between
old and new media is precisely that communities can live here, on micro
level. small and big ones. there creative experience in everyday activities
takes place of the art - which is increasingly marginalized as a special
sphere simply by its abundance.

>autonomous zones are relegated to the far edge of the networks

there is no far edge in the net. the net lives everywhere where the presence
of people is felt.

>create the uninterrupted network flow of interactive shopping and fun,
>interspersed with the occasional suggestion of actual information.

the abundance of the net is such, that one has to feel s/he can have anthing
s/he wants. and, at some point, might try to refine the desire/s.

>connection that the avantgardes can come into play and transform the
>meaning of the media codes.

communities do shape/redesign the media codes

>Beyond the politics of representation...

is only life as it is - the small group politics and personal politics, very

>logic of the digital network now informs all dominant aspects of society.
>This fact on the one hand marks the end of the virtual, a sphere that has
>become completely intertwined with the *real* world. At the same time,
>however, every significant social interaction can only become meaningful by
>virtue of how it is mapped in the digital domain.

not quite if you live in russia or egypt.

>Geography and technological, social and economic networks together create
>one system that becomes increasingly integrated and sophisticated. But this
>system is highly problematic because it excludes more than it allows.

this expains why it is most of the time ignored by da ptite gens

>authority of this system can only be challenged, and its structure can only
>be changed, if the seamless surface of the media-interface and its illusion
>of transparency are broken and reconstructed in a multitude of alternative

or in the alternative networks of communication - which sometimes advertise
themselvel by hacking major communication lines, hacking politics and
participating in the public spectacle.

>Saskia Sassen pointed out quite rightfully,
>speaking on the edge of Europe in Tallinn (Estonia) only weeks before the
>turn of the millenium, that the Internet is constituted by the practices
>employed in it.

ha someone proceeded with the sociology of the net - mapping out various
communication groups and measuring them against the presence of

this kind of research might elucidate something about the true nature of net
imho there is no void to look for. while the power and knowledge rearrange
communication along the lines of rational order, art is supposed to mention
what is

the real order is not in the comnetwork, but in the head. to disrupt the
and rearrange it in pleasant order please proceed throu the rite of passage



i z

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