integer on Sat, 7 Jul 2001 14:51:52 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: Syndicate: feel free to join us

>dear loverz

love =_?

>Copyleft Attitude 

love = Copyleft Attitude  +?

>: the Free Art license

Copyleft Attitude = mob akz!on = FREE++

>The intention 

d.akord ... letz kont!nue

>is to make work accessible and to authorise the use of its
>resources by the greatest number of people: 

z!mpl! del!z!ouz++ love

hav 01 look h!er lv+  _
zekz!e 00.

modern.fasc!zm+ \ akzual! kap!tal!zm [!.e. korporat fasc!zm+] \ mob akz!on = love +? 

>to use it in order to
>increase its use,
>to create newconditions for creation in order to multiply the
>possibilities of creation, while respecting 

respect - basis of imperialism. kolonialism. fascism. kapitalism. western mafia [NATO.WTO]
 dzat u ent!tl FREE = akzual! ztolen from h!er + elszuear + odr l!f 4rmz. 

par ekzampl - uhoze bod! komponentz r u uear!ng nou [4 `FREE`] +?

>the originators in according
>recognition and defending their moral rights.

>In fact, 

In fact morality is immoral.

>with the arrival of the digital age, 

nn faints. 

        "call 411" [kop!l!ftd 4rom fm konglomerat]

>feel free to join us 

kraft durch freude modern fasc!zt.

>and to send contributions to

oke - kraft durch freude modern lvr.

nn - bemuszd avec pop.z!k.all. shortkutz 2 m9nd.akt!v!t!

             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova         
I am not Greta Garbo!!!
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--

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