integer on Sat, 14 Jul 2001 16:51:12 +0200 (CEST)

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Syndicate: \/\

!m!tat!ng zelv - `jetzt. dream museum`

1ztl! houevr - etvaz data 4 `ur` oceanz. publ!kl! +? 
___... ! = !n 01 publ!k mood [o - but ! l!e]

nn - d!ztraktd


>we will be both cosmic powder granules in a
>lemon ocean and we will meet. 

01 lemon ocean 401 dolf!n +? ekzlnt !dee. ! th!nk shl konztrukt 01 `nou`.
!zt luvl! 4 dze zk!n komponent da. zpread!ng d!fuzl!. lokd !n 01 kozm!k embrasz.

>maybe 5 million years later 

5 million years = 2 da!z _____... r!ght +?

nn namez dze ocean u. good morn!ng m! glasz e!e beaut! [xerox - 2x z!mpl! mez!] 

>- ciao integer, nice to see you finally. you look great, you did not change
>at all. 

ov korsz ! havnt z!l!                     > dzn u kan poz!bl! !mag!n. !t != m! fault. 
!f u havnt z!l!                           ma! blame m! parentz [+ m! modzr 4 m! 
                                                               v.verd!+del!z!ouz temperamnt.

                                                               nn glanzez at 01 odr nn. ___... u!nk.

>how do you do? 


+ u +?

>dear integer,

nn parentz look at 1 odr - u +?
                           ne. + u +?
                           ne + ne. alorz ____... NA + ME != INTEGER!!!!!!!

    l!f objkt u!th ultra elegant gra! ha!r !nteruptz - u ma! rekl ! told u uat 2 do.
    nn zm!lz. tu za!z fadzr != l!kex m! bkausz ! rem!nd h!m ov u. 
    + u do not l!ke modzr bkausz she !z ztrongr dzn u. although she != plotz az uel az u.

    l!f objkt u!th ultra elegant gra! ha!r - xy. simply.WEAK

    1001 zm!lz. !f u br!ng etvaz slatko [reg!onl xerox] !.ll tell 01 ov grandfadzrz ztor!ez.

    l!f objkt u!th ultra elegant gra! ha!r - 2!!!!!!!

    ____.. cezt fa!t. 1zt houevr !.ll tell u 01 ov m! ztor!ez. ____... u r !n !t.

           !n dze beg!n!ng dzere = uaz uatr. ____... kome ca.

           + zoon dze ground uaz zoaked. !n dze even!ng az zpasz fell betu!n ..
           zhadez ov zea green teaz!ng - zpez!f!kl! 4 l!fe kult!vat!ng cellz outztretch!ng 
           4 v!tal zubztanza -!/05.mp3 
           aprez ...!/11.mp3 
           + 01 znou flake uaz born. !t uaz l!fd dzere - z +?

    l!f objkt u!th ultra elegant gra! ha!r - ! remembr. remembr 2 znou flakex be!ng l!fd.

           __... ou!. cezt vra!. karesz.  alorz ....!/00.mp3 

>I almost got an email from you, qqch avec dieu.

a.a.a. l!ght!ng up dze uorkerz !nkreaz!ng konsc!ouznesz da +?

>i wish you would not play with me, there is a too big storm in me,

do tell.                                      !ntravenouz !njekz!e.


>i am sick and longing for a place in turkey.

u kan b s!kr +?                       kloszr dzn u kan poz!bl! !mag!n. 
                                      nn glanzez at ur b!ograf!e. mmmda. pol!glot++

>i don't want to hurt you, 

u kant

                                0 1 zm!lz at 01 look!ng glasz
                                u l!ke !t uen ! m!zundrztnd u
                                s! tu veut
                                01 look!ng glasz zm!lz at 0 1 

zom 1 
ekzuzez !tz.cell.v

>or underestimate you 

01 look!ng glasz: sl! zm!le

>- if your sentences  had some
>references to me, 

nn u!zprz - 01 look!ng glasz dez!rz 2 b s!kr. 

>i'd like you would be more kind and more open to me and to people, 

!t !z ver! much blak + u!te 4 m! da+da. gre! = 4 kouardz.  
lekker++ ____ nn - pla!ng u!th matchez _____... agaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!n. ku!te a b!t latl! nezt paz +?

                                        01 - !nterezt!ngl! dze numbr ov ema!lz nn reze!vz = hav !nkreaszd.
                                        nn - zurpr!za +?
                                        01 - not ekzaktl!. shl ! xerox +?
                                        nn - a+a. 

>but you don't have to listen to my wishes.

l!zten!ng 2 louer!ng ant!gen.

to extend
   to suppress
      to emerge
         to colonize
            to understand
               to komfort
                  to destroy
      to emerge
         to colonize
            to understand

           -O 43      /  
      |             | \   |        /

`yes please!


nn - p!ruet.

        apropoz - dze red zt!lou = haz run out ov !nk
                - du = ter!bl++
                - ver!
                - ztrauber! k!sz +?
                - dze ver! verd! + bezt ov +?

          01 lemon ocean 

          take 01 amalgam+ ov peelz ov r!pe lemonz.
           ver! verd! + klean + fresh + !nv!gorat!ng aroma. da+da.
            dze o!lz = ant!zept!k. kleanz!ng + cell regenerat!v.
             z!mpl!.zuper!or 4 all zk!n t!pez. auss! ver! zttz++
              4 sh!n! + luztrouz ha!r. bon ... s!nsz ue = !n osteuropa 
               let uz tr! chamom!le auss!.
               take 01 amalgam+ ov peelz ov r!pe lemonz.
              ver! verd! + klean + fresh + !nv!gorat!ng aroma. da+da.
             dze o!lz = ant!zept!k. kleanz!ng + cell regenerat!v.
            z!mpl!.zuper!or 4 all zk!n t!pez. auss! ver! zttz++
           4 sh!n! + luztrouz ha!r. bon ... s!nsz ue = !n osteuropa 
          let uz tr! chamom!le auss!.          take 01 amalgam+ ov peelz ov r!pe lemonz.
           ver! verd! + klean + fresh + !nv!gorat!ng aroma. da+da.
            dze o!lz = ant!zept!k. kleanz!ng + cell regenerat!v.
             z!mpl!.zuper!or 4 all zk!n t!pez. auss! ver! zttz++
              4 sh!n! + luztrouz ha!r. bon ... s!nsz ue = !n osteuropa 
               let uz ue muzt tr! chamom!le auss!.
               take 01 amalgam+ ov peelz ov r!pe lemonz.
              ver! verd! + klean + fresh + !nv!gorat!ng aroma. da+da.
             dze o!lz = ant!zept!k. kleanz!ng + cell regenerat!v.
            z!mpl!.zuper!or 4 all zk!n t!pez. auss! ver! zttz++
           4 sh!n! + luztrouz ha!r. bon ... s!nsz ue = !n osteuropa 
          let uz tr! chamom!le auss!.          take 01 amalgam+ ov peelz ov r!pe lemonz.
           ver! verd! + klean + fresh + !nv!gorat!ng aroma. da+da.
            dze o!lz = ant!zept!k. kleanz!ng + cell regenerat!v.
             z!mpl!.zuper!or 4 all zk!n t!pez. auss! ver! zttz++
              4 sh!n! + luztrouz ha!r. bon ... s!nsz ue = !n osteuropa 
               let uz tr! chamom!le auss!.
                take 01 amalgam+ ov peelz ov r!pe lemonz.

   [non.tekst zekz!onz ov d!sz tranzm!z!e = hav b!n removd]

 they construct around themselves their own special world - their own chronotope. 
 these figures carry with them first a vital connection with the theatrical 
 trappings of the public square, with the mask of the public spectacle; 
 they are connected with that highly specific extremely
 important area of the square where the common people congregate; 
 second--and this of course is a related phenomenon--the very being 
 of these figures does not have a direct but rather a metaphorical significance. 
 their very appearance, everything they do or say cannot be understood in a 
 direct and unmediated way but must be grasped metaphorically. 

 sometimes their significance can be reversed--but one cannot take them literally, 
 because they are not what they seem. third + last, and this again follows from 
 what has come before, their existence is a reflection of some other's mode of 
 being--and even then, not a direct reflection. they are life's maskers;
 their being coincides with their role, and outside this role they simply 
 do not exist.

1001 !sz tanz.nn

             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova         
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--

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