Claudia Westermann on Sat, 25 Aug 2001 21:53:39 +0200

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I wanted to add, that anyone who feels like this could get spam somehow, 
can send the opinion to me also. I will digest the stuff and send it onto 
the list in regular sequences.
(that was a good remark, thanks ------ there are around 460 people 
subscribed -- so how many postings will I get, what do you think?)

and I add the text that always was submitted to new subscribers, so people 
could reflect that also.

greetings Claudia

 >>>> info syndicate
[Last updated on: Fri May 4 12:07:49 2001]
#The Syndicate
#The 'Syndicate' is the (slightly ironic) name
#of a network of people involved in media
#culture and media art in Europe. Established
#in January 1996 as a platform for the exchange
#of information and the fostering of ties between
#East and West European cultural practitioners,
#the Syndicate regularly organises meetings in
#different European cities and communicates,
#in between these meetings, through an internet
#mailing list. In May 2001, over 500 people from
#over 30 European and some non-European
#countries are subscribed to this mailing list,
#most of them artists, curators, organisers,
#critics, theorists. The division between East
#and West is growing less important as people
#cooperate in ever-changing constellations, in
#ad-hoc as well as long-lasting partnerships.
#The mailing list is an important channel and
#information resource for announcing and
#reporting new projects, events and develop-
#ments in media culture. A mail archive is kept
#on the WWW at
#The main meetings have so far taken place at
#half-yearly intervals in Rotterdam (Sept. 96),
#Liverpool (April 97), Kassel (July 97), Dessau
#(Nov. 97), Tirana (May 98), Skopje (Oct. 98),
#Budapest (April 99), and Helsinki (Oct. 99),
#with many smaller meetings and joint projects,
#presentations and workshops happening in
#between. Readers published on the occasion
#of the autumn meetings have collected the
#most important texts from the mailing list in
#printed form.

-----Syndicate mailinglist--------------------
Syndicate network for media culture and media art
information and archive:
to post to the Syndicate list: <>
to unsubscribe, write to <>, in
the body of the msg: unsubscribe syndicate your@email.adress