Christian Swertz via Nettime-tmp on Tue, 20 Jun 2023 11:17:01 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Direction of Travel - technical


Am 17.06.23 um 04:21 schrieb paul via Nettime-tmp:
* Ensure wherever we host, we can make use of our own domain name. Future hosting changes (which i expect will be a fact of life) will at least be transparent to subscribers,

Good idea. As far as I see the order would be: check if we can do that at And if not, choose this solution:

* take Rich's suggestion of a trusted hosting company where we're more likely to get a good-reputation sending IP, like Panix, * i'd be happy to pay the first yearly hosting fee and do initial setup of the DNS and basic software to run Mailman,

Great offer! It's not really intuitive to set these things up and expert knowledge certainly helps to keep the stack up and running. Panix charges $50 per year with 1 GB traffic. My provider charges € 28,50 per year for a mailing list, so that's pretty close and I'm not really aware of their "technical reputation". Thus I would support the suggestion.

* of course, i'd ensure the other volunteer janitors named by Christian get SSH access to the machine as soon as possible so i do not become a SPOF.

I'd be happy to act as a vacation replacement (or whatever comes along). Unfortunately, I'm usually categorized as a white male cis person (even though I'm not sure if I can meet the expectations). So I would really appreciate if other people volunteer for the job or have suggestions. And one thing I've learned is that three options are a good idea. But I assume that finding a third person on this list will not be too difficult.

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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