Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Tue, 3 Oct 2023 09:20:45 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> FWD: The Copy Far "AI" license (fwd)


This, as far as I can see, is a false symmetry.

Absolutely. Computers just do not live. But I have a question here:

To preserve that, against the Western, colonial tendency of "thingification", as Aimé Césaire put it, the extension of rights might be the next best thing to dismantling the Western notion of individual rights altogether.

You assumed an autonomy as the principle for rights. Undoubtedly necessary.  As far as I see, this is the core of a (IMHO not: "the") Western notion of individuals. In some Western notions, it is also the core for the idea of universal rights, like human rights. These rights apply to individuals. So - if you want to dismantle the Western notion of individual rights, you have to dismantle your assumption of an autonomy as well. This seems to be a contradiction. What did I miss?

Maybe I can add another question: "Autonomy" in the meaning of "ability to think rationally" is not restricted to human beings in some Western notions. Kant for example included animals and aliens. And a quick test of the principle (roughly from memory: "Act in such a way that you can want the maxim of your actions to become the general law") shows that for example flying in an airplane with a combustion engine is immoral. Same for fuel driven cars (or maybe even cars in general), plastic waste, deforestation etc. I thus do not see the necessity to extend the principle to non thinking entities. Same question here: Did I miss something?

Beside: In my opinion, it is obviously necessary to remove the concept of "privatization of gains and generalization of costs" from law, since this is immoral too. How about removing the right for companies to become legal entities for instance?

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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