Christian Swertz via nettime-l on Thu, 5 Oct 2023 19:02:35 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> FWD: The Copy Far "AI" license (fwd)

Dear Felix,

thank you very much indeed for the answer! Certainly living animals or natural things like rocks might have more properties than we know. I'm not sure if I would call this a "relational sense", since a relation relates relata. And if we assume that we do not know all properties of the relata, this must apply to both sides and the relation itself. I thus prefer to write that our knowledge is incomplete and the future is open - but these are just other words for the same idea.

Did I understand you correctly that violence in form of colonialism, sexism and the like is a quality of specific relations? In this case, to judge the quality is difficult with the term "relation" since it is the thing that should be judged - but again: no doubt that any totalitarianism like a unified truth and belief, colonialism, radical capitalism and the like must be avoided.

And it is also clear that digital technology does not carry any unknown aspect (Turing was pretty clear as far as I see).

But I'm not sure if I understood this one:

Humans are clearly not distinct from one (as John pointed out) or the other (as Gary pointed out).

If humans are not distinct from nature and culture there is no open ended relation. In contrast, humans, nature, culture and everything else must be considered as part of a wholeness. And if there is no distinction, autonomy applies to the wholeness only. I thus prefer the premise that humans are clearly not distinct AND distinct from nature and culture. And use the gaps for some autonomous decisions. Does this make sense for you

Liebe Grüße,

Christian Swertz

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