Heiko Recktenwald via nettime-l on Mon, 9 Oct 2023 03:48:25 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> silence on Palestine?

Am 08.10.23 um 17:35 schrieb Andrew Ross via nettime-l:
So why the silence?

When I looked into my mails this thread was hidden inside of another and when I saw what I saw I asked myself the same question. For me it would have been ok. Because reading twitter had made me upset. Forced solidarity with Israel. I had decided myself.

There is a triade of Clausewitz, hate, freedom and politics in war and all at the same time and I dont like the first element. Thats why I dont like the Cossacks and their unitarian state with one language of the state. I prefer Catherine II and Richelieu, a federation and two languages of the state. You cannot give the US back to the Indians. And you cannot give Israel back to the Palestinensians. I dont think the Cossacks have a iusta causa.

Hamas has a lot of good reasons for "resistance" but I dont think hunting civilians is a good idea. All very difficult. In a perfect world Hamas would sit in the Knesset and discuss problems with the other parties of Great Israel or however such a state would be called. But they may not want it and the other parties may not want it as well. So maybe the war without end will never be over.


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