Club Electroputere on Wed, 18 Apr 2012 19:11:42 +0200 (CEST) |
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[Nettime-ro] Ultima Revolutie Analogica, o Cutie a Memoriei |
* CLUB ELECTROPUTERE CRAIOVA* Centru pentru Cultura Contemporana [image: Inline image 2] KAREN MIRZA and BRAD BUTLER, *Exception and the Rule*, 2009, video 28.03 min, Courtesy: Karen Mirza and Brad Butler *for English please scroll down** Ultima Revolutie Analogica, o Cutie a Memoriei *27 Aprilie â 22 Mai 2012 Deschidere: Vineri, 27 aprilie 2012, orele 19 Curatori: Stefan Constantinescu, Xandra Popescu Artisti: Stefan Constantinescu, Peter Forgacs, Zuzanna Janin, Karen Mirza si Brad Butler, Liliana Moro, Deimantas Narkevicius, Yves Netzhammer Locatie: Club Electroputere Str. Calea Bucuresti nr. 56, Craiova* * * * Proiectul *Ultima Revolutie Analogica, o Cutie a Memoriei *reuneste artisti din Est si din Vest, reflectand asupra conceptelor de revolutie si diviziune geo-politica. Expozitia va prezenta, sub forma unei instalatii, o serie de lucrari video realizate de catre Stefan Constantinescu, Peter Forgacs, Zuzanna Janin, Karen Mirza si Brad Butler, Deimantas Narkevicius, Yves Netzhammer si o lucrare audio a artistei Liliana Moro. Daca valul de schimbari care a cuprins Nordul Africii si Orientul Mijociu este cunoscut sub numele de *Revolutia Digitala*, evenimentele din 1989 pot fi grupate sub titlul generic de *Revolutie Analogica*. Pentru revolutiile zilelor noastre, libera circulatie a informatiei functioneaza ca un catalizator al revoltei sociale. In cazul revolutiilor din 1989, televiziunea este cea care a jucat un rol esential, realizand primul contact intre doua lumi separate. Acest proiect analizeaza relatia dintre evolutia tehnologica si revolutie, iar la un nivel mai profund, ideea de diviziune prin politica zidurilor si granitelor. Prin reconsiderarea trecutului, initiatorii proiectului deschid calea pentru o dezbatere mai larga despre politica granitelor. La douazeci de ani dupa caderea Zidului Berlinului, alte ziduri si bariere raman in picioare sau sunt construite in diferite parti ale lumii. * Stefan Constantinescu* (1968) este artist vizual si cineast. In 2010 a participat la Bienala de la Bucuresti cu instalatia *Un Albastru Infinit*, realizata din pictura si fotografie. In 2009 a reprezentat Romania la Bienala de la Venetia, cu filmele *Passagen* si *Troleibuzul 92*. In 2009 a regizat impreuna cu Julio Sotto filmul *Dacia, dragostea mea*, un portret al tranzitiei Romaniei de la comunism la capitalism, prin povestea automobilului Dacia, o emblema a Romaniei Comuniste. In 2008 a realizat cartea pop up, *Epoca de Aur pentru Copii*, o carte despre istoria recenta a Romaniei. *Xandra Popescu* (1980) este dramaturg, artist video si curator. Lucrarile ei abordeaza teme precum: creativitatea anonima, auctorialitatea si intimitatea in economia cunoasterii. A studiat Stiinte Politice si Scriere Dramatica. Una dintre lucrarile sale curatoriale: *Chiar daca nimeni nu te vrea, eu te voi iubi mereu*, a fost prezentata la Venetia in Noua Galerie a Institutului Roman de CulturÄ si Cercetare Umanistica. * Peter Forgacs* (1950) este un artist media si producator de film independent din Budapesta. Este cunoscut pentru seria de filme si instalatii *Private Hungary*. Aceasta serie are la baza filme de amator realizate intre 1920-1980, care documenteaza cursul unor vieti obisnuite care urma sa fie tulburat de o extraordinara trauma istorica. A debutat international cu filmul *Familia Bartos* in 1988. Intre 2000 si 2002 Peter Forgacs a fost in rezidenta la The Getty Museum/Getty Research Institute din Los Angeles unde a realizat instalatia *Danube Exodus: Rippling Currents of the River*. In 2009 Peter Forgacs a reprezentat Ungaria la Bienala de la Venetia expunand instalatia *Col Tempo - The W. Project*. *Zuzanna Janin* (1961) realizeaza sculpturi, instalatii, video, fotografie si performance. In lucrarile sale abordeaza teme precum spatiul, memoria, timpul si tranzitia. Intre 2009 si 2010 a lucrat la o serie de instalatii video intitulata *Majka from the Movie*. Seria este compusa din episoade non-narative, ce au la baza serialul de televiziune polonez *Madness of Majka Skowron*, in care, in copilaria sa, Zuzanna Janin a interpretat personajul principal. Astfel in *Majka from the Movie*, adolescenta Majka Skowron evadeaza din serial si vagabondeaza printr-un caleidoscop de cadre din televiziune si cinema din anii '70 pana in prezent. *Karen Mirza* si *Brad Butler* lucreaza impreuna din 1997. Activitatea lor are la baza colaborarea si dialogul. Aceasta se manifesta printr-o practica diversa precum film, instalatie, fotografie, performace, publicatii si proiecte curatoriale. Activitatea lor se angajeaza in problematizarea unor concepte precum âcolaborareaâ, âparticipareaâ, ârasturnarile socialeâ si rolul traditional al artistului ca producator si cel al publicului ca receptor. Proiectul lor actual *The Museum of Non Participation*, comisionat de catre Art Angel, propune un muzeu conceptual geo-politic format din gest, imagine si bariere de limbaj. *Liliana Moro *(1961) traieste si lucreaza in Milano. In 1989, impreuna cu alti artisti, a fondat Via Lazzaro Palazzi in Milano, care s-a inchis in 1993. In 1992 a fost invitata de Jan Hoet sa participe la Documenta IX in Kassel iar in 1993 a facut parte din Open Section la Bienala de Arta de la Venetia. A participat la importante expozitii de grup printre care *Italics*, curatoriat de catre Franesco Bonami in Palazzo Grassi si *Save Venice* la Magazzini del Sale la cea de-a 53-a Bienala de la Venetia. *Deimantas Narkevicius *(1964) este artist si cineast stabilit in Vilnius. Asa cum a declarat in numeroase randuri, filmele sale sunt intr-o oarecare masura sculpturi extinse. Adeseori acestea sunt adaptate spatiului de expunere, iar din punct de vedere tematic, pleaca de la circumstante personale foarte specifice. Lucrand in formate diferite de film, insereaza de multe ori fragmente din alte medii - desen, fotografie si media. El a castigat recunoastere larga pe scena artei internationale si a reprezentat Lituania la cea de-a 49-a Bienala de Arta de la Venetia, in 2003. *Yves Netzhammer* (1970) este un artist elvetian care activeaza in Zurich. Lucreaza cu instalatii video, proiectii de diapozitive, desene si obiecte. In 2007 a reprezentat Elvetia la Bienala de la Venetia impreuna cu Christine Streuli. In 2003 si 2005 a participat la Moving Image Biennial in Geneva. Lucrarile sale fac parte din colectii precum: FRAC - Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque, FRAC - Provence-Alpes-CÃte d'Azur, Marseille sau Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum din Duisburg. *Ultima Revolutie Analogica, o Cutie a Memoriei* a fost lansat in cadrul Bienalei de Arta de la Venetia in 2011 si intinerat in Bucuresti (Make a Point) si Londra (Galerie8). -- * The Last Analog Revolution, a Memory Box** * 27 April â 22 May 2012 Opening: Friday, 27th April, 7 pm Curators: Stefan Constantinescu, Xandra Popescu Artists: Stefan Constantinescu, Peter Forgacs, Zuzanna Janin, Karen Mirza and Brad Butler, Liliana Moro, Deimantas Narkevicius, Yves Netzhammer Location: Club Electroputere Calea Bucuresti 56, Craiova (RO) Bringing together artists from former Eastern and Western Europe the project reflects on the evolving concepts ofrevolution and geo-political division. The exhibition will present, under the form of a cardboard installation a series of video works by Stefan Constantinescu, PÃter ForgÃcs, Zuzanna Janin, Karen Mirza and Brad Butler, Deimantas Narkevicius and Yves Netzhammer, and a soundwork by Liliana Moro. If the wave of changes sweeping North Africa and the Middle East have been referred to as the Digital Revolution,the events of 1989 can be grouped under the generic title of Analog Revolution. For nowadays revolutions, thefree flow of information and media technology function as catalysts of social uprising. In the case of the 1989 revolutions, it was television which played the key role, enabling that first contact between two divided worlds. The project reflects on the relationship between technological change and revolution, and on a deeper level on theidea of political divide - through walls and barriers. By reconsidering the past, the initiators of the project open the door to consider the politics of walls and borders in a wider sense. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, other walls and barriers are still standing or emerging around the world. *Stefan Constantinescu* (1968) is a visual artist and a filmmaker. In 2010 he participated in the Bucharest Biennial with the a painting and photography installation entitled An Infinite Blue. In 2009, he represented Romania at TheVenice Biennial, with the films Passagen and Troleibuzul 92. In 2009 he co-directed with Julio Soto the film My Beautiful Dacia, a portrayal of Romania`s transition from Communism to Capitalism through the story of theDacia automobile, an emblem of Communist Romania. In 2008 he conceived The Golden Age for Children, a pop-up book about Romania`s recent history. *Xandra Popescu* (1980) is an author of text, film, video and exhibition projects. Through her work she addresses themes such as anonymous creativity, authorship and privacy in the knowledge economy. She studied Political Science and Dramatic Writing. Her work includes play writing, script writing and curatorial work. Her curatorial work Even if Nobody Wants You, I will Always Love You is exhibited form June to July 2011 in the Small Gallery of the Romanian Institute for Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice. *PÃter ForgÃcs* (1950) is a media artist and independent filmmaker, based in Budapest. He is known for his Private Hungary series of award winning films and installations often based on home movies from the 1920s-1980s, which document ordinary lives that were soon to be ruptured by an extraordinary historical trauma that occurs off screen. His international debut came with The Bartos Family in 1988. Between 2000-2002 Peter ForgÃcs was artist in residence at The Getty Museum/Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, where he createdThe Danube Exodus: Rippling Currents of the River installation. His works can be found in several museums and public collections. In 2009 Peter ForgÃcs represented Hungary at the Venice Biennale, exhibiting the Col Tempo-The W. Project installation. *Zuzanna Janin* (1961) is an author of sculptures, installations, videos, photography and performance. The central themes of her work are: the idea of space, memory, time and transition. In 2009-2010 she worked on the first series of video installations Majka from the Movie composed of non-narrative episodes build on the 70`s Polish television series Madness of Majka Skowron. The main character of this television series was played by Zuzanna Janin herself as a child actor. Majka Skowron, a teenage girl escapes the mise en scÃne of the original film and vagabonds through a kaleidoscope of cinema and television frames from the 70 till present. *Karen Mirza* and *Brad Butler*'s (working together since 1997) artistic practice is based on collaboration and dialogue. This manifests itself in a multi-layered practice of film making, installation, photography, performance, publishing and curating. Their work is engaged with challenging and interrogating terms such as "participation", "collaboration", "the social turn" and the traditional roles of the artist as producer and the audience as recipient. Karen Mirza and Brad Butler's current body of work, The Museum of Non Participation, commissioned by Artangel, proposes a museum as a conceptual (geo)political construct of gesture, image and thresholds of language. Their first film made in this context The Exception and the Rule has screened in over 20 major international festivals. *Liliana Moro* (1961) lives and works in Milan. She graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera with Luciano Fabro. In 1989, along with other artists, she founded Via Lazzaro Palazzi in Milan, which closed in 1993. In 1992 she was invited by Jan Hoet to participate in Documenta IX, Kassel, and participated in the Open Section at the 1993 XLV Venice Biennale. During the 90`s she had many solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad such as: 1992 â Galleria Locus Solus, Genoa, 1993 - Migrateurs, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, ARC Paris Galleria Emi Fontana Milan. She has participated in important group exhibitions including Italics, curated by Francesco Bonami, Palazzo Grassi as well as Save Venice, Magazzini del Sale, Venice Biennale exhibition side of 53 Venice among others. *Deimantas NarkeviÄius* (1964) is an artist and filmmaker, currently based in Vilnius. His works deal with theweight of subjective memories and personal revisions of the History. As the artist has himself stated a number of times, his films are in a certain way extended sculptures, not only closely adjusted to the physical sites of their installation, but also thematically departing from very specific personal circumstances or experiences. Working in different film formats, often inserting fragments of other media â drawing, found photograph and footage into his films, Deimantas NarkeviÄius expands temporal and spatial boundaries of his narratives. He has gained wide recognition within the international art scene and represented Lithuania at the 49`th Venice Biennial in 2003. *Yves Netzhammer* (1970) is a Swiss artist who lives and works in Zurich. He has been working with video installations, slide projections, drawings and objects since 1997.In 2007 he represented the Switzerland in theVenice Biennial of 2007 together with Christine Streuli. In 2003 and 2005 he participated at the Moving Image Biennial in Geneva. His works are part of collections such as: FRAC - Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque, FRAC - Provence-Alpes-CÃte dâAzur, Marseille, Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum â Center of International Sculpture, Duisburg, Seedamm Kulturzentrum, PfÃffikon, The West Collection, Oaks, Pennsylvania. * The Last Analog Revolution, a Memory Box* was launched in the frame of the Venice Art Biennale (2011) and shown in Bucharest (Make a Point) and London (Galerie8). --
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